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Satisfying me ,girl

Satisfying me ,girl



The intention to apply for a job as a nanny, because she needed an additional job to make a living and pay for her father's treatment, actually led Laura to Greyson's madness which took away her chastity, and bound her to become a gratifier. Will Laura be willing to become Gray's gratifying slave for some money for her father's medication?

Chapter 1 1

A luxurious and magnificent house was walked by Laura, followed by a big man who had reprimanded himself at the front gate, and also searched his whole body. Laura was terrified, even though that hasn't gone away until now. I don't know who the people he will meet, to have a house with super tight guard from armed men.

"Wait here!" said the man, his tone very heavy.

"Fine," Laura softly replied.

Standing on the terrace of the house without being allowed to enter first, the twenty-year-old girl looked here and there, taking attendance for every corner of the large, beautiful-looking courtyard. His eyes immediately lowered, when sharp eyes were directed at him, by a guard. Laura's heart was pounding, fingers played by him in front of the body.

"Come in, the master is waiting for you inside! The servant will escort you!" The deep voice came back, and Laura flinched.

"F-fine, thank you very much." She nodded.

A female servant waited at the doorway, the bodyguard gave her an eye signal to go deliver immediately. The house turned out to be so luxurious, Laura couldn't stop admiring it. Beautiful and beautiful carvings, equipped with furniture that exudes high selling prices.

His steps stopped at a tall black door, and the maid in front of him knocked. There was a faint but firm voice, the woman in the white and black uniform pressed the doorknob. "Please come in," he said as he stretched his hand into the room.

Laura swallowed her saliva, and somehow her fear doubled. Steps are ordered to step, without being allowed to fight back. The cold air felt gripping as soon as he entered, a very wide all-black room. There was someone sitting behind a matching colored table, his gaze like a wolf ready to devour.

"So—good afternoon, sir. I—I came here to apply for a job as a nanny," she stammered, forcing her frozen lips to move.

The man turned the chair, stood up and walked over. Ah, he's so handsome and tall, Laura thought admiring the man who was now sitting at the table, crossing his legs on the floor and examining every inch of his body.

Laura was amused by the stare given, she lowered her head and looked. However, the man with the deep, hoarse voice didn't like it, and asked him to raise his head. "Watch me when I speak!" he said.

Laura looked up and her head, fingers never finished squeezing each other in front of the body.

"What's your name?!" he asked.

"Laura, sir. I heard about you looking for a nanny for a child, that's why I came here."

"Virgins?" asked the man surprised.

"Y-huh?!" nervous, eyes widen.

"I want to see it. So, take off all your clothes!" ordered a man named Greyson Haidar.

"W-what? Undressing?" The more nervous Laura became, she probably misheard and repeated words.

"Are you deaf?!" Gray stared.

"Sorry, I can't do that. I'm here to apply as a nanny, not a prostitute. Thank you very much!" Laura said quickly, she turned around.

"Fifty million as a down payment, however much you want each month!" Gray sarcastically, stopping Laura. "I won't set a monthly salary, I'll give you a blank check every month, and you can fill it in at will!" continued Grey.

Laura turned around, she turned around. "How much?" he asked, Gray's eyebrows raised in response.

The man's gaze seemed to be waiting, the corner of the upper left lip lifted slightly. Laura didn't move, she thought for a while. Yes, maybe there is nothing wrong, this also has already been done. Just undressing, got fifty million for her father's treatment. "All right, I will."

Gray smiles triumphantly, he has never failed to get what he wants, in his entire life. Laura unbuttoned each bead of the blue cleaning service uniform that covered her body, slowly shrouded in doubt. Gray crosses his arms over his chest, his head tilted slightly to observe.

Until all the buttons of the shirt were removed, a round, springy object appeared to be poking and that made Gray swallow his saliva involuntarily. "Oh, fuck!" he thought.

Laura closed her eyes, she took off her shirt and started to unbutton her pants and unzip them. Gray can't wait to witness the seductive beauty, even though it's not the first time. However, there was something different from what he was used to seeing, an innocent and shy face that aroused desire.

Laura bent down, she took off her pants. Then cover the chest with both hands, when she was standing again. There was only underwear covering her smooth body, a body that seemed to understand where to grow, and shrink useless parts. Gray probed up and down, then down again. "Sexy!" he muttered.

"Yes, sir? May I put my clothes back on?" asked the woman with her eyes lowered in shame.

Gray gave a faint smile, he swung his steps from the table, and immediately pulled Laura's waist against his body. Suddenly it was surprising, especially when the man's lips directly crushed her lips greedily. There was no room for Laura to escape, even just to scoop up oxygen in the room. The violent man pushed her body, until she hit the wall, then turned her body around.

"Let me go, I-ya," Laura asked, but Gray continued to fondle her wildly, pushing away the long hair that fell behind her. The bra hook is released, freeing the object that has been tempting the eye all along. "Let you go?Shouldn't I check whether you're a virgin or not?" said Gray, his breath a little labored.

"W-what do you mean, sir? Please... please don't do this," begged the woman who was confused and scared.

Gray didn't answer, he grabbed Laura's arm roughly, throwing her body onto the long black couch. Laura bounced, and she sat up scared. Gray pulled the bra still attached to the cup, threw the origin and put the breast into the mouth. An involuntary moan was made by Laura, as the man sucked on hers with a few soft bites. "Sir …." Laura voiced with her eyes closed, provoking a greater desire to be launched.

Gray pulled down Laura's white panties, kissed her for a moment, it was intoxicating. He threw again, then spread Laura's legs. This time, the warmest part was targeted, but it was already leaking a liquid. "Ah, you’re so sensitive!" Gray cursed, but still devoured Laura's other sensitive parts.

Greedy, wild, irregular or rhythmic, only lust plays a role in the savagery of a businessman in the business world. Laura was enjoying it in the end, she even reflexively grabbed Gray's jet-black hair. The louder voices echoed, filling every corner of the private study.

"You like it, huh?!" Gray spoke for a moment, before continuing to play with his tongue again.

"D-don't stop it!" asked Laura breathlessly, again able to make Gray smile triumphantly. "T-that…," added Laura, seemed to be understood by Grey.

"Get it out, honey. You're in for real pleasure," Gray said, moving momentarily to Laura's chest. "And soon you will remember who I am!" he added.

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