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Extraordinary Live

Extraordinary Live



Extraordinary Live is a story about a young girl born with silver spoon ...

Chapter 1 The New Admitted Girl

The New Admitted Girl

In School, Kitty was known for her sharp wit, excellent grades, and impeccable style. With her head held high, Kitty confidently strolled through the hallways of Light Middle School, basking in the attention she received from her peers. However, there was one thing that tarnished her otherwise perfect image which is her tendency to look down on others.

Kitty's haughty attitude had earned her a reputation as the girl who always judged and belittled her classmates. She believed that her intelligence and accomplishments gave her the right to act superior to everyone else. Whether it was mocking someone for their fashion choices or scoffing at their academic struggles, Kitty never missed an opportunity to put others down.

One fateful day, a new student named Lily joined Light Middle School. Lily was a kind-hearted and compassionate girl who had recently moved to the city with her family. She was eager to make friends and immerse herself in her new school. Unfortunately, Lily became the prime target for Kitty's judgmental nature.

Despite Lily's genuine efforts to befriend Kitty and her classmate dismissed her as inferior. She ridiculed Lily's clothes, mocked her accent, and made snide remarks about her academic performance. This constant barrage of insults left Lily feeling isolated and hurt.

However, Lily was not one to back down easily. Instead of retaliating with anger, she chose a different path. She started reaching out to other students who had also experienced Kitty's disdain and formed a close-knit group with them. Together, they encouraged each other, supported one another, and found solace in their shared experiences.

As time went on, Lily's positive influence began to spread through the school. Her compassionate nature and genuine kindness were contagious, and students started to question Kitty's behavior. They realized that true strength did not lie in belittling others but in lifting them up.


One day, as Kitty sat alone at lunch, her eyes scanned the cafeteria and landed on Lily and her friends laughing and having a great time. A pang of regret coursed through Kitty's heart as she observed the genuine happiness that emanated from the group. She suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of loneliness and realized the consequences of her actions.

Driven by a newfound realization, Emily decided to change her ways. She approached Lily and sincerely apologized for her behavior. Lily, recognizing the genuine remorse in Kitty's eyes, accepted her apology and invited her to join their circle of friends.

From that day forward, Kitty worked hard to mend the broken relationships she had caused. She actively sought to be inclusive, kind, and supportive to everyone around her. Slowly but surely, she earned the respect and forgiveness of her peers.

Kitty's transformation was not an easy one, and it took time for her to rebuild the trust she had lost. However, her journey taught her the value of empathy, humility, and the importance of treating others with kindness. She became an advocate for inclusivity, and her changed attitude had a profound impact on the school's culture.

Charity Event

One day, Kitty attended a charity event with her friends, where they volunteered to help children affected by poverty and disease. It was the first time Kitty had seen such suffering and hardship. She was touched by the children's determination and resilience despite their circumstances.

Kitty began to reflect on her own life and how she had been taking her privileges for granted. She started reading and studying about social issues, and became increasingly interested in finding ways she could help. She began volunteering at the charity regularly, organizing fundraisers, and spreading awareness about the cause through social media.

As she spent more time serving others, she found her purpose in life. Kitty's life transformed, and she started doing things she never thought possible, such as running a marathon to raise funds for the charity. Her physical appearance became less of a focus, as she realized that the greatest beauty was found in a kind heart and a giving spirit.

Kitty's extraordinary transformation inspired her friends and family. She became an advocate for social justice, supporting various causes and empowering others to contribute. Kitty's life was now full of meaning and joy, as she had found her calling to impact the world positively.

In the end, Kitty' proved that no matter how pampered or self-centered you are in the past, you can transform into an extraordinary human being by practicing empathy, pursuing personal growth, giving back to society.


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