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Billionairee's Obsession

Billionairee's Obsession

Honey Writes


Joyce Hilton desires nothing more than a tranquil and unremarkable existence with her partner, free from any interference from her paternal relatives. However, this aspiration appears unattainable as she finds herself ensnared by a domineering billionaire, courtesy of her stepsister's scheming. The ordeal began at her paternal grandmother's birthday celebration, where they engaged in a brief encounter. Regrettably, this dalliance evolved into an unhealthy fixation, as he became fixated on her physique and resolved to obtain her by any means necessary.

Chapter 1 Encounter

"Ding , ding ding", the door bell rings

"Coming", Joyce answered from the inside, removed the apron she was wearing before walking to the door barefooted.

"Oh, what an august visitor", Joyce exclaimed after opening the door.

"How may I help you, Mr Taylor?", Joyce folded her arms across her chest, leaning on the door casually without any intention of letting the man in.

"You're not even going to allow me in?", Mr Taylor chuckled.

"Opening the door and listening to you is already the greatest form of honor for an animal like you".

"Y..ou, you unfilal bastard",Mr Taylor stammered totally enraged,his chest heaving up and down in anger.

"Well,Mr Taylor it would be better if you go home to your wife and daughter,I don't want my peaceful life to be disturbed"Joyce replied nonchalantly.

"Do you know why you and your mother ended up being a pitiful creatures, that's because you're stubborn and people like that always ends up being lonely for the rest of their lives and even in death, just like your mother, and am afraid you might end up just li. . ",Mr Taylor roared angrily but was interrupt by a slap from Joyce whose eyes was bloodshot.

"Yes, just because we don't know how to cry and play the pity card by acting coquettishly or playing victims,we must suffer.and besides when did you expect her to do that, was it when you had an affair before your marriage and even continue after being married?,or was it when you threw us out of the house?, Joyce bellowed angrily disgust and resentment evident in her tone.

"I don't bloody care",he replied coldly stuffing an invitation card in her hands and leaving immediately.

Joyce closed the door and collapsed helplessly on the sofa, trying to sort her emotions together.

"Don't bother with them, you're just going to attend grandmother's birthday, you can do this", she chanted in her mind.

The birthday was to take place in a five stars hotel, Joyce arrived there just in time, the room was already bustling with activities.

Upon seeing her grandmother, she was filled with nostalgia for those old days, those old days when they lived together as a happy family, those old days when there was no stepmother nor stepsister, just her and her parents living happily and harmoniously.

"Happy birthday grandmother",she wished giving the present she brought with her to her grandmother who smiled happily in return.

"You cheeky little thing,I thought you had forgotten me", Joyce grandmother pouted.

"Of course not grandmother,I was just busy with work", she smiled.

"Hmmph, this old hag is so ungrateful, we've been here since and she's been acting all snobbish but once Joyce arrived she started smiling like a fool, isn't that an insult to us",a woman in her early forties scoffed.

"Mom don't worry, Joyce is my stepsister afterall ,I'll surely treat her well",the lady beside her smirked sinisterly.

Joyce excused herself to allow her grandmother to chat with her old friends.feeling exhausted, she walked to pick up the nearest glass of wine from a server and gulped it down in a go not noticing the server's sinister smile.

After some minutes she started feeling dizzy and lightheaded.

"Hey could you help me pass a message across to grandmother that am leaving,I feel a little weak and dizzy,so I'll take my leave", she said to a waiter.

"You can head upstairs ma'am, some of the rooms have been booked for the birthday party, to allow some tired guests to rest it's on the right side upstairs". the server explained and Joyce agreed heading upstