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15 Days Fiancée

15 Days Fiancée



15 DAYS FIANCEE (They are stubborn, but the perfect couple) You don't want to mess with any of them PROLOGUE "Trust me, you don't want to do this..." Mom said and I sighed. "Mom, this shoe has always been my dream shoe. I can cope wearing it to the audition." I said and she sighed. "Isn't it too high? You look way unbalanced in it." She said. "Mom! Trust me. I am 23, I will do just fine." I said boastfully and she nodded. "Okay, then. Your father and I will be leaving in the next 30 minutes, so you should get prepared." She said, standing up and I nodded. "Just some touch on this beautiful face of mine, and I will meet you in the car. And please tell Alec to stay far away from me in the car. I don't want him ruining my make-up." I said and she laughed. "I will do just that." She said and walked out of the room. I stared into the mirror smiling as I began to apply some tini tiny touches on my face. Of course, my beautiful face. I am Elena Valentine. I am a good singer, but some people say I suck at it. I mean most people say that, I wonder why they do. I sound angelic. I am 23 years old, with a very great body. I know that well because I have guys always wrapped around my fingers. But you know, as the serious and determined singer I want to be, I take singing more serious. I wasn't really a fan of singing, not until two years ago when my ex boyfriend jilted me. He had this wonderful voice anyone would crave for. So I am working toward it too, and after a long trial, here I am. Waiting to get admitted into this music school. I heard there are many opportunities for new singers, and I being one I am so happy to give it a shot. At least prove to my parents I am not a bad singer at the audition today. "Elena. You have used one hour. We are sick of waiting." Dad said, jolting me out of my thoughts. "Oh sorry." I said aloud. I can't believe I used an hour to introduce myself to you. Seriously?? I walked out of the room, making sure I carried my heels carefully. I walked out of the house carrying my purse with my phone in it. I got to the car and I saw Alec at the back seat busy playing his stupid video games with its sound on. "Mom, I told you I don't want Alec near me." I said, looking at him in disgust. "Don't worry, I won't ruin your make up or day. You would ruin it yourself, I am having enough fun going to your audition already." He said and I flared up. "Mom!" I called. "Calm down, okay? He is your little brother,you have known him before now, he is a pain in the a*s." She said, laughing. I looked at him as I sat at the back but he didn't even bother to look at me. That's even better, stupid 18 years old brother. Dad ignited the engine and began to move. I am so happy and nervous. And I know you are too... "I can't wait to show you all how good I am." I thought. "You have started talking to your invisible audiences again?" Alec asked at the edge of laughing. "Shut up." I said angrily. . . . . . WATCH OUT FOR CHAPTER ONE

Chapter 1 15 DAYS FIANCĂ©E

ELENA 💋 We got to the place of the audition, which was the institute and dad parked the car where the rest have been parking theirs. I came out of the car and looked back to see many children too. To be honest I was so scared, I kept imagining the kind of voices that was going to come out of their mouth. "You can do this!" My invisible angel told me. "Thanks, dude." I said aloud and brother looked at me. "Can you stop doing that in public? That's way too creepy." He said and I nodded. "You just don't understand.

They speak to me anytime, anywhere and I am forced to reply." I said and he shut his eyes. "Okay, that's enough. Enough of your delusions and let's go get you kicked out of the stage!" He yelled and the other competitors looked at us. "Oops." He said. "Alec, mind the way you act this night. You don't want to get started with me, do you?" Father asked and he kept shut immediately. "Now that's why I love father taking care of the Alec issues. He is the best when it comes to shutting him up." I said to Mom and she rolled her eyes. "Listen up, great singers! The audition would commence very soon and we need you to be at your best to move into the institute." A voice sounded from the Hornspeakers in front of the institute. "Great singers." I said to myself, grinning and Alec scoffed. "In your dreams." He mumbled, placing his head phone on his ear. "A young lady would be out there to give you numbered cards. You will be called in according to the numbers on the paper, and guess what? You can come in with your loved ones, because only the judges will be on seat." The voice further said and I loved the sound of it. "Let's go get started, singers!" The voice finally said and I smiled. The other participants began to move to the corner and I guess that's where the woman was talking about was. "You should go too. We would stay here." Father said and I shook my head. "What if I am later called?. How would you know my own number? We are going together." I said and Alec nodded. "She is right." He said and I furrowed my brows, looking at him. "Thank you." I said, rather surprised. "Okay then." They said and we walked to the corner where the pass was been shared. I carried my shoe carefully making sure I don't slip and fall. Cos it would be a very terrible thing, especially when Alec is here to always ruin my moments. I got on the line and the woman moved from the front sharing the pass to where I was. She handed the pass to me. I thanked her and checked to see I was the 26th contestant on stand. "Wow. I think we are going to be waiting here for sometime." Mom said and I nodded. "These shoes are killing me already." I said, trying to get rid of it. "I will get your slippers. You can wear that for now and when you go in, you put on the heels." Mom said and I nodded. "Thanks Mom." I said and she walked away while Alec was still busy on his video games. I looked around for something to lean on before getting the shoe off but I saw nothing. So I decided to get it off like that. I rose up my left leg hanging on my right leg. I reached for the shoe and was almost removing it when my right leg shook weakly and I fell.... Into the hands of someone. "Oh my God. I am so sorry." I said, trying to gain my balance by kicking off the other shoe pair quickly. Immediately it was off, I looked at the person that prevented me from falling and I saw it was a young and very handsome man. "Oh my... I am so so sorry." I said, standing away from him. He had shinning blazers on and I guessed maybe he was also a participant. "Next time when coming to an audition, you wear something that you feel comfortable in. Not something that will divert your attention when it comes to singing." He said and I nodded, feeling a little hurt and very embarrassed. "I am sorry for falling on you. And this is the queue. The lady will give you a pass to go in." I said and he scoffed. "I have my pass. I will go in first." He said, walking away. I sighed, looking around and I saw those participants at the back actually saw everything. "Is he one of us too? Oh my God, he is so hot." I heard the ladies say and I made a disgusted face. "But then I knew they were saying the absolute truth. Maybe he was the first to come here and get the pass, that's why he is the first to go in." I thought, shrugging my shoulders. "Here, have this." Mother said and I wore the slippers on my bare foot. "Mom, can you give me your shoe for the audition? I don't want any distractions when I get on stage and this shoe will surely distract me." I said and she nodded. "You know I told you not to wear it." She said, removing her shoe. "I know and I am sorry. I just realized you are right and I promise not to question you again. So please don't mock me." I said and she smiled. "I can't. At least my shoe isn't as high as yours. This will do, luckily for you we are using the same size." She said, smiling. "Thank you mother. You are a life saver." I said, happily removing the slippers and wearing hers. "Ahhh much better." I said in relief, shutting my eyes.

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