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From Ashes to Ascendancy

From Ashes to Ascendancy



In the sprawling city of Luxandria, where the gap between the wealthy and the poor is as vast as the River Styx, one man challenges his family's cursed legacy of poverty. Rin Belsher, born into the lowly Belsher lineage known for their lackluster reputation, finds himself trapped in a life of servitude and subservience. Generation after generation, his family has resigned themselves to toiling away, serving the privileged elite who revel in Luxandria's lavish streets. But Rin dreams of a different fate. Disillusioned by the relentless grip of poverty and weary of witnessing his kin being trampled upon, he resolves to break free from his family's chains. Fueled by unwavering determination, Rin embarks on a daring quest to escape mediocrity and reach unimaginable heights of power within the state of Luxandria. This gripping tale takes you into the heart of Luxandria, a city where the poor suffer and the rich reign supreme. As Rin navigates the treacherous maze of Luxandria's rigid social hierarchy.

Chapter 1 From Humble Beginnings

Luxandria, a city of luxury and excess, stood as a haven for the world's wealthiest and most powerful individuals. Its grandeur was embodied in sprawling mansions, towering skyscrapers, and a lifestyle of extreme luxury. The streets dazzled with beautiful lights, lined with exquisite shops selling the finest goods. Countless restaurants offered the most decadent cuisines. Luxury cars adorned the roads and the wealthy homes of the rich showcased modernity at its finest.

Amidst the affluent, however, coexisted the impoverished families of Luxandria. Among them were the Belshers, who, for generations, had earned a reputation for providing diligent service to the wealthier families. The Belshers, burdened by their meager income and limited resources, saw this as their only means of survival in Luxandria. The family, consisting of 122 members, found themselves caught in the grip of poverty. Ninety-five of them toiled away in laborious, low-paying jobs such as dishwashing, janitorial work, and other menial tasks that reflected their lack of wealth.

Rin Belsher, a young man in the family, possessed a rare gift-a remarkable ability to learn and adapt swiftly, a skill not found in other Belsher members. Since childhood, Rin had displayed an uncanny talent for acquiring new skills effortlessly. If not for his family's legacy, he might have soared to great heights by now. Alas, one's fate is not easily altered.

"Hey, you rat!"

A piercing scream from upstairs snapped Rin out of his thoughts. He was currently enjoying his ten-minute break from his duties as a yard worker at the Costa family estate, where his tasks involved collecting garbage after large events and occasionally tending to the lawn.

"Yes, Mr. Costa? How may I assist you?" Rin responded to the impudent call of Dave Costa, an arrogant and privileged young man. Dave held significant influence within the Costa family, for whom Rin worked.

"One of the guests clogged the toilet with a massive dump. Why don't you come clean it?" Dave smirked, relishing in demeaning Rin. Dave was well aware of Rin's family background and reveled in taunting him, often using him for menial tasks while embarrassing him in front of the girls he brought to the Costa estate to boost his own image.

Obediently, Rin followed Dave to the clogged toilet, his disappointment lingering as he performed the task. While cleaning, a sense of unfulfilled potential gnawed at him, as if he were destined for more than just being a mere toilet cleaner or yard worker. The flame inside him, yearning for greater heights, had never been fully ignited. Thus he had resigned himself to serving the Costa family for a meager paycheck that barely sustained his beloved mother and younger sister, whom he cherished dearly. Despite their hardships, the three toiled relentlessly to make ends meet.

Nonetheless, Rin eagerly awaited the following day, for it was payday. On these occasions, the Belsher family gathered at a random member's house to share their accomplishments and recount their various activities throughout the month.

Rin's thoughts were interrupted by the smooth, melodic laughter emanating from the ladies gathered in the living room adjacent to the toilet he had just finished cleaning. He hurriedly made his way out of the restroom, ready to attend to his other tasks. Little did he know that the women had noticed his presence and were about to engage in mockery.

The two women, both in their early twenties, exuded elegance and possessed stunning, lustrous hair. With her exquisite curvaceous figure accentuated by a form-fitting skirt, Marie Costa caught Rin's eye immediately. She was a short beauty with golden hair and piercing navy blue eyes. Accompanying her was her friend Shealyn Reams, not as stunning as Marie but still an attractive woman. Rin had harbored a profound infatuation for Marie for a long time, often daydreaming about one day capturing her heart. Lost in admiration, Rin's reverie was abruptly disrupted by Shealyn's voice.

"Hey, Marie, so you have a Belsher working at your estate too? The head of my family recently hired ten new maids, and believe it or not, they're all Belshers!" Shealyn's words dripped with intent to belittle Rin, having noticed his lingering gaze on Marie. She was well aware of Rin's presence, as he had been working there for two years and had become familiar with many of Marie's friends due to their habit of sending him on errands.

Marie turned her head to Rin and said, "Yeah, that loser has been here for a while now. I don't understand how someone can live like that." Marie's voice dripped with disgust as she looked at Rin, who belonged to a different world. Having never worked such jobs in her life, she looked down upon people like Rin. In her eyes, only the rich and powerful were worthy of her attention, and Rin was far from that. Her disdain for him was palpable.

"Hey, Rin, why don't you make yourself useful and go buy us some drinks? Some of my friends are coming over, and we'll need an errand boy, so you'll have to stay late," implied Marie. She treated Rin like her personal servant, relishing in his submissive gaze. It was important to her that every interaction with Rin reinforced his subordinate position.

Wanting to join in, Shealyn added with a mocking expression on her face, "Try not to be a perverted creep while you spend the night. You're only here to serve us as an errand boy, so don't get any strange ideas." Shealyn took pleasure in making Rin's life miserable. To her, poor people like Rin were inconsequential and disposable.

