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The story follows the life of a young lady who struggle to make ends with her grandma and goes to great length to bail her father out of jail. Her choices lead her to life-changing outcome, where she becomes pregnant by a man who denies her kids and subsequently raises her children alone. As her kids grow older and start questioning their father's absence, she is compelled to take them back to their daddy, who loves her but cannot bring it out to himself to admit his feelings out of pride. This emotional tale highlights the difficulties faced by individuals from poor backgrounds and the sacrifices they make for their loved ones to be protected.

Chapter 1 How it all started

As we made our way down the muddy shortcut, I couldn't help but question Dephne's choice of route. "Why are we using this way that passes through the bush instead of the other way?" I asked, unsure of the decision.

"This road is a shortcut," she replied with a hint of urgency in her voice. "Aren't you in a hurry to get home before your father comes back? I don't want you to get into trouble with him."

Her words resonated with me, and I quickened my pace to match hers. But as we approached the bush, disaster struck. I stumbled over a root, landing squarely in a patch of mud. "Ouch, ahhh Dephny," I cried out, feeling embarrassed and frustrated.

"I can't go home looking like this. I need something to cover myself," I said, my voice low with embarrassment as Dephny helped me up. I had been wearing a white jean, now stained brown with mud, and a navy blue t-shirt.

"No, Dee. I can't go home like this. We must come up with a plan," I insisted, feeling self-conscious and exposed. "Can't we go to the house that is nearby to borrow something to cover myself? I am sure there are girls who can borrow me something."

Dephny looked at me with skepticism. "Friend, do you think there is any lady who can just borrow a stranger her clothes?" she asked, doubtful.

I felt annoyance boiling inside me. "What do you mean by that, friend?" I snapped. "I mean, don't be angry. Who in the world can give a stranger her clothes? What if you don't bring it back?" she replied with a shrug.

I waved away her concern and said, "It's fine, Dee. I'll just ask for a bathroom, wipe this mud, and we'll leave."

Reluctantly, she agreed, and we made our way to the house. As we stood at the door, a young man, aged around 14-16, opened it and looked at us curiously. His eyes lingered on me for a moment, and I couldn't help but feel self-conscious.

"Hello," I greeted him with a smile.

"Hi, how can I help you?" He replied with a firm voice.

"We were wondering if we could use your bathroom. My friend had a little accident here, as you can see," Dee said, pointing at my lower body.

"And please borrow me a scarf. I'm staying down the road. I'll bring it back before sunset," I added.

The young man looked at his wrist for a moment and then said, "Ladies, I'm very sorry you'll have to hurry and use the bathroom before my older brother arrives. He won't be pleased to find you here. And, I'll check my sister's closet if I can find a scarf or anything for that matter."

We thanked him and followed him to the bathroom. The room seemed to be inside his sister's bedroom, and the walls were adorned with pictures of a young lady who looked just like him and his siblings.

As we washed up, he knocked on the door and gave Dee the scarf. We hurried up, aware that his brother could arrive at any moment.

As we approached the gate, I couldn't help but admire the innocence that radiated off the young man. I turned to him and said, "thank you again, what's your name?"

"Sino," he replied, checking his wrist for the time.

"What a nice name," I smiled warmly at him.

"Thank you," Sino replied with a shy grin.

Suddenly, an orange Range Rover pulled up to the gate, and Sino's facial expression changed instantly. His eyes dilated, and his face turned bright red. The gates opened, and the car drove in.

As we rushed to make our way out of the gate, a most terrifying voice boomed behind us, "And then you two?"

We turned around to face a burly man advancing towards us with an air of menace. My heart raced as I realized that we were in trouble.

"What are you two doing here, and what are you doing with my sister's scarf?" his voice bellowed across the compound. I marveled at his ability to recognize a single article of clothing belonging to his sister.

I stumbled over my words, trying to explain, "Um, I… I borrowed it since I fell on the mud and couldn't go home looking like that."

"Really?" his voice was firm, and his anger palpable. "Who are you? Why do you think you're so special to wear my sister's scarf? Tell me why you can't walk home like that?"

I felt my face flush with embarrassment as I fumbled to remove the scarf, fully aware of how ridiculous my excuse must have sounded.

I didn't say you should remove it. I want it back before sunset. YOU HEAR ME?" he shouted, his eyes red.

"I...I heard you," I stammered, nodding quickly. I turned to look at Sino, who looked scared. His face and eyes were red.

Dee took my hand and pulled me away. We walked in silence until Dee decided to break it by laughing. "Really Joy, you nearly peed on yourself," Dephny said.

I turned to look at her only to realize she was dead laughing. "Dee, this is not a laughing matter," I whispered.

Dephny laughed even more.

"I swear, Joy, your face was priceless," she continued laughing.

"I know, but it was scary," I said, trying to keep my voice low.

We reached home, and I went inside the house. Dephny went to where she was staying, not far away from me.

I found out my dad was back and asked me where I was.

"Dephny's place, Dad," I replied.

"And the scarf?" Dad asked.

"Periods, Dad," I replied, not wanting to reveal the truth.

"Okay," he said.

I went into my room and grabbed a bucket to go and fetch water to bathe.

I came back with a bucket of water and poured it into a pot to boil because it was getting late. After that, I took a bath and changed into a black jean and a white vest. I decided to cook supper, which consisted of pap and pumpkin leaves. However, I ended up finishing late, so I wasn't able to return the scarf in time. I promised myself to do it early the following morning.

We had supper with granny and dad while having a light conversation. Then I went to my room, changed into my nightclothes, and slept. The next day, I woke up at 6 am and brushed my teeth and face. I swept the yard and cleaned the house before starting to prepare breakfast at 9 am.

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