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Husband, I Love You

Husband, I Love You

Yuu Ying


Paul Henry had to be discharged from the army due to the paralysis of his legs. Half a year his temper was not very good, so Grandpa Dylan Henry wanted Paul to get married so that he could feel a little happier. Fiona also ran to find Paul because of this news. He said he wanted her to help him get out of here. Without thinking, she agreed. Fiona brought home Paul to provide accommodation and meals. Although it is very difficult to earn money to support him, she feels a love that she has never had before. Paul wants to go abroad to treat his feet. Before leaving, he just leaves her a piece of paper. When Fiona came home from work to find him gone, life became as dark as before meeting him. She was angry and didn’t want to talk to him. Paul had to comfort her for a long time before she could forgive him.

Chapter 1 Grandpa's birthday party

The phone in his pocket rang again. If Fiona remembers correctly, this had been the eighth time it rang.

Normally, her phone would not be called by anyone, except for her dorm roommate, who would occasionally call to ask her out to eat, or advertise to buy insurance.

But on her contact list, there are only a few numbers. If she doesn’t pick up the phone, it’s likely that the phone will keep ringing and won’t stop.

Fiona almost guessed who was calling her.

Same as last year, same this year. There will be a call like this every year.

Fiona was currently recording for a game show on a TV station. The heavy bear costume blocked the sound, along with the loud laughter of the audience under the set. No one hears the bell.

Normally, she was in silent mode. Maybe she was too busy today, so she forgot, set the vibrate mode but forgot to turn off the ringer.

Although it was September and early autumn, the weather was still very hot, the main air conditioner in the studio was broken half a year ago, but no one cared about it, wearing a few clothes still helps, although it is a bit hot, it can be relieved reluctantly accepted, while Fiona wore clothes like a ten-pound cotton layer on her body, sweat trickled down her face drop by drop, her hair stuck to her neck, and she still felt a little dizzy due to the heat in body.

“Come on, let’s let our cute little bear bring up today’s sweepstakes.”

Listening to someone calling her name, Fiona quickly lifted her spirits, carrying the delicately decorated glass box swaying to the center of the stage. The bulky outfit had to carry the box, so her gait looked strange. Looks pretty funny.

The audience below saw the silly bear hobbling like that and laughed.

This program is an entertaining game show, the host and guests play games together, the silly bear is a little spice in this program, it gives everyone a lot of laughs.

What the stupid bear needs to do is when he goes on stage, he will pretend to shake his body, carelessly fall down, tilt his head and show a cute, silly appearance, creating laughter for the audience.

After struggling for a while, turning back and forth after nine o'clock in the evening, Fiona hurriedly ran to the bus stop. It was still a long time before the bus stopped, but the time her dorm closed was less than an hour.

The bus stop is not far from the TV station, about five minutes on foot.

At that time, there were not many people on the bus, the bus was empty, only a young girl with her eyes closed, leaning her backpack on the chair, and two workers chatting with each other in their hometown accent. Everyone looks tired.

It wasn't until this time that Fiona had a chance to pick up her phone and see who had just called.

More than 30 missed calls.

That's right, after counting a few times, that person persisted in calling repeatedly, and finally Fiona was too lazy to count. She definitely ignored those bells, doing a good job of creating laughter for the audience.

Fiona was about to call back, but the phone suddenly rang, still the same person — Clara Frank.

“Fiona, why don't you pick up the phone?” As soon as Fiona heard, before he could say anything, the other party spoke first.

The voice is neither fast nor slow, soft and does not carry anger, like chatting among family members.

“I'm really sorry cousin, while working, my phone was on silent mode, so I didn't know.” Fiona explained.

When Clara Frank calls, whatever it is, is it important or not, as long as she holds the phone to call you, you must receive it, otherwise she will call continuously until you pick up the phone.

But for the great lady of the Frank family, when she called, no one dared not pick up the phone.

“Fiona, it's best not to put your phone on silent mode, if work doesn't allow it, you can put it on vibrate. Because maybe there's something important I want to tell you, Not being able to call will make people worry?” Clara Frank still spoke softly to Fiona.

“Cousin, you mean grandpa's birthday party right, I'll be there on time.” Fiona was tired.

