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She Choose To Conquer

She Choose To Conquer



She Choose to Conquer after all what she went through because of no other people but the D-VAS and after much plans, she got weakened by one thing. What's that??

Chapter 1 Back to her home town


Iris read the word on the signboard the huge one standing between the road lane anf that of another road lane. And at that point, she felt somehow and just couldnt explain the feelinga she had at that point.

Yes she was back to SALVACION and not just back but have returned for just one things and not just one thing but all in one and that alone is what she described at VENGEANCE.

The trains railed on it railway and Iris felt pleased with every sight of things she kept seeing. Truly SALVACION had changed for good, the old houses and cottages she do see back in those days have been rebuilt to a duplex or and estate rather.

What's could be the source of all of this?

She sigh as she adjusted in her seat then glanced at her old nanny Pamela who was fast asleep so as other passengers as well.

She tried joining them but just couldnt. She wondered why cause this was a long journey and she felt really tired and needed to rest her head. But suddenly she felt sleepy and quickly bent her


"Wake up! Wake up! Iris,"

She felt a light tap on her shoulders and slowly opened her eyes before raising her head up. She glanced around and could see some of the passenger going down and she glanced at nanny Pamela.

"Let's be going," she said and Iris quickly joined her down

Welcome to SALVACION!

Her mind read out for her and she smiled widely not exposing her lovely teeth.

She stood for nearly thirty minute as she kept admiring the place. She believes it could be the work of those people. Yeah, those people.

Pamela boarded a Taxi and they hooked in as they set off to her friends place

She got a job here in SALVACION and had only wanted to come here alone but iris insisted on coming with her even tho she had tried to look at where she was pointing out but Iris as well also made sure she never reads her own thinking as she desperately wished to come back to her home town.

Soon they arrived at Loretta's place and Iris fell in love with the area and the buildings as well. While they got inside as been ushered by Loretta, she took time in checking things in the house and just one thing alone made her understand something.

Loretta lived in a house built and owned by the Montenegro and that alone made her felt so uncomfortable but she just had to hide it cause she just isn't want nanny Pamela to start giving her some blames of coming along with her.

She still had her own plans..

"Hello ma'am," she heard and turned to see and turned to see a pretty young maid who stood with a wonderful smile.

"Come and let me show you to your room," she said and Iris nodded then trailed behind her. All he sight were on the walls of the building, the just climbed the short stairs to the other rooms upstairs and finally they got to the room

It was a large and fancy one decorated with pinkish toddles and also everything's was just made pink.

Iris loved it and smiled at what she kept seeing probably admiring the things here.

"Here is your room ma'am," the maid called her attention again and Iris looked at her.

"Thanks," she replied.

The maids did some intro of some part in the room actually the bathroom the closet the things around and how she was gonna use them.

Iris felt satisfied with everything in the room and soon, the maid was out, she glanced around once more and more before landung hard on the bed.

While she faced the ceiling, she began thinking and remembering the past, all that transpired seventeen years ago between her family and the Montenegro family. Those wicked soul that made life hell for her and her mother as well. She could clearly remember that horrible night when her mom was raped and killed by the assassin and how here dad was shot dead before her. All this were the work of the Montenege and now she is back to take back and to conquer cause she already learnt few of her dad's property exist here in SALVACION .

She began arranging her stuff and putting them in the wardrobe then after that, she had a warm bath in the shower before getting on her purple nightie, showing off her well shaped and built body. She stepped out only to meet Pamela and Loretta in a deep and funny discussion cause they kept laughing as the gist. She only picked a novel and sat on the couch to read. She stared at the title of the novel"GETTING OFF YOUR BACK SORROWS WITH JUST ONE DETERMINATION "

Iris smiled after checking out the title before opening to the first page, VENGEANCE was body written and she smiled in appreciation cause these book was fully meant for her, those were her believe at that point.

She began reading all about Vengeance and she went far in believing that Revenge could be her motor in life, yes, she could just believe something like that and right now she made up one determination, just one determination

"Iris dinner is ready," Pamela voice made her turned and she sigh before dropping the book and standing up to go joined them, she taught about making her intentions known to Pamela but she brush it off cause she might not want her to.

"So how do you see this place?" Loretta ask as they already started eating.

"It's nice and far more different than how it was,

she replied and the two women smiled.

"That's good, and tomorrow why don't we go round and check things out?" Pamela suggested.

"Yeah that's a nice one, and i will so much wish to visit my parents house," she said, making Pamela look at her twice.

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