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No Apologies.

Amidst the timeless allure of recklessness, a renowned Don Juan within his circle willingly embraces the challenge he sets for himself, fueled by wounded pride, to conquer the girl famously labeled as the university rebel. Unbeknownst to him, this audacious pursuit is destined to deliver a jarring blow. Our protagonist, a consummate seducer, has always lived by the motto of pursuing love as a game, seeking instant gratification without concern for the shattered hearts he leaves in his wake. His ego and reputation intertwine in a perilous dance, driving him to seek increasingly audacious conquests and challenges.

Chapter 1 Balls.

I swear to God that you will pay for this humiliation, you damn bitch.


It was noon, and she was heading to Golden Gate University, one of the best universities in San Francisco that only a few could enter. She walked with several of her friends while her best friend Jisoo, with her high-pitched voice, cheerfully told them about her weekend at a friend's house with her parents. They all laughed at some anecdotes that the brunette shared about that weekend when, just before stepping into the university, she bumped into someone, causing some of her heavy books to fall to the ground. She was seconds away from uttering an obscenity, but upon seeing who it was, she realized that an insult wouldn't be enough.

"Sorry, I didn't see you coming," he said in a tone dripping with sarcasm as she watched the pages fly out from between the books. "Hello, Katherina," he greeted, flashing that trademark smile that had the opposite effect on everyone else.

Have you ever had the experience where someone's voice sounds to you like the most unpleasant, repulsive, and undesired sound in the world? Well, something like that happens to Katherina, who got lost for several minutes in the man's voice, idealizing a thousand ways to break that face that all the girls except her consider angelic. She looked at him directly in the eyes in the worst possible way, while Stefany, another friend of hers, and Jisoo kindly picked up the fallen papers.

"Hi, Tom," said Jisoo, the dark-eyed girl, gruffly as she gathered the papers. "I thought you'd skip classes like you've done the whole damn week." Her tone was sarcastic and cynical; I must add that she can't stand Mikaelson. She thinks he believes he's the ultimate and he's not. That much was clear to her.


23 years old, from the outskirts of London. A guy some envy and others simply wish to see six feet under, including Jisoo, Stefany, Belinda, and Katherina herself. For the rest, he was the funny, egocentric, attractive guy that every woman wanted to have by her side... Well, idolized by half the university, not to mention that some female professors were probably equally smitten, maybe even looking for a way to get him expelled.

For the dark-skinned girl with a tough appearance and a strong temper, he was and would always be that damn idiot who thought he was a god. Or as Belinda - another friend of the brunette - described him: "the super fucking player of the university who thinks he has all the girls at his feet." She couldn't stand him, and she had every justification for it.

She hated even looking at his face, a face that all the girls in her class described over and over again without fail. His wavy hair that sometimes varied in color, but at this moment, it was black-brown; his beautiful brown eyes with hints of hazel that, according to them, made them melt.

A couple of idiots, she would say when she saw them in that illogical hypnotic state over a guy who wasn't all that. Belinda noticed how Katherina clenched her jaw, knowing perfectly well that her best friend was seconds away from pouncing on Tom...

"You're a..." the brunette began, and Belinda interrupted her. "Move aside," she said, practically pushing him, causing him to collide with one of the boys in the hallway. "You idiot, do you have your eyes in your ass or what?"

"I suppose, do you see them?" He turned around, and his backside faced Katherina, who had crouched down to finish picking up her books.

"Very funny," she said with a smile that her friends took as wicked. "No, on second thought, they're not there."

"So?" He crossed his arms, facing her again, pretending to care about all this. He had that smug look on his face that only made the brunette angrier.

"Katherina..." Jisoo called her softly. "Don't pay attention to him, it's not the first time."

Of course, it wasn't. Every time, at the same hour, he made her drop whatever she was holding, from her morning coffee to her art projects. Each time, she would insult him, deliver a powerful blow, and end up walking away while Tom remained unaffected and found it amusing. Katherina smiled without showing her teeth and spoke:

"Do you really want to know where they are?" She asked in a flirtatious tone, getting closer to Tom more than necessary. Her friends exchanged confused looks at her behavior. "Right here, you piece of idiot." Without hesitation, the brunette's knee delivered a harsh blow to the dark-haired guy's groin, causing him to let out a painful groan and fall to his knees. No one expected that, especially not Tom himself. "Mess with me again, and I swear on your disgusting face that next time, your balls will be hanging from the school's Christmas tree," she whispered close to his right ear, before giving him another punch and resuming her walk.

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