“I'm just afraid you'll forget, so I deliberately called to remind you, everyone has to come back to celebrate their grandfather's birthday. By then everyone who is not present grandpa will be angry.”

“I know.” Fiona said.

“Ah, I said, you don't need to prepare a birthday present for him anymore, I already helped you to prepare it.”

Clara Frank said that she reminded Fiona of her grandfather's birthday last year. That day he was very happy, opened each gift of his grandchildren in front of guests, and a towel appeared among the expensive gifts. Fiona's cheap hand made him lose all face.

Actually, Fiona can buy a more expensive gift, but the other items in the market are not much different. Any gift that is not a gift, not buying cheap things on the sidewalk is already heartwarming.

“No need cousin, let me buy it myself.”

“I've decided, I will prepare a birthday gift for you, tomorrow you will remember to come back on time, I'll hang up.”

Fiona was about to say something more, when a beeping sound came from the other end of the phone.

Fiona looked at the darkness covering the space, half-closed her eyes and whispered a sentence: “Whoever wants to prepare, just prepare.”

When Fiona returned to the dormitory, it was already a few minutes late, but fortunately the dormitory was not closed yet.

Normally, the dormitory closes at ten o'clock, not a second late, if anyone does not return before the specified time, they will be kept outside, listen to the manager's aunt teaching for more than half an hour, and will be in the notebook black, if she gets caught again next time it won't be easy for half an hour.

Fiona quietly glanced into the duty room, inside there was a girl in silk pajamas chatting happily with her manager aunt.

Fiona crouched along the wall and quickly ran into the hallway, then took out her phone to call her best friend.

“Hello, Fiona.” The other party picked up the phone very quickly.

“Okay, you can retreat now.” Fiona laughed.

Just over a minute later, the girl who was chatting in the management room just now took off her slippers and glared at her, disgruntled and said: “You're late again, fortunately I have help. If it wasn't for me distracting the manager's auntie, you would have been recorded in the black book.”

“Thank you, madam.” Fiona held her hand and said.

“Stay away.” Regina Julia smiled and pushed her away, then went up the stairs, “You have to go back to H city tomorrow?”

“Um.” Fiona walked to her side: "Birthday grandfather, I have to go back."

“You are also very filial.” Regina Julia laughed, picked up the phone and dialed for a moment: “This is not much money, 7 million you take it.”

Fiona heard her phone ring, took it out and saw that Regina Julia had already transferred the money to her.

“Why did you give me money?”

“Now I don't have much money, when I am rich, I will sponsor you hundreds of millions of dong, making those people ashamed.” Regina Julia said indignantly.

Fiona was happy, smiling while walking. Last year, after Regina Julia knew everything, she always kept a close eye on her heart, hoping that one day Fiona could hold a sack of money that fell and crushed them to death.

“What are you laughing at?” Regina Julia glared at her.

“Don't think of me as a poor white rabbit oppressed by the rich, then turn around and slap them in the face.” Fiona struggled to stop laughing, put the phone away, and refused to accept the transfer.

“Isn't it?” Regina Julia glared at her.

Fiona made a lovely pose, blinking eyes at her: “Does it look like me?”

Regina Julia was finally made fun of by her, stopped to look at Fiona's innocent eyes for a while, and finally compromised: “I wish you good luck and success.” Fiona looked at her funny.

The dormitory was right in front of her eyes, Regina Julia went into the dormitory with a gasp, and Fiona smiled and followed behind.

The next day was Saturday, there was no one left in the dormitory, Fiona woke up very early, she washed her face, combed her hair, sat on the bed and read a book for a while, until almost noon, she slowly gathered her things other than taking a taxi.

It took six hours by car to return from city G to city H, and through each time, it was also smart to arrive at the party.

In fact, Fiona loves to travel, the money she has earned in the past few years has been used for travel, has passed through many places large and small, every time sitting in a car or plane the feeling of going fast always makes Fiona fun.

Although she wandered aimlessly, fortunately she knew the direction and did not lose her way.

But every time I go to H city, unlike traveling, I suddenly feel like walking on the ice, so if I don't go carefully, I will stumble.

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