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 Mated to the Alpha

Mated to the Alpha



Other than the heartaches, Elleina was left confused by the cause of her father’s death. her mother’s insanity and the unforeseen mark on her arm. She now has to lead the pack with confidence and great power. And she won’t let anyone—even the numbers of male werewolves hovering to be her mate—take the title. Not until Parker Lynch bumped into her world to ask for assistance…and maybe something more. As much as she finds him attractive, Parker is consistent in messing with her inner wolf. Making their every interaction a minute of clash and intimacy.

Chapter 1 I

Elleina’s POV

Lost. Utterly and completely lost. That’s the way I’ve felt for the past couple of weeks. Usually I would’ve turned to my father for guidance, but he died about three weeks ago from a rogue werewolf attack. He had already been hurt from a previous battle without enough time to heal, so they used his weakened state as the chance to attack. My father was a strong wolf, someone everybody looked up to. His death was a surprise to all, especially me. He was the Alpha of our pack and I was his only daughter.

That wasn’t what had me feeling rocky in my own shoes, though. It was because for some odd reason, his Alpha powers had been transferred to me, instead of our Beta. A female Alpha is completely unheard of in the werewolf society. The Alpha title usually follows the chain of command if the Alpha dies without a male heir. My father’s powers should have gone to our Beta, Clayto. However, life decided to take a different turn by naming me the new Alpha of the Eternal Sapphire Pack, even though a female Alpha is nonexistent. I was supposed to be the future Luna and assume my place next to my mate’s side. He would become Alpha and Clayto would rightfully pass the title to him when that day came. That plan has obviously changed.

The mark of the Alpha had appeared on the inside of my right forearm under the full moon two weeks ago. We were outside of the pack house, in the middle of my father’s funeral. All the members of the pack and I were grieving when a burning sensation spread through my right arm. I yelped in pain, gaining the attention of everyone around me. Many jumped to their feet to see if I was okay, but were instantly shocked into silence when I pulled up my sleeve to reveal a red crescent shaped moon with a blue line that crossed through it diagonally: the notorious symbol of an Alpha. I never understood the expression ‘you could hear a pin drop’ until that moment. Their stunned silence was so deafening, that it had my ears ringing, begging for someone to say something. Clayto, thankfully, rushed to my defense and ushered me into the house, so we could make some sense of what the mark meant. We were all blindsided, since I was a girl and so young, only at the ripe age of seventeen. Unfortunately, that made me the youngest Alpha in history. Respect didn’t come easily from other packs when the Alpha is that young, plus a girl.

It took a few days for our pack to settle down, as we were all unsure of how to handle the fact that I was the new Alpha. They’ve been surprisingly supportive and accepting of the whole situation. You would think they would rebel against a female Alpha, but they were loyal to my father. They accepted me holding the title out of respect for him, even Clayto. He swore his allegiance to me stating that he would continue to be my Beta.

Word has already spread throughout the werewolf community about our abnormal situation and several male werewolves have already lined up to make me theirs. I can’t wait to find my true mate, but these males seem to believe that mating with me will automatically give them the Alpha title and power, whether I’m their true mate or not. I’m a typical seventeen-year-old girl who dreams of love and not someone who only wants my power. I want my true mate and hope to find him soon. Seventeen is when the girls are capable of finding their mate so I’m eligible for it, but it’s complicated because the wolf in me doesn’t even want to give up the Alpha title.

I sat inside my house watching Clayto train the young pups from our kitchen window. The shell of who used to be my mother sat at the table behind me. She lost herself completely when my father died and remains in her wolf state of mind, acting only on instinct, never to feel emotion. She has trouble looking at me because I resemble my father more than her. I had his messy auburn hair that stopped at my shoulders, his honey brown eyes that twinkled with life, and even his strong chin and small nose. My mother’s hair was blonde that used to shine, but has since grown dull, along with her light blue eyes.

It’s troubling to see her like this because she used to be a great Luna with a voice that could motivate our pack during troubling times. She had always been my rock since being the Alpha’s daughter wasn’t always easy.

I had always received plenty of attention, good and bad. I was doted on by pack mothers, but hated by my classmates because I was always stronger than them. I intimidated the boys, so I’ve never had a boyfriend, let alone a date. Clayto’s son, Quill, is my age and a sweetheart, but he is more like a brother than anything. He will become my Beta when he turns eighteen next year, so we could never be in a relationship anyway. Alphas and Betas don’t usually date each other. It goes against the code and rarely do they turn out to be mates.

I let out a sigh, breaking away from my thoughts, and knew it was about time to face the music. This morning, Clayto informed me that three new males had arrived to seek the opportunity to mate with me. I’m surprised it’s only three because they’ve been coming in hordes of dozens since the word started spreading.

