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My Dark Isekai Project

My Dark Isekai Project



Itami Isaac is an ordinary high school student. He goes to Brangel High School. He went through a childhood trauma that left a mark on his heart. The more he grows up, the more he realizes how selfish humans are. He wants to change it; He wants to give them salvation. They need a lesson; they need to learn what it truly means to be a human, that’s what he thinks all the time. But he doesn't know any way to do that. When he was about to give up on humans his friend Robin showed him a way that will bring salvation to the people. Now they have taken a project to teach the people the true lesson of being a human. They will transfer all the people of his city in order to teach them a lesson. Will they be able to give humanity their long-awaited salvation? Join them in their project and discover the heart-throbbing fantasy world together.

Chapter 1 Monsters city

My name is Itami Isaac. I live in the city of Brangel. I am 15 years old and I go to Brangel high school. My day starts by getting a slap on my cheeks.

I always wake up late and that's why sometimes I miss my school bus. To wake me up in time my mom slaps me on the cheek. After getting my daily dose of slap I wash my face and brush my teeth.

After getting freshened up I eat my breakfast and leave for my school. That's how usually my day starts.

Now let's come to the main topic I don't like my city so I call it the monster's city. To me the people who live here aren't human they are just monsters in human form.

Well, I have my reasons for hating this city and its people. To me They don't understand what it truly means to be a human; they are just too busy to live their lives in this illogical and cruel world.

They will not hesitate to kill a human to achieve what they want now you guys tell me how can I see them as a human when they even don't care about others?

To me, a human definition is a person who saves and protects his brethren and his family. So those who don't follow this definition aren't human according to me.

I will never recognize them as human. Now let me tell you about an incident in my life that recently happened.

One day I was going to my school as usual. I was walking toward my school cause I have missed my bus.

I was just singing and walking but suddenly a child came to me and hold my hands and tells me that he is too hungry and begged me to give him some food to eat.

I replied, " Yeah, sure, but I don't have any food with me right now, so can you wait here until I bring some food for you?"

He replied, "ok, big bro I will wait for you here". I felt very happy when he addressed me as his big brother.

After that, I went to the convenience store and bought a cold drink and a sandwich, and a packet of chips. But when I returned to the place I didn't see him there.

I felt scared and started to look for him nearby but I didn't find him anywhere. After searching for him for an hour I returned to my home cause I have missed the classes.

After 3 days I finally saw him but not in front of my eyes in the newspaper.

I saw him on the news when I opened the morning newspaper that day; the news was about a child named Christopher Brown who was founded dead in a trash box.

My eyes were full of tears when I saw his photo in the newspaper. I couldn't believe that he is no more.

After seeing his photo for a minute I rushed toward the police station to gather more information about his death.

When I reached the police station I saw his dead body. Nobody is allowed to enter the morgue but my father was a senior police officer that's why I was able to enter the morgue.

I somehow entered the morgue but I wasn't ready to see what I saw that day. I saw that Christopher's body was torn apart.

I vomited as soon as I saw his dead body. I can't understand how can a human be so cruel that he has torn apart an 8 years old child.

I left the morgue after seeing Christopher's dead body. That night my father beat me for entering the morgue.

But even after getting beaten up, I didn't cry at all that day cause whenever I remember Christopher's face the pain doesn't seem to have any effect on me.

I was just thinking "How Christopher felt that day when the criminals were ripping him apart alive".

Just the thought shocked me. I couldn't sleep at all that night.

Whenever I was trying to sleep the face of Christopher floated in front of my eyes.

After staying up for the whole night I fell asleep in the morning, but I saw a nightmare where Christopher was asking me why I didn't save him, In the nightmare, I replied I am sorry, if I had taken you with me that day maybe you would have been alive today.

I woke up after the nightmare. My eyes were full of tears that time and I was crying like a newborn baby. I can't just admit that Christopher is no more.

I locked myself in my room for a week. But one day my school friend Robin Astra came to my house and called me to get out of my room.

At first, I ignored him but after some time he came in front of my room's door and told me something that blew my mind.

But when I get interested in the topic he changed it and started to talk about some sports. I immediately stopped him and told him to tell me more about the thing.

He laughed and told me that he will tell me the whole thing in detail if I come to school regularly.

I replied with excitement that "I will come to the school the next day, can you save a seat for me right beside you?"

He replied, "Ok, but can you open the door right now". I unlocked my room and welcomed him.

We talked about a bunch of unnecessary things. He left after some time but before leaving, he told me to take care of my health.

The next day I stepped foot outside of my room for the first time and packed my school bag and left for school.

I saw Robin as soon as I reached school, He was waiting for me in front of the school gate. I waved my hand and go near him. He waved back and asked me "How am I doing?"

I replied "I am okay you don't have to worry about me" and asked him "Anyway when are you going to tell me about the whole thing?"

He smiled and told me to have some patience. I looked at him with an angry face and said in a loud voice to make it worth my precious time.

He again smiled and replied that "Ok, my majesty as you wish". This time I couldn't hold myself from smiling.

After some time our first period started and we rushed to our classroom. I and Robin sat together on the bench.

We become silent as soon as the first period started and didn't talk with each other until the Tiffin period.

When the Tiffin period started Robin pulled out something from his pant's secret pocket. The secret pocket was his underwear.

I just looked at him with my famous disgusted look and asked him "Didn't you have any other pocket beside your stinky underwear".

He replied that "No if anyone found out the thing then we would go to jail for it so I thought that my secret pocket was safer than my regular pockets".

I get scared and excited at the same time when he told me that.

I told him to let me see it quickly but he replied that "It is a dangerous thing and that's why we should go to an abandoned bathroom to check it out".

As he said we go to the bathroom. In there he showed me a page with some weird patterns. "I asked him what is this?"

he replied that "It's a leaflet and we can summon a witch by drawing the pattern and saying the spell, we are now going to summon a witch to see if the leaflet works or not".

My hands started to shake when he said that he is going to summon a witch but still, I said him to continue.

Then he bought chalk from the classroom and draws the same exact pattern as the leaflet and after that, we started to say the spell, and out of nowhere, a witch-looking woman appears in the mirror.

I was so scared that I almost pissed in my pant but that's when Robin asked the witch her name?'

The witch replied that "Her name is Quinella Gross and she is from the Kalid Universe".

I get shocked when she told me that she is from the Kalid universe cause I never knew that There were multiple universes in the world.

Robin then tells her his only wish is that "he wants a fruit of her world"

She says "ok and gives him a dragon-shaped fruit and asks him to give her payment". He then asks her "What she wants?"

she replied that "she wants his rectangular-shaped thing".

At first, we didn't understand what she was asking for but later she pointed out Robin's Smartphone and we understood that she wants Robin's Smartphone.

As she wanted we gave her the Smartphone and went back to our classroom.

We were so happy that we were able to summon a witch from another world. We didn't try any other reckless summoning that day.

A month passed away after that incident but one day Robin suddenly appeared in my house from my bathroom mirror.

We didn't talk with each other after the summoning that day cause whenever I asked him about the detail of the summoning he just changed the topic and said that he will tell me everything one day when he will be able to find out every kind of dark magic and it's secret.

When he appeared in the bathroom I was taking my shower but after seeing him I lost consciousness and fell in the bathroom.

Luckily he saved my head from falling in the bathroom. When I regain consciousness I see that Robin was standing in front of me in a dark cloak.

But as soon as I regained my consciousness he tells me about a project that can transport a person of this world to another world, in dark scripture, it's known as Isekai. (To Be Continued)

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