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Who is she?

Who is she?



running, breathing heavily, foots behind her, without even looking back she raced down the deserted streets, Brenda tried her best to outrun them; Phillipe's goons. she was getting weaker, her legs were failing her, she could not even breathe properly; her lungs ached and throbbed, a pain all too familiar she gritted her teeth, if only she could escape this hell. her attackers grew closer, blocking her path; suddenly, something smashed into the wall next to her face. Brenda barely had time to scream before her hands were ripped from the pavement, rolling on the floor of the alleyway. "don't scream" A voice whispered she fell to the floor. "No one runs from the boss! no one escapes the contract!" a voice replied. Brenda looked up into the face of the goon, she felt dizzy, her mind and her body seemed to be disconnected, everything was cloudy, she was unable to move; the pain had stopped, maybe she was hallucinating. she wondered why she felt so light headed, as if she was floating. Suddenly, she felt something dripping, it was her blood. She had been stabbed in the leg. she saw the blood, and the figure of the goon, smiling down at her, blood dripped from the end of his knife, as if he was showing off how much he enjoyed her pain. "please...please..don't kill me..please." she pleaded. he raised the knife and was about to stabbed her again when from nowhere..he came. in a swift manner, the stranger sent his fist into the goon's face, knocking him unconscious, and then grabbed Brenda and pulled her to her feet. "miss! miss, are you okay..?" he shouted out to Brenda as they ran down the street, barely keeping ahead of the goons. she tried to open her eyes, atleast to see who he was but she only saw someone in white, his face was blurred as he was running too quickly for her to be able to focus. she couldn't make out his face. 'must be angel' she thought to herself. they reached the main street, he came to a halt. "you ok miss? miss..miss...talk to me.." he called again "Angel?" she called softly before passing out. .

Chapter 1 Too nosy



she opened her eyes

her mind was cloudy and she felt very dizzy. She looked around, the place was unfamiliar , she seemed to be lying in a hospital bed, she was connected to a monitor and had IVs in her arm and throat.

she tried recalling what happened but nothing seemed to come to her mind. the last thing she could remember was running to the building.

She saw two men. one she recognised the other she doesn't. they were talking but she couldn't hear what they were saying..

"help me..I'm so thirsty..." she moaned, eyes filling with tears as she tried to look around.

"Angel.." she called

"Oh! Miss? You're awake!"

"What happened?"

"You don't remember? You ran into some thugs, they ambushed you. I rescued you."

she tried to recall but only got a headache. She held her head as the pain intensified.

"Aaaahhhh! my head hurts."

"Calm down. stop trying to think." the doctor said.

"but my head.." she moaned, closing her eyes

"Doctor?" the man called.

"yeah! it's like i told you. She suffered a hit on her head that affected her brain. Right now she doesn't remember anything. Its normal though. Within a couple of days she'll have it all back." he added.

"Doctor, are you sure? But how do I get her to her family? How do i find her?" he asked in confusion

"You don't need to worry about that, she's gonna be okay in a short while.

"Lady? What's your name?" the man asked.

"my name? My name! I don't know my own name.." she said with tears in her eyes

"My God! what have i gotten myself into? what do i do now doctor?"

"hmmm, well, I don't know but one thing i can tell you is she can't stay here.." the doc said and left the room.

Andrew paced up and down the room. he was confused. how did he get himself into this mess? he didn't bargain for this. he was just taking a walk to clear his head. the case he was working on was becoming too touch when he saw them trying to kill her. he couldn't just leave her, he had to do something and it landed him in a mess. he just hoped the case would work out in the end. he just hoped he didn't make a mistake in saving her.

"uuummm, angel? I...

"My name is Andrew, detective Andrew. not angel" he yelled then suddenly regretted it.

"look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I'm just stressed. what is it?" he said looking down.

"I'm hungry." she said rubbing her stomach.

Andrew could not help the smile that appeared on his face. it felt so good to see her smiling after that entire ordeal. And he thought she was adorable and beautiful. his heart just melted when she smiled at him.

"okay..i'll be back let me go get something for you to eat.." he said and turned to leave. he was almost at the door when she called. "excuse me" she said with a question mark on her face

"yeah? what?" he asked

"i'll still call you angel cos you're my angel" she smiled then turned backing him.

Andrew couldn't tell why but when she smiled, it made him forget everything. He felt at peace with himself. His heart was racing with joy.

* * * *

Tosin was furious with his boys. he had sent them on a simple mission;nkill one girl and they failed. A lot of things were wrong. They were already caught in this mess and now this. he stared at the man had led the mission.

"stupid fool! kill one girl! just one girl. That was all you had to do but you couldn't do it. You're a bunch of idiots." he screamed.

"i'm sorry boss. someone came to her rescue. we stood no chance."

"someone came to her rescue? Just one man?"

"yes boss.."

"was he armed?"

"no boss"

"incompetent fools! just one man killed seven men? you have to be kidding me. only the devil himself would have been able to kill that many men in just a single shot."

"i'm very serious boss. he seemed to be very skilled. I managed to escape boss. the rest of my boys are dead" the man said bowing to him.

"ahhhh! well thank you. ah sorry but you boys were hired to kill her. you failed to do that. You should have allowed him kill you." he said and shot him in the forehead.

He sat on his chair heavily, picked up the bottle of wine on the table. he wanted to pour some in a glass but didn't. He brought the bottle to his mouth and drank from it. The hot liquid flowed down his throat like fire. he didn't notice the pain or the burning feeling. all he could think about was that angea. He sighed.

He was burdened with the task of getting rid of Angela. she knew too much. she had seen too much. He lost his men to the task. Now he has to look for more capable hands.

he scratched his head then stood up, pacing around the room. how was he gonna do it? Where would he find skilled men in such short a time. but then again, who was that guy? how was he able to kill six men so easily? that is the kind of people he needs but where would he find them.

"mmmmmmm. i'll start looking. they had to be out there somewhere."

He'll focus on that for now. Angela didn't pose much threat to him now. she must have gone into hiding. "Angela oh Angela! I loved you. I still do. You pushed me to do what i did. I didn't want to hurt you or your family but you were too nosy. you didn't want to mind your business now see what you brought upon yourself. I love you but i won't go to jail, not again! I'll find you and believe me you won't be this happy ever again"

He left the barroom in a rage. he went straight to his car.

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