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Become a Young Lady

Become a Young Lady



Yesterday, Elena was still a victim of bullying at work. But overnight, Elena's attitude changed completely. The beautiful girl dared to beat up a crazy visitor who accused her of being a mistress. Elena, the girl who usually apologizes right away, surprised everyone by showing the middle finger to a wealthy businessman. Now Elena dares to fight anyone who has bad intentions toward her. Including a middle-aged man who suddenly arrives and claims to be Elena's father. "Don't deceive me, Uncle. I am an orphan!" Elena said while putting on a sullen face. "But I am your father." Elena snorted.Ā  She tossed her hair while saying, "I don't believe it!" "Yesterday there were also two young men who came claiming to be my brothers, but instead they broke the door of the house and broke the flower vase that I just bought." The middle-aged man who was mistaken for a fraud, couldn't utter a single word.

Chapter 1 Hard Days

"Hurry! Hurry! Customers don't want to wait long for our food!"

The scream of the head chef making a circular motion on the foam plate Elena was holding stopped. The girl with bangs that barely covered her eyebrows glanced at the restaurant's chefs, who looked calm under the pressure from the head chef.

"What are you doing? Quickly wash the dishes!" Ammy's rebuke made the plate in Elena's hand almost slide to the floor.

Luckily, the plate didn't break, and Elena felt relieved.

"Yes," Elena squeaked again, rubbing the sponge on the plate. Her eyes glanced at the pile of dirty plates and glasses that Ammy had just delivered.

"Too much. When will this be over?" complained Elena. She sighed tiredly.

Elena used to apply for a job as a chef, but after the arrival of Ammy, who is said to be the niece of the restaurant owner, Elena replaced her position as a chef and turned into a dishwasher.

"Don't just answer, do your job properly! Watch out for broken plates!" cried Ammy, looking at Elena sharply.

Not wanting to be scolded again, Elena lowered her head and returned to struggling in the sink. Washing dirty cutlery will take a long time. So Elena has to keep her spirits up. It took almost two hours to wash all the dirty equipment.

Elena glanced at the clock on the wall above the door. She stretched as she walked to the locker room.

Exhausting day. All the workers had gone home because the restaurant had been closed for an hour. No one was still there except for Ammy and the restaurant owner. Actually, Elena was a little doubtful about the uncle-nephew relationship. The reason is that they are too close and intimate, like lovers, when there is no one around.

I don't know, is bad luck or if Elena is just unlucky. At this time, Elena accidentally caught Ammy sitting on Boss Henry's lap and kissing him hotly. The scene was seen from the office door, which was not closed tightly.

Elena's eyes widened in surprise. She froze as she noticed Henry caressing Ammy's body with erratic hands. Elena came to the immediate conclusion that Ammy and her partner were more seductive than her uncle and nephew.

Elena rolled her eyes and said, "Jeez," turning her head away. She made an effort to act unconcerned and uninvolved. With her heart racing from fear, she made the decision to depart silently.

Unfortunately, Elena was unaware of the trash can that was close to her feet. The trash can made a noise as it rolled.

Boss Henry exclaimed loudly, "Who's that?"

Elena remained speechless and in shock. She could hear groans from where she was standing. After a few period, Elena finally recovered from her astonishment and prepared to go. Elena's hair was unfortunately pulled back tightly by Ammy.

In Ammy's hands, Elena wailed, "Ow, aw, that hurts," as she struggled to knot her hair.

Ammy said, "What are you doing here?!" in a furious and alarmed manner. She doesn't want the restaurant owner to find out about their secret relationship.

Ammy makes the irrational accusation, "You want to steal, huh?" She was well aware that Elena, the frail woman, had just done her work.

Ammy, however, decided to make the dishwasher girl suffer since she was afraid Elena would see what she was doing in Henry's study.

"Oh, that hurts!" Elena cried out while fighting back tears, "Please let go."

Ammy's assault left her feeling like her scalp was being brutally torn off.

Ammy's hold on Elena's hair became more firm.

The middle-aged man with the pot belly, who was none other than Henry, appeared unconcerned and unimpressed with the situation. His steamy activities being interrupted bothered him a little, but as he saw who the bully was, Henry could only touch his chin and give him a lewd expression. He was still after Elena. Henry grinned lewdly.

