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The jungle boys

The jungle boys



power and revenge

Chapter 1 The Beginning

A Fair boy stood up and looked around him he noticed the sun was to hot and he

went towards the lagoon and sat at the shore with his feet at the water looking around him, he turned and saw a path he followed it looking for something to eat he saw a tree of fruit (apples) He ate until he was satisfaction. He walked further wondering in the jungle looking for any survival, he saw something as he was walking he got closer it was and adult.

"Hello" the fair boy said

But the boy did not answer he said it again before he discovered that the boy was on consures so he pulled the man to the water shore and started sprinkling water on him and the man woke up and nis eyes were dark and he opened them clearly and saw a fair boy standing in front of him, he stood up so he asked his name and said his name was Ralph he as the fair boy name and.

The fair boy said "they call me James"

James "asked Ralph do you want to eat"and Ralph said "yes"

James said "follow me"

James took Ralph to the tree he was from eating. On going to the path the saw a snake on the path the fair boy said lets kill it on as the were approaching to kill the snake attacked and bit the fair boy and left, the adult went to him and held him.

"please save me please" the fair boy said

"Don't cry please. I will help you"

The man went to the push looking for some herbs and came back.

"Take eat this it will stop the venom" the fair boy took it and ate, the adult also made some and rubbed some on the snake bite and the fair boy slept. The fair boy work up from a nightmare. He looked left and right looking for the adult he saw trying to make a fire, As he was trying to make it the fair boy said wait let me help you.

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