“Elleina, it’s good to see you out the house. You’ve been keeping your guests waiting,” Clayto’s rough voice greeted me. My eyes shifted to the young boys and girls who openly stared at me with wide eyes. I should be used to it by now, but their curious gazes left me queasy with nerves. Young children shouldn’t have such scrutinizing stares. My eyes took in their dirty appearances. They had obviously been doing training in their wolf form. Dirt just seems to go all the way to our skin and stick more in our wolf form. A spark of sadness filled me when I remembered that some were orphans whose parents were killed during an attack. I can relate to how they feel.

Shaking off the gawking kids and my depressing thoughts, I turned to Clayto and smirked. “I was hoping you would have gotten rid of them for me.”

“I hate to disappoint you, but they’re waiting, rather impatiently, in the living room of the pack house. How’s Minerva?” His expression faltered when he said my mother’s name. He still isn’t over the passing of my father either.

“She has fully given into her wolf instincts and just stares at the wall. She is also losing weight because the only way she will eat it is if I place raw meat in front of her face. I haven’t heard her speak since the funeral.” I kept my voice even to prevent Clayto from knowing how much my mother’s emotional state is affecting me.

“I see.” Clayto looked away, unable to hold my eyes any longer. “I can shoo the three guys if you really want me to.”

I shrugged my shoulders, but realized he wasn’t looking at me, so I said, “I would love for you to do that, but I guess I should suck it up or else they’re just going to come back. Clayto?” He brought his eyes to me, hearing the uncertainty in my voice. “As my Beta, I want the absolute truth. Do you think I should mate with someone soon and restore the balance of having a male Alpha?”

Clayto sighed and approached me, placing both hands on my shoulders. I was keenly aware that the pups were listening, but I wasn’t too bothered by it. “I believe that you should do whatever feels right. You were chosen to be the Alpha because you have the power to be one. It’s in your blood. I think you’ve been doing fine these past couple of weeks without a man at your side. You’ve kept your head held high and have dealt with any issues professionally. Just keep that head up and your pack will follow you no matter what you decide, as will I.”

“Thanks, I know we would all be better off without these idiots who think they can just show up out of the blue and claim me. Besides, I don’t want to just give up my Alpha title. It doesn’t feel right. I feel like an Alpha, not a Luna.”

“Well, you go tell them that, tiger.”

“I’m not sure if I should be offended or not considering you just referred to me as part of the cat family.”

“I meant no offense. Now, get in there and tell them how you feel!” He grinned with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“I have no idea what’s gotten into you, but you’re starting to scare me, so I’m going to just go. Besides, one of them could be my mate!” I shook my head at him while grinning and made my way to the pack house. As I walked away, I heard Clayto instruct the pups to shift to their wolf form. They had to be taught at a young age how to control their wolf instincts or else they will lose themselves and become a rogue wolf when they grow up. Rogues are those who kill others and run without packs. Most of the time it’s because they’ve lost control of their wolf. I shivered at the thought of meeting one. I haven’t yet, but I’m told their eyes are a deep purple that lure you in.

Standing in front of the pack house, I realized that the chipping of the white paint was getting worse. It was about time to get the guys to work on a new coat for the weathered wood. I mentally put that on my to-do list and walked through the black wooden door. Several familiar faces greeted me, and I singled out the three men awkwardly sitting on the couch. Two looked to be in their late thirties and both sported brown hair. The other had to be in his early twenties and was very cute with blond hair and brown eyes. I’m guessing he was the reason Clayto was acting weird. Probably thought this guy's looks could sway me since he’s the youngest male to show up so far. They stood as soon as they saw me, but I stopped them before they could say anything. “You each get one minute to impress me. I’m giving you that long because I want to find my mate, not mate with someone random.”

“One minute isn’t long enough to get to know us,” the cutie frowned. Disappointment filled my chest at his inability to follow a simple command. One minute actually is enough time because you’re supposed to recognize your mate immediately. “Okay, you’re not worth my time, so, next,” I stated, dismissing him, not wanting to waste my time on idiots. Besides, I didn’t feel a pull towards him.

“Hold up,” he took a step closer to me. “Who do you think you are disregarding me just like that? Do you know who I am?”

I growled, “I couldn’t care less. To me, you are just some idiot who thinks he can steal my Alpha title.”

“It shouldn’t belong to you in the first place,” he gave me a condescending look.

“I think you’ve overstayed your welcome. I suggest you take your leave,” another growl escaped my lips. This one was more threatening and I heard a few more come from my pack mates who were hidden in the shadows in case anything went awry.

“Sorry, but it’s not in my nature to be submissive to a female. You’re going to have to try harder than that.” He was really arrogant and it was obvious that the two older guys would rather be anywhere else at that moment by the way they shrunk back.

My body instinctively tensed up, preparing for a challenge.

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