"What? You don't have a mouth? What are your plans for the area outside of Boss Henry's office?" Ammy swung her arms violently towards Elena's head, asking.

"When asked, If answered, you fool!"

"Argh! I was just passing by on my way to the locker room, so please let go." Elena sobbed, pleading for forgiveness, "I accidentally kicked a trash can because I didn't see it."

Ammy chirped. "There is a cause!" She sobbed vehemently. She repeatedly shoved Elena's head against the wall while being rather abrasive.

Elena's head was obviously severely damaged and was heavily bleeding. The girl's head hurt, and she grimaced in pain. Ammy, regrettably, did not stop there. She was a woman who occasionally released tension by slapping Elena's palms.

Ammy had disliked Elena ever since she had first met her. Ammy fell behind Elena when she accepted a job at Henry's restaurant, thus the explanation seems absurd. Unfortunately, Ammy had to swallow her pride in front of Henry in order to take the job of chef. Ammy's animosity towards Elena was inspired by this.

Ammy always wanted to make Elena miserable when she saw her. Henry laughed as he observed his mistress' actions.

"Ammy, cease!" Henry, who was a little miffed over the mess Ammy had made, said, "Don't fill my diner with blood!"

Henry fears Elena may pass away in the restaurant. This will have a negative effect and may even bring bad luck to the location of his place of employment. Henry obviously didn't want any of that to occur. Additionally, he hasn't had the chance to steal Elena's tempting body for himself. How could Henry have allowed Elena to die that way?

"Right away, send Elena to clean up the blood!" Henry walked into his study, disregarding Ammy's protests, and said, "Make sure she doesn't complain anywhere!"

"Ah, but..." Ammy grumbled. She gave Elena a deathly stare, as if his sight might kill.

"God forbid! You certainly cause problems." Ammy complained once again while repeatedly slapping Elena in the face.

Elena pleaded in a hushed voice, "Please stop," unable to tolerate Ammy's abuse.

Elena was dragged up by Ammy, who was pleased to see her defenseless, and then shooed her away violently.

Say "Die, you bitch!" Ammy swore before slamming the door.

The girl, who was still dressed in white, covered her mouth and began to sob after a short while. Elena was accustomed to incidents like these, but Ammy had gone too far this time.

"Oh, my God." Elena found the strength to walk home while suffering through the pain and sobbing. The commute from home to work is fairly far. To conserve money, she is unable to use public transit. So she coerced him to keep going for another roughly six kilometers.

"What went wrong with Ammy, you ask? Why does she treat me so badly all the time?" She dries her tears, Elena. In contrast to dissipating, his face was still clearly crimson red.

Elena said, crying once more, "I also unintentionally saw him with Boss Henry." In front of the bakery, she came to a stop.

Elena cleaned her face after turning on the tap that was located close to the bakery's door. The sink's water immediately turned red.

"Oh my God, why won't the bleeding stop?"

In fear, Elena bit her lips. To apply pressure to the cut, she sought for a handkerchief that was always in her pocket.

Elena had a difficult day today. She only wanted to rest at the house his mother had left for her. But it appears that God still wants to put Her servant to the test by throwing down a significant amount of rain.

Elena had no choice but to seek safety at a bus station. She gave him a hug. Elena's thin body shook with the chill caused by the rain and wind. Her face gradually became paler. Her lips were squeezed closely together and began to turn blue-purple. Along with the sound of rain, one could faintly hear even chattering.

Elena was unable to stand. She decides to sit with her legs bent. She shouldn't have forced herself to walk earlier; instead, she should occasionally take a taxi when she is in this state. Elena's heart grew heavy with regret.

Even after many minutes, the rain did not stop. Elena wasn't sure if any cars were still using that road since it was past midnight. The quickest route to Elena's house was the one she chose. But after nine o'clock in the evening, there are hardly any automobiles on the road.

Elena murmured, "Ah, cold," while shaking hysterically. Elena's eyes began to grow heavy and she felt disoriented in addition to being cold.

Elena whispered one last time, "God..." and then, when her body gave way at the damp stop, she finally closed her eyes.

Only God was aware that Elena had passed away that evening, leaving her body on the chilly floor and in the rain.


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