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Intense Obsession - Lorene’s  Allure & Adam's  Desire

Intense Obsession - Lorene’s Allure & Adam's Desire

His Queen


Lorene finds herself at a high society party, surrounded by opulence and superficiality. Among the crowd, she notices a man who stands out, not because of his height or size, but due to his undeniable strength and power. Intrigued by his presence, Lorene wonders why someone like him would be in such a refined setting. His eyes, when they occasionally stray from her, reveal a wildness, as if he longs to break free from the constraints of the environment. Despite his unconventional nature, Lorene becomes the object of his unwavering gaze. The man's intense stare has a captivating effect on Lorene, making her feel alive and aware, akin to how prey animals sense the presence of a predator. While Lorene is accustomed to receiving attention from admirers and suitors, this man's infatuation with her feels different. His eyes do not plead for her affection but instead assert a possessive ownership, peeling away her layers with their penetrating gaze. Challenged by his possessive demeanor, Lorene meets his gaze head-on, engaging in a silent battle of wills. For a fleeting moment, the rest of the world fades away, leaving only the two of them in the room. Determined not to be the first one to look away, Lorene fights against the allure of his intense stare. However, she eventually blinks and averts her gaze, conceding temporary defeat. With a swish of her skirts, Lorene retreats from the scene, trying to regain her composure. Adam, captivated by Lorene's presence, watches her depart with a deep appreciation for her allure. Her departure, fueled by heated passion, only solidifies the profound impact she has made on him. Lady Lorene Ellsworth embodies everything he desires, but he knows that his chances of ever being with her are slim. The societal divide between the wealthy and the commoner poses a significant obstacle to his pursuit of her. Adam, struggling with his own desires, adjusts his discomforting erection, a physical manifestation of his longing to be intimately connected with a woman who would never give him the time of day. He acknowledges the reality that Lorene's social status and societal expectations will prevent any possibility of a relationship between them. Despite this, his desire for her remains unwavering Ultimately, the perspectives of Lorene and Adam reveal a mutual fascination and attraction between two individuals from different worlds. Lorene, drawn to the mysterious power exuded by Adam, battles against the effect he has on her senses. Meanwhile, Adam acknowledges the insurmountable obstacles that stand in their way but remains captivated by Lorene's allure. Their desires intertwine in a narrative filled with longing, societal constraints, and unfulfilled fantasies.

Chapter 1 0n€

Lorene’s POV

He was watching her again. His look was that of a wolf eyeing up a lamb. Slowly through my lashes I let myself glance his way. Imposing wasn’t enough of a word to describe the big American.

He wasn’t the tallest man in the room. He wasn’t even the biggest, but without a doubt he was the strongest. Physically for sure, because I had seen his hands, hands that had known hard labor, but in general he seemed to exude an aura of power. Like a storm barely managed, but able to break forth with devastation at a moment’s notice.

What on earth was a man like him doing in a high society party such as this one? He was out of place entirely within this gilded world of finery and fickleness.

The look in his eyes when not watching me was one of wildness to be free of the place. He didn’t strike me as a man who conformed to others wishes and yet he was here and over all the women in the room it was me that he watched.

His stare had a curious effect, it made me feel very much alive. In a way it must be what prey animals felt when they knew that a predator was near.

It was said that of my day I was one of the most beautiful women there was and truly I had no end of admirers and subsequent marriage proposals because of it, but for the most part I ignored them all. This man’s infatuation with me was different however.

Instead of a plea in his eyes to be near me they instead said that they owned me and I felt the intensity of his stare keenly as if he peeled me layer by layer out of my clothing.

I fully met his gaze and stared boldly into his eyes from across the room. For a moment it seemed as if we were the only two people in the room.

My eyes blurred as I forced myself not to blink. I was not going to be the first one to look away.

His possessive demeanor over me was annoying and I wanted to show him that I…. that I was not daunted by him. Was that really the truth, though? I blinked and quickly looked away.

Turning I moved with a swish of my skirts away from the scene of my defeat.

My breath unsteady I made my way through the pressed throng offering out fake smiles and greetings in turn, as after all I was the hostess of my father’s party.

Finding a pathway of escape I ducked outdoors and made my way out onto a veranda.

The party raged on inside gaily, but I stood in the cool night air breathing hard as if I had just finished running a race. The rapidity of my breaths only underschooled the amount of cleavage I was showing.

I had a lot to show and almost half of it was on display with the promise of more should a strap of my gown give way. Ultralow necklines were th fashion of the moment in Paris, but I very much wished that I had not bowed to fashion’s dictates, at least for this evening.

I’d seen it in his eyes. I’d seen the reality that this man would approach and when he did his fingers would delve into my bodice and lift my breasts free as he gazed at them wolfishly, fully intent to taste them with his mouth.

Lust was nothing new on the part of men for me to encounter, but he was different. It was like the look in his eyes signaled an event that had already happened...

Biting at my full lower lip I fought the urge to try to pull my dress up higher even as a dampness spread into my undergarments in a clear sign that I as a woman had recognized the reality of a

man worth mating. My nipples throbbed duly even as my breasts swelled against what little material still clothed them.

As I stood on the veranda, the cool night air caressed my heated cheeks, providing a welcome respite from the suffocating atmosphere inside. The distant sound of laughter and music seeped through the closed doors, a reminder of the extravagant festivities unfolding within. Leaning against the intricately carved railing, I let my eyes wander over the moonlit garden below.

A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the surrounding trees, casting ever-shifting shadows on the vibrant blooms. The scent of jasmine and roses mingled in the air, creating a sensory tapestry that momentarily distracted me from the intensity of the encounter I had just experienced. I closed my eyes, allowing myself a moment of solitude amidst the chaos.

A faint smile played at the corners of his lips as he leaned against the veranda railing, mirroring my stance. The silence between us held an unspoken tension, thick with unvoiced desires and unanswered questions. His gaze, no longer as possessive as before, held a glimmer of curiosity and a touch of vulnerability.

I studied him carefully, his face now illuminated by the pale glow of the moon. The lines etched on his weathered features spoke of a life lived on the edge, a life marked by strength and perseverance. There was a rawness in his eyes, a fierceness that mirrored the untamed wilderness lurking within his soul.

As the party continued to echo in the distance, we stood there, two souls on the precipice of an uncertain path. The moon watched over us, casting its ethereal light upon our intertwined destinies. In that moment, I made a choice. I would embrace the allure of the unknown and embark on a journey that would forever change the course of my life.

I felt a shiver run down my spine, a strange amalgamation of fear and anticipation. The enigmatic stranger had managed to unravel a part of me that I had kept hidden for so long—a part that craved adventure, unpredictability, and a taste of the forbidden.

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Intense Obsession - Lorene’s Allure & Adam's Desire

Chapter 1 0n€



Chapter 2 Hunter's Gaze