Rin nodded and took the money for the drinks from Marie. He maintained a calm and composed exterior, but inside, he seethed with anger towards Shealyn and harbored a shattered heart for Marie. Nevertheless, he obeyed their commands. This job was what sustained his family, and he knew that even if he switched to work for another family, the treatment would likely be the same or worse. At least here, he got to catch glimpses of Marie, The most beautiful woman in his eyes.

As Rin walked out through the estate gate, the guards looked at him with disgust and mockingly whispered to each other in the background.

"Looks like the loser is on another errand."

"He's so disgusting. Remember when Dave had him clean vomit from a guest at a party?"

The insults didn't faze Rin. He had grown accustomed to such treatment. Whenever the guards were drunk, their taunts would escalate further. As a lowly member of the Belsher family, he carried the weight of their name and the associated fate.

Rin walked all the way to the gas station, which was three miles away, since the girls hadn't provided enough money for transportation. Along the way, rain began to pour, drenching Rin instantly in its deluge. As he hurried on, he noticed a purple Lamborghini Aventador zoom past him. He recognized it as some of Marie's friends. Seeing this meant that the guests were arriving, and if Rin didn't hurry back with the drinks, Marie would be furious and might even resort to slapping him for his incompetence. Determined, he quickened his pace.

After a grueling hour of speed-walking, Rin finally arrived at the doorstep of the gas station. It was adorned with fancy lights and decorations, a reflection of the high-class establishments prevalent in Luxandria. Soaked and exhausted, he stepped inside to purchase the drinks. Making his way to the section displaying beer and other beverages, he selected a few items and returned to the counter to pay.

Rin frequented this gas station often during his time at the Costa estate. The shop owner looked at him disgusted, initially mistaking him for a potential robber who had walked into his store. However, upon realizing that the Costa girl had sent Rin on an errand, the shop owner hastily processed Rin's purchases, eager for him to leave as he wanted to avoid any association of Rin with the store.

It was 8 PM, so not many were out on the street at the time, so when a drunken man stumbled into the store from the pouring rain. Both Rin and the shop owner paused in surprise, observing the man. He wore a drenched white t-shirt, shorts, and sandals – a rather ordinary attire. Despite his drunken state, he managed to blurt out the words, "H-H-Hey you... I'm h-h-hungry. Let me e-eat you." The shop owner, clearly exasperated, muttered, "Ah, great, another low-life loser," and promptly kicked the man out, treating him like trash. The intoxicated man stumbled down the stairs, seeking refuge beneath an umbrella set up at one of the tables for couples to dine under during rain showers.

Rin couldn't help but feel sorry for the man as he saw a reflection of his own struggles. With the remaining change in his possession, Rin bought a donut, knowing that Marie would likely scold him for the missing money. Despite this, he proceeded with his act of kindness. Shielding the donut from the rain, he approached the man and handed it to him.

"Eat. This is all I can offer. Find some shelter," Rin told the man as he handed over the donut he had purchased, his expression filled with pity. He wished he could do more but reluctantly turned and left, realizing that he had spent considerable time away from the estate. He hoped that Marie wouldn't be angrier than before due to the delay.

Upon returning to the estate's living room, where Marie and Shealyn awaited, Rin noticed that more of Marie's friends had joined them. Three other young women, all from wealthy families with whom Marie associated, were present. As Rin entered the room, Marie's frown revealed her anger at the extended absence.

"You're so incompetent. You can't even get me a couple of drinks on time," Marie scolded, her voice filled with frustration. She then ordered Rin to bring her the items she had requested. However, when it came time to hand over the change, Rin was two dollars short. Marie became furious and proceeded to mock him while her friends eagerly joined in, relishing the opportunity to belittle him.

"You and your family are truly a disgrace to humankind. Now you're stealing from Marie?" Shealyn said, her face twisted in disgust. She wanted to portray Rin in the worst possible light, hoping to shape the other ladies' perceptions to match her disdain.

"Whatever, two dollars isn't that much anyway. Just leave. I don't want to see your face," Marie declared, returning her attention to her friends. Hearing the girl he loved the most utter those words shattered Rin's heart into pieces. But at least he was finally allowed to leave. Without uttering a word and ignoring the mockery of the other ladies, Rin turned and departed from the Costa estate.

At the end of his work shift, Rin had to walk a considerable distance to catch a bus that followed a route toward his apartment area. However, he had to walk twice the usual distance due to staying late. The rain continued to pour, soaking Rin to the bone as he trudged through the desolate streets. Fatigue and despair weighed heavily on him, but he was determined to reach his humble abode.

Rin's home consisted of a cramped one-bedroom room in a dilapidated apartment complex managed by a grumpy old man. The residents of this complex were a mix of drunken fathers, broken families, and individuals struggling financially. The pervasive scent of poverty lingered in the air, a combination of rusted metal from the rundown cars in the parking lot and the musty odor of damp clothes hanging on the railings. The complex stood three stories tall, and Rin resided at the top. Weary from his long day, he climbed the stairs and went to his apartment room.

Upon entering, Rin found his mother and sister fast asleep. It was already 11 PM, and the day's weariness began to weigh on him. He settled onto the sheet that served as his makeshift bed on the floor, lost in contemplation. His mind often drifted to dreams of improving his life, but he couldn't fathom how to achieve such a lofty goal. As his thoughts consumed him, exhaustion overcame Rin, and he slipped into a deep slumber within minutes; he was fast asleep.

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