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Confessions from my Best Friends' Diaries

Confessions from my Best Friends' Diaries

Eddie Schreder


When dating goes horribly wrong, single girls grab a bottle of wine and tell it to their best friends. Everyone loves a good love story, but sometimes it's the things that happen before, that make life interesting.

Chapter 1 Samantha and Mr. Shortstuff - Chapter 1

A girls night. Sounded like fun. What could possibly go wrong.

Samantha, Sam to her friends, was at work when her phone started ringing. When she looked at it, she saw that it was June calling. June was one of her best friends when they graduated from high school. Although she thought June was a brat at times, June was one of the only friends from high school she saw on a regular basis. June went to a large school out of state, however Sam stayed at the local college which was cheaper.

Since Sam was on a break from work, she answered the call. “Sammy! I haven't seen you in months!” June said on the phone. "It would be great to get a couple drinks and catch up.”

“Alright," replied Sam, "But I do have to work tomorrow, so just a couple.”

“But it's the first week of summer vacation." June protested. June was spoiled and always had to get her way. It had been that way since they were kids.

“Some of us don't have our parents paying for college and our rent." Sam worked a full-time retail job, besides going to school full time. She needed to put in as many hours as she could this summer, because next year she would be interning, which meant a lot less hours at work.

“Don't be a buzzkill. I work too. But next year we will be graduating and then we will have to get real jobs and won't be able to see each other much.”

“Fine," Sam replied, "But I'm not kidding, no after parties and NO shots." June squealed on the other end of the phone. She had won, yet again in her eyes.

Sam did not have a problem going out for the night, but she knew if she didn't lay down some ground rules June would make the night spiral out of control.

Sam ignored her squeal and added, "I suppose you want me to drive like normal?' Not that Sam minded, however, she had driven home buzzed more than once thanks to June and her antics. The last time her brother found out about that he was not happy. "Because if that is the case, then I can definitely only have a couple.”

Although Sam couldn’t see June, she knew June was pouting. "Fine, do you think your brother will drop us off, and then we can use a ride app back?" June was not interested in an early night, and there was only one way to make sure that happened.

“I'll ask him," was all Sam said.

June showed up at Sam's apartment a little before 7 that night, suitcase in tow. “Are you moving in?” Sam asked jokingly.

“You really didn't think I would let you go to the bar in that t-shirt and jeans, did you? June mocked back. “There are just a few things that I thought maybe you would like, they don't fit me anymore.” June had lost almost 100 pounds since leaving high school. She never had been interested in Sam's appearance before the weight loss, and Sam hated that June was pushing her now. June’s new fashion sense was getting smaller skirts and tighter shirts, which Sam did not appreciate.

“Um, well you know June I'm a good 6 inches taller than you...so I hope you don't feel bad that they don't fit me.” Sam had always tried to fade into the background, but nothing about her was small. Sam stood slightly over 6 feet tall, taller than half the guys she went to school with. It's not that she didn't like being tall, however, she was self-conscious about ever finding someone who would like her. She had a curvy body that she usually tried to hide with a tight sports bra and baggy t-shirts.

“Well, I want to see you in them before you give me that 'they don't fit' line. And I brought a curling iron and make-up, so get ready for a makeover! “

Sam rolled her eyes; she almost never wore makeup, and her standard hairstyle was a baseball cap or a ponytail. “Fine, but we aren't doing this all summer. This is just because this is the first night you are back.” She started looking through the clothes. Some of them actually didn't look too bad, she thought.

June made Sam play dress up for about an hour. The final decision was made. The outfit would be a red lacy top with a deep V-neck, which required her to wear a real bra. She paired it with her favorite pair of blue jeans. Sam only won the blue jean argument because she refused to wear the miniskirt June picked out and there were not any other alternatives. To complete the look, Sam took out the 6-inch-high heel boots that June had made her buy on her last trip up to see her. Sam referred to the boots as ‘hooker’ boots and hated that it made her even that much taller than everyone. June curled the ends of Sam’s long brown hair and proceeded to tell Sam to put more make-up on. Sam had her own style of makeup, and she refused to listen. “I will not paint myself up like a clown. It's this or I'm washing it all off.”

June knew when to pick her battles and just shook her head. “Fine. It's almost 9 so let's head out to the clubs.” June referred to any bar where they could dance, and where she could get laid, a club. However, this town was not like the big city June was going to school in. There were only two places similar to the clubs June was used to, and Sam was not going there tonight.

Sam opened her bedroom door, and yelled to her brother, Stuart, “Hey want to give us a ride to the bar?”

“Sure. When?” Stuart replied.

“Now would be good.”

“Give me 5. I was heading that way anyway to meet up with the guys.”

Sam closed the door. “Our ride will be ready in 5.” That was the only nice thing about moving into the 2-bedroom apartment with her brother. He needed a roommate, after the last one graduated, and Sam needed a place near campus and work. Sam's mother hadn't liked the idea of Sam moving out into an apartment by herself. To tell the truth, Sam hadn't liked the idea either, but she didn't say that to her mother.

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