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The Demon's Mate: Wrath's Delight

The Demon's Mate: Wrath's Delight

Ashe Alberts


After Olivia lost all that she has from the ill-willed people around her, she felt betrayed and lost her faith in everything. She wanted revenge, so she prayed to the gods of the underworld to help her using an incantation she found in the attic of her childhood home. But what she got is not what she asked for. Instead of getting the revenge she wanted, what came to her is a devilishly handsome man named Azazel, who claims to be a Demon Prince. The man promised that he will help her with the vengeance she wanted to happen, but in return, she has to bear him a child. Desperate, vengeful, and filled with anguish, Olivia agrees to the deal, sealing her destiny as the demon's mate.

Chapter 1 The Beginning

Olivia sat quietly at the back of the chapel, her eyes fixed on the wooden casket in front of her. Her grandmother, the only family she had left, lay motionless inside. The funeral service had just begun, but Olivia had already grown weary of the sympathetic glances and whispered condolences from those around her.

Olivia remembered the happy times she spent with her grandmother, the times when she would tell her stories of angels and demons. She would describe how some angels would come down from the heavens to guide and protect mortals, while others would be cast out for their pride and arrogance, becoming demons.

One of her grandmother's favorite stories was about a demon prince who had fallen in love with a mortal woman. The prince had promised to help the woman exact her revenge on those who had wronged her, but in return, she had to bear his child. Olivia used to listen to this story with rapt attention, never realizing how much it would resonate with her own life.

As she walked through the funeral home, the voices of the people who had taken everything from her echoed in her mind.

"Did you hear she has nothing left? Poor thing, her grandmother didn't leave her anything."

"I heard she's been struggling to make ends meet. I guess she couldn't handle the responsibility of running the family business."

Olivia gritted her teeth, her fists clenching at her sides. How dare they speak of her like that? She knew the truth, and she would not let them get away with their lies.

The small chapel was filled with people, most of whom Olivia barely knew. They were distant relatives, long-lost friends of her grandmother, and acquaintances who had come to pay their respects. But as she looked around, Olivia couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal.

The people who sat beside her were the ones who had taken everything from her. They had seized her inheritance, her family's properties, and even her grandmother's prized possessions. They had done it all with a smile, claiming that it was what her grandmother had wanted. But Olivia knew the truth. Her grandmother would never have left her with nothing.

As the service went on, Olivia tried her best to suppress her emotions. She knew that showing weakness in front of these people would only make things worse. But their snickers and whispers cut deep, and she could feel the anger building up inside of her.

As the priest recited the final prayer, Olivia rose from her seat and made her way to the casket. She placed a single white rose on top, her tears falling freely down her cheeks. She whispered a prayer of her own, promising to make things right and to honor her grandmother's memory.

But as she turned to leave, she was met with a wall of judgmental stares. The people around her looked down upon her, as if she was an outsider in her own family. It was then that Olivia made a decision. She would not let these people take everything from her. She would fight for what was rightfully hers.

As she walked out of the chapel, Olivia could feel the weight of the world on her shoulders. But she was determined to rise above it all. She would make her grandmother proud, and she would show these people that she was not to be underestimated. Her journey had just begun, and she was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Olivia stepped out of the chapel, she was greeted by the cold, biting wind. The tears on her cheeks had turned into tiny icicles, but she did not mind. She welcomed the feeling, for it matched the bitterness in her heart.

She stood there for a moment, taking in the icy landscape before her. The trees were bare, their branches reaching up to the gray sky like skeletal fingers. The ground was covered in a thick layer of snow, the only sounds coming from the crunching of her boots as she walked.

Olivia's thoughts turned to her aunts and uncles, the ones who had taken everything from her. They had always looked down on her, treating her like she was nothing. But now, with her grandmother gone, Olivia knew that she had to fight back.

She thought of the demon prince from her grandmother's story, and how he had promised to help the mortal woman exact her revenge. Olivia felt a surge of power within her, the kind of power that comes from knowing that you are in the right.

Olivia made her way down the deserted street, her mind racing with plans and ideas. She knew that it would not be easy, but she was determined to get back what was rightfully hers.

As she turned the corner, she saw a group of her aunts and uncles standing outside her grandmother's old house. They were laughing and joking, as if they didn't have a care in the world.

Olivia felt a surge of anger within her, and she strode over to them, her head held high. They looked at her with surprise, their laughter dying down as they saw the determination in her eyes.

"I want to talk to you," Olivia said, her voice steady and strong.

Her aunts and uncles looked at each other, their expressions turning to ones of amusement.

"What could you possibly want to talk to us about?" one of them sneered.

Olivia took a deep breath, feeling a sense of calm wash over her. She knew that she was in the right, and she would not let them bully her anymore.

"I want what is rightfully mine," she said, her voice unwavering.

Her aunts and uncles laughed, as if it was the funniest thing they had ever heard.

"Your grandmother left everything to us," another one said. "You were left with nothing."

Olivia felt a surge of anger rise within her. She had heard this before, and she knew it was a lie.

"I know the truth," she said. "My grandmother would never have left me with nothing. You stole from me, and I want it back."

The aunts and uncles looked at each other, their faces turning serious.

"You have no proof," one of them said.

"I have the truth," Olivia said. "And I will fight for what is rightfully mine."

With that, Olivia turned on her heel and walked away, her head held high. She knew that it would not be easy, but she was determined to get back what was rightfully hers. Her journey had just begun, and she was ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

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