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When love beckons

When love beckons

Angela Elvis


Mabel Anderson had to do the walk of shame when her boyfriend cheated on her with her twin sister Macy. The betrayal from her sister and boyfriend took her to a place of mystery and agony. She thought she'd be stuck with waiting tables at wood house cafe to make ends meet, What she didn't expect was a marriage proposal from the arrogant Tristan Foster who was the heir apparent to Foster hotels and resorts who had the biggest hospitality industry in Boston. Thrust into the glitzy world of stand-issue becoming Mrs Foster and fitting perfectly into the world of impeccable social grace, Mabel would either have to force herself into a mold or break free of it, risking what little she has left or everything she can gain.

Chapter 1 Anniversary Dinner

"You've been smiling sheepishly since this morning" Bethany pointed out when we crossed paths at the counter where customers piled up to get their order.

"It's our anniversary today".

I could tell my cheeks were pink because I was definitely blushing, just the thought of it sent butterflies down my stomach.

" Awwww love birds, you're so adorable when you look like that, I know you're really anticipating seeing him after work today. Maybe you should just take the day off and celebrate with Toby, Bethany said.

I rolled my eyes at her, I mean you expect me to tell my boss I needed the rest of the day off to celebrate my anniversary with my boyfriend? Who does something so dull-witted?

I kept checking my phone every second to see if Toby sent me a text or even a call but I couldn't even pretend that I wasn't hurt when I didn't see any notifications from him.

Maybe he forgot, and it was totally reasonable since he had a lot going on presently, having closed his antique store which he ran with his father due to the demolition going on by the owner of the building who owns a very enormous hotel close by. They were compensated with a lot of money since they wanted to extend the hotel construction. Toby still felt bad about it since he grew up working there with his father and he was already too attached to it.

I decided to surprise him with dinner at his place after work this evening, I could get candles, flowers and other decorations to make a romantic atmospheric impression of our dinner tonight. I'll always support him no matter what and we were in this together.

I suddenly had this itch and compulsion to prove to him that he wasn't alone .

Evening finally rolled over and it was time for us to leave.

" Have you thought of a dress to wear tonight? It's a special evening and you definitely need to look hot for Toby tonight" Beth mentioned just as we were exiting the cafe.

I shrugged

"C'mon Mabel you definitely need to shop for a dress, don't tell me you plan on wearing one of those low target second hand clothes tonight"?

I loved Bethany to pieces but sometimes I wish I could just butcher her body and bury her into a shallow grave where nobody could ever find her

"I'm really trying to economize and cut down my expenses Beth, right now I can't accommodate unnecessary costs and wants .

I finally decided to go back to college. I dropped out when I lost both my parents in an auto crash. It was so hard for my twin sister Macy and I after the dismissal of our parents at 19 years old.

" I know with you going back to college and all you have need for money and you're very skeptical about spending, but if you ask me, getting a new dress for your anniversary dinner isn't spending unnecessarily"

"Okay, I'll borrow you fifty bucks and you can pay back at your own pace, no pressure or anything I promise"

"Beth I don't know why you are more concerned about this whole thing than me, it's not essential and I had already pointed it out"

"But that's what best friends are for" she said with a pout

Beth was so strong willed and I knew she was never going to give up convincing me to get a new dress

"Okay fine" I said with a surrender, just know that I'm being forced to do this, it's not my own free will"

She giggled excitedly.

"We got some shopping to do then" she said in an amusing tone.

An hour later Beth and I were still in the mall trying out dresses, I finally decided to settle for a red skimpy dress, it had shimmers all over it and it was very comfortable and attractive.

" Toby loves me in red"I said looking at myself in the full length mirror

"You look breathtaking Mabel"

"Toby would definitely want to make babies with you tonight" Beth said

I gave her a disgusted look and rolled my eyes. It was 9pm already and I was running out of time, I still needed to stop by Toby's favorite restaurant to get food and also pick up his favorite pie.

" Have a lovely night" Beth said hugging me tightly

"Thank you for the dress" I smiled clutching the bag which held the dress tightly.

She waved it off, we finally parted ways and I rushed back home to get ready. I wanted it to come off as a surprise to Toby so I quenched the urge to call him, I couldn't wait to see the surprise on his face, it was going to be priceless and we would have the best night ever, well so I thought

I didn't know everything was going to go downhill that night.

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