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Bonded with my ex

Bonded with my ex



Trope #1 "It is over between us Joe! I am done!" Emily fired at Joe heavily. Joe couldn't believe his eyes, "you mean you called me here to tell me it is over?" He asked in disbelief. His heart shattered into pieces at an instant. "Don't you get it? You are just too broke. I can't be with a person like you! No… not any more," she emptied with disgust rustling out of her voice. ………………………………………………. Joe Wolford has lived all his life trying to please his girlfriend, but his girlfriend is nauseated about his status. She broke up with him and became his Ex. Joe Wolford couldn't hold together his shattered heart, the hurt he felt led him to find out about his innate power; Joe is a seer. One day Joe saw a vision to his Ex that she is going to die on her birthday. He had to meet his Ex and tell her about the vision, but she wasn't moved by his words. Instead, she invited him to her birthday for him to witness what would become of his vision. Joe, on a mission to prove himself went to his Ex birthday party, unfortunately, Joe's vision didn't come to fulfillment. He was mocked that very day that he lost confidence in himself and his innate ability. "What happened?" "Why didn't his vision come to pass?" "What would Joe do?" "Will he be able to confront his Ex ever again?" Find out in this captivating romance novel.

Chapter 1 Episode 1

Chapter one

Expensive bulbs illuminated the restaurant since it was late at night. So many people had come there to eat and relax themselves from the stress of the day.

"It is over between us Joe! I am done!" Emily fired at Joe heavily.

Joe couldn't believe his eyes, "you mean you called me here to tell me it is over?" He asked in disbelief. His heart shattered into pieces at an instant.

"Don't you get it? You are just too broke. I can't be with a person like you! No… not any more," she emptied with disgust rustling out of her voice.

The people in the restaurant could feel how disgusted Joe was, merely hearing Emily's voice. The people's attention was fixed on them, since they wouldn't stop their dramatic display.

Joe couldn't say another word, he felt hopeless and empty within him.

"I am sorry Joe! It is all over now," she said and was about walking off him. Joe couldn't control himself, he held one of her hands immediately.

Emily paused her step, she looked behind her. Joe was looking at her hopefully, "please.. just a chance," he pleaded with a saggy face.

"What is smelling around here?" Luther asked, because he could perceive some disgustful smell rustling around the area.

"That's my boyfriend you wench! Leave me alone," she fired at Joe heavily. Joe couldn't let go of her hands, his eyes laced up with tears and he hoped Emily would just give him a chance to prove how worthy he can be.

Luther recognised his girlfriend's voice, his eye immediately got fixed on Joe. He walked angrily towards them and finally he was there, "leave her alone!" He lashed, parting them with his hand.

Joe doesn't want to let go, the more Luther tries to part his hand, the more he tries reaching for her.

"Gosh! You stink man. Didn't you take your bath before coming here!" Luther said disgustingly and had to spit on the floor.

"No wonder this place reeks with a rusty smell," a voice said amongst the people in the restaurant.

"Let's get out of here babe, before this mad man hangs himself over you," Luther emptied, dragging her off the restaurant gently. Emily followed him with ease.

Joe couldn't leave the position he stood. He kept wondering, 'how did all this happen so fast?' he asked himself but couldn't get an answer.

"What are you still doing there man! I can't chew my burger because of your presence. Get the fuck outta here!" a man spued at him angrily in a very disrespectful manner.

Joe seemed to be lost in thought, he stood still just like a statue. Everything the people were saying just went past his ears. He doesn't seem to hear any of it.

"This guy is adamant. I am going to deal with you real quick," a dude said. He stands from his seat and walks up to him.

Joe just kept silent, while tears couldn't stop itself from rolling down his soft cheeks.

"He is crying! What a shame!" the dude said. He taps him gently hoping he would be conscious of his environment that moment, but it was to no avail.

"Security!" A man from the people eating in the restaurant called.

Joe didn't pay attention to anything around him, he was nuzzled out. All he could hear at the moment was some flashes of voice rolling down his sound auditory.

A security man dashed into the restaurant with a taunting look. He is a man of an average height. He has a dark pupil, perfectly shaped eyebrows and well built muscles.

"Throw that man outta here! He is a bloody miscreant," he shouted on top of his voice to the security man.

The security man looked in his direction, 'this man looked like a stray dog trying to find its way," he reasoned, having set his gaze on him.

"What are you still doing there? Get him out!" The man lashed.

"Sorry sir," the security man said and quickly dashed at him.

"Hello Mr! Can you please leave this restaurant?" He asked politely, but Joe didn't give him an answer.

Now, Emily has left with her new boyfriend.

"Can you believe she left me?" Joe finally munched with his tongue. His lips were slightly open, so it is hard to tell if had just spoken.

"Oh! Sorry for that sir, but you have to leave now," the security man said respectfully.

Joe looked at his face for a while, he felt reluctant to move his leg, because there were too many eyes on him.

"God damn it! Get him outta here. Can't you get it?" A person fired at the security man.

Due to the pressure mounted on the security man, he has to drag Joe out of the restaurant.

Reluctant Joe struggled with the security man until he was lifted off the ground and thrown out of the restaurant.

'Ahh!' Joe could feel pain on his right arm, because that is where he fell on after being thrown on the ground.

Joe wasn't himself that night, he managed to straighten his legs to walk home.

Joe is a nice gentleman who comes from an average family. He manages a very small business in town. He is such an excellent man, but things don't seem to go well with him.

He walked on the road with a heavy mind. The flashes of Emily words hurt him deep into his bones and marrows, 'it is over between us! I am done,' these were the words echoing within his head.

Joe entered the road without raising his head. He was walking like a zombie.

A car hunk at him. The bright light of the car entered into his eyes, distracting him from his thoughts. He raised his hand, instead of him to take to his heels, at least to avoid being rammed over by a car.

Kudos to the man driving the car, even at that close range, he braked in the middle of the road, making sure he didn't ram him over, "take your time man! I almost rammed you over," he thundered and hissed outrightly.

Joe didn't say a word, the man continued his wonderful trip. Joe crossed the road and after some paces, he used his apartment keys to open up.

He walked gently into his room and sat on the bed, just to have a clear view of what just happened to him.

Little did Joe know that what happened to him is a door opener to something that would change his life forever.

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