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Kidnaped By My Mafia Fan

Kidnaped By My Mafia Fan



while attending her friend's wedding in a foreign country, Sarah, a former figure skater, comes across a breath-taking man who claims to be a fan of hers. one thing leads to the other and the two end up deciding to date each other. however, hours into the newly founded relationship, Srah finds out that her lover is the leader of the most feared mafia organization in the country. frightened, she tries to escape the same day, but his men find her just as she is about to board the plane home. now that he has, he declares that he won't let her go for the rest of his life. while his confession of undying love would be endearing, Sarah would rather not get caught up in any messy business which she makes clear. learn how her attempts to escape get smoldered by this powerful man, and how she inevitably falls for his charms!

Chapter 1 Where am I

‘Mmm…’ Sarah moaned, pissed by the warm light hitting her skin. She was exhausted. “5 more minutes…” she mumbled as she begged herself “just five more minutes and then we’ll get up and get things done.” But there is no more sleep for her now that her overly anxious planner side was awake. She slowly opened her eyes, grumbling to herself as the bright sun rays graced her vision. The first sight was a little blurry, she had been so drunk last night and now her head was pounding. She yawned, and rubbed her eyes, the second sight was unfamiliar.

It didn’t look like her hotel room or any of the ones she remembers from the days before. She blinked a couple of times before analyzing the room. It was large and elegantly decorated, the detail was too precise, not like a hotel. If it were a hotel she’d have to break her bank to pay for such a luxurious room. But if it wasn’t a hotel…….

The realization that she was at a random person’s house and could possibly have been kidnaped hit her hard. She was quick to jump out of the blankets and check herself. After confirming that she had not been abused she hastily let out a breathe of relieve. Her heart rate plummeted again, she was in Italy which was unchartered territory for her and now she was at this house and didn’t know how to get back to her friends. Why was she here? What if the home owner was a human trafficker? What if they wanted her organs? No. she had to leave, right away.

She looked around the room for her phone and the purse she had last night. She couldn’t find either of them. “Never mind. Let’s leave this place first. What was the hotel name? Muz…, lux? Ruz………. Something. Damn I can’t remember? Why did I drink so much? Is the door even open?” her mind was all over the place. Eventually she made it to the door and upon pulling once it opened. She somewhat regained some of her composure. It can’t be that bad if the doors are not closed or tightly guarded. Staring at the long hallway extending on either sides of her vision she chose to go right. She was panting, what if she got caught? She still didn’t know how she had gotten here in the first place. In her panicked state she tried to figure out her next move and remember the events from the night before, simultaneously.

“Ruzzini Palace” her lips when ahead and blurted, at least now she knew where to go from here all she had to do was get out. She had walked for what felt like 20 minutes but she was still in that damned hallway and for some reason she felt like she had walked past the exact same spot three time by now.

In another corner of the mansion, a man looked down at the security footage on his tablet with a face full of amusement. Being able to get lost so much must be a skill on its own. Suddenly the little woman in the video dropped her jacket to the ground and walked on. A smile traced his lips. It seems the little woman had figured out that she might be caught in a loop. At his time a wicked thought crossed his mind. What if he had someone go over and pick up the jacket before she gets back? She would be so confused walking through an endless hallway. But that was just a thought. He didn’t wish to act on it, just thought it would be funny. At this moment a man in a suit came up to him and announced that breakfast was ready to be served.

“Well I guess its time to feed her now. She must be tired from all that walking.” He said to himself. With that he left his sit and walked into the house. Going straight towards the young lady who was just about to pick up her jacket after figuring out that she was stuck in a loop.

“Are you lost?” A husky voice sounded from behind her, slow and deep, an extremely sexy voice. She’d have been simping right now if not for the fact that she wasn’t sure what fate she would have and this man could well be her abductor. The thought flashed through her mind again and she felt her throat dry up. Without turning around she replied in the most fearful voice ever, she did not even know that she could sound so pitiful. “Yea it seems so. Hi. I don’t know how I got here”

Hearing what a scared little cat she sounded like the man couldn’t help smirking. “I know how you got here. In my car, I brought you here.” He said casually. She panicked, her eyes shut tight. This man was indeed her abductor. What did he want? Money? Was he a human trafficker? Would he murder her? Her mind was spiraling. Two seconds felt like forever. She suddenly decided to negotiate for her head because she wasn’t about to die in a foreign country and ruin her best friend’s wedding.

Slowly she turned around, her hands glued to her face, covering her eyes tightly. “Kind sir, I don’t know why you brought me here but I can assure you that you have the wrong person. If you want money, trust me, you are richer than me. Plus no one will pay a ransom for me, I don’t have a family. I only have one kidney and my lungs are lousy so cutting me up won’t do you any good either.”

At this point he was cracking up inside, he tried so hard to hold back his laughter and to stay in character, “hmm. What if I don’t want money? I never planned to cut you open.” He said somewhat mysteriously. “What do you want then?” she asked anxiously her hands still glued to her eyes she was getting really scared now. She didn’t like how unbothered his tone was. It was like he’d done this before. Was he a psychopath? With such a nice voice? What a shame.

“If you want me…....You… deserve better.” She said quite hesitantly. “Look my eyes are closed and I can’t see you. I don’t know what you look like or where I am. If you just blindfold me and drive me out of here, we can pretend we never met. I won’t go to the police, I don’t even know your name.” she was almost most pleading at this point.

Hearing the reason why she had her eyes closed, he could not hold himself back and let a low chuckle escape his throat. To her it sounded quite intimidating, although it was pleasing to the ears. Composing himself once more he took a couple of steps towards her. He bent over slightly and whispered into her ears “my name is Aldo Aicardi. I didn’t think you would forget so soon, Sarah.”

“You know my name?”

“Of course. Ndolo Sarah Etoundi, 28 year old female, Cameroonian national, former figure skater, studied at HAVARD business school. You’re here for your best friend’s wedding.” She almost fell to the ground hearing a stranger calmly tell her own biography

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