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Kindness pays

Kindness pays



reward for kindness

Chapter 1 The beginning

Once in a city of Denmark there was a girl named vanessa and she was very arrogant and jealous of everything and everyone around her, she was very pretty and almost all the boys in her class fell for her, she went out on a date with most of them and became jealous if she saw them on a date with any other girl. There was another girl called Chelsea, who was always kind to her despite all the pain Vanessa always put on her, despite all the insults vanessa throws at her.

She still decides to be kind, many people in her class admires her even some of the boys in her class, she was a really kind and nice person. she struggled to help the people around her, even when they didn't like her, she still shows them love to the people around her. But Vanessa was still jealous of her as the days are passing by, so she always tried to frame Chelsea up, so Chelsea will look bad in front of everyone. The summer was almost over and all were preparing for school, so Vanessa and her so called friends (Megan and Kyra) planned to start by disgrasing Chelsea onthe first day of school.

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