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Scars in disguise

Scars in disguise

Pamela Frank


Tiffany was a young lady of twenty years of age living with her grandmother since her parents died mysteriously when she was two years old. She worked as one of the cleaner in Rodriguez’s mansion. Being a very carefree type, she made friends with everyone but tried her best to stay out of trouble because the family she is working for can be very dangerous if provoked. She only went to see her grandma during weekends else she would be with the cook in the mansion who she was closest to. The last child of the Rodriguez, Mason fell in love with Tiffany and slowly, they started dating secretly. But Tiffany life was tortured and destroyed when Mason immediate elder brother found out about their relationship. He tried to take advantage of Tiffany but it only caused him and Mason to get into a fist fight getting the attention of the whole family. Tiffany was forced to quit her work and her grandma killed leaving her in her own mystery. What will be the end of Tiffany when Mason refuses to let her go.

Chapter 1 Prologue

Mario and his wife Laura were preparing to leave for their honeymoon since they weren’t able to have one when they got married. They only had a daughter Tiffany, she was just two years so they decided to leave her with Mario’s mom.

“Baby, please be good to grandma, we’ll be back in a week okay?”, Laura, Mario’s wife said touching Tiffany cheek. Tiffany smiled cutely with her dimples showing.

“Don’t worry, I’ll sure take good care of her, go help my son out, will you?, you’ll still see Tiffany and carry her as much as you want when you are back”,Rosa, Tiffany grandma said as she walked in.

“Mother, I just don’t feel too good”, Laura replied. Rosa smiled and shook her head, moving closer to Laura, she cupped her cheek in her hand,”this is your honeymoon Laura, thought you have always wanted this, what’s wrong?”. Laura wanted to reply but Mario walked in at that moment making Laura to keep quiet.

“Time to go darling”, he said. Laura looked at Tiffany and then Rosa, she smiled and followed her husband who was already heading downstairs. Rosa carried Tiffany and followed too till they got to the car and stopped. Mario was packing their luggage into the car booth while Laura played with Tiffany who kept on giggling. Mario finished with everything and Laura got into the car waving at Tiffany and Rosa till their car drove out of sight . “Boss, they just left”, a tall man with nose mask on and cap preventing anyone from seeing his face. He was standing beside Mario’s house pretending to be on call when they drove past him. He got into his car and began to tail their car.

They haven’t drove far from the house when it began to rain heavily. Laura was looking at the blur view from the door glass sighing countless times. Mario kept his gaze to the front though he could barely see anything. Mario put the music wife loved so much, she turned and smiled at him. He took hold of her hand and kissed it returning his gaze to the front. Suddenly, a sharp light pointed through the glass blinding Mario eyesight for few seconds and before he could see clearly, a big truck hit their car with full speed making it spin over till it fall off the cliff down into the water.

“It’s done boss, I’m very sure they can never survive the hit or even the heavy storm”, the same man at their house spoke to his boss over the phone as a little smirk appeared on his lips slowly.

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