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Esper of the Moon

Esper of the Moon

Lady Lost


Yue Guang is a girl with a mysterious background and heaven-defying talent. Despite being looked down by everyone on the island, Gu Ai Li, a normal looking boy that is mischievous and sometimes, cold and ruthless has fallen in love with his childhood friend. Watch the power couple grew, fight side by side and enjoy a set of fantasy and actions on their life.

Chapter 1 Silver-Eyed Woman

In the Viva Continent, countless esper masters were born. Esper are humans who had awakened their Esper Spirit and possesses Esper energy to continue cultivating. And some humans cultivated to the extreme are called Titled Esper and people who had the strength of a Titled Esper are known being the strongest human in the history.


That was the profession of Esper were also known as the noblest profession throughout the continent and being an Esper can bring great honor to any household.

Every person would awaken their Esper Spirit at the age of six, and people who've Esper spirits with spirit power can become an Esper. Every Esper can be granted a title each time a person advances to another stage and the strongest human were known to Viva Continent are called Title Esper, every time an Esper hit a bottleneck in their cultivation; they will hunt and kill Esper beasts to get a Halo and their strength will improve by leaps and bounds; continue cultivating to the very peak of each stage and hunt Esper beasts and get halos; these continue for generation to generations until now.

Across the deep blue ocean. There is a hazy mist that outstretches to the sky. Where even the sunlight can barely penetrate and even entering it. You can't even see a thing and for somehow, the mist possesses some mystic force, you can easily get lost in the thick hazy mist. And the hazy mist can actually disable a person's Esper energy. Without knowing the right path, one could easily get lost forever!

Across the hazy mist that hid a gorgeous big island. The islands were covered in lush green plant that covered the ground and were full of vitality and vigor. Although it is not as large as the Viva Continent but, nevertheless, the island was still large.

Under the hazy mist, the island looks like a fairyland, with a hint of mystery and holiness. It was as if the island were protected by some special powers, the mist can never penetrate to the island, even if it is just an inch of the island, the mist avoids touching it. Even just a corner of it; it avoided it like a plague. The mist that one could get lost forever was even afraid to come close to the island, just how terrifying is the island can be?

The island is called; Moon God Island. Legend has it that the islands were built especially to worship the Moon God, who had been protecting them from harm. However, this is just a legend, no one could testify it to be true.

At the heart of the island, an awe-inspiring tall majestic ancient-looking temple that span for almost a kilometer wide were located. The temple was huge, but the island was much larger than the temple making it look miniscule, but looking at it up close, the Temple still looks impressive.

This is the Moon God Temple, the holy land in the Moon God Island. Since ancient times, the temple has already existed along with the island, no one could really tell how long the Temple exist or who built it. Moon God Temple is one of the major forces on the island, but it is the most mysterious forces and who also currently dominate the whole island.

The residence looks grand as frequent energy fluctuations occasionally emit from every corner, making cultivating twice the result with half an effort, the Moon God Temple is definitely the Holy Land for Esper. That was why, countless Esper dreamed of entering it but Moon God Temple only accept some small scale of number of Esper but, nevertheless, many young talents fought for a place.

But entering the Temple is never an easy thing, and only the elite among the elites can enter it. Every temple disciples who enter the Moon God Temple will be given a special identity badge with stars written in it.

The stars ingrained on it corresponds to strength an Esper has. The more star marks on a badge, the greater the strength it corresponds.

A tall and slim silhouette suddenly emerged from the very top of the Temple's summit. Looking at the silhouette a little closer, and you could see a woman in her early forties. But what you can see that she still look like a thirty-year-old woman with her long silky black hair silently flutter along with the chilly breeze. As her silvery eyes looked at the starry sky with sorrow. Her flawless pearly white hands held a white clothes that were much smaller than her perfect sculpted body, she looked at it and her silvery eyes reddened and moistened.


Her clear soft voice sounded out as those words escape from her rosy lips, the light of the moon lighted up her face, and you could see her perfect features; perfectly shaped face, her thin and straight nose, her rosy lips, her pearly white skin and her silvery eyes that were so clear that it would reflect the whole world but right now, those pretty eyes felt like crying.

“My child, why did you have to leave me?” Her clear voice trembles as clear droplets drop from her eyes. It was such a heartbreaking scene to see such a thing, to see a goddess to cry; it was really heartbreaking.

She could clearly remember her daughter's bell-like laughter and heartwarming smile. Making her heart ached terribly. It has been years since her daughter died because of hunting Esper beasts searching for a new halo. Her daughter was powerful and almost no Esper beasts can threaten her unless it is a Sacred Esper Beasts would make its appearance. But, her daughter was still killed and only her daughter's pair of torn badges were found along with some blood stained clothes were left behind.

Due to the Temple's vicious rules, she can't simply accompany her daughter and help her to get her Halo. With her current strength, there is almost non-existent Esper beasts that can threaten her life so accompanying her daughter to get a Halo should be as easy as lifting a finger but, powerful as she is; she is still can't shake the rules. Her daughter must hunt Esper beasts alone and without external help; whoever violate it must be crippled and be kicked out from the world of Esper, it was an extremely vicious punishments and no one wanted to violate it, not even her; nobody had the guts to do it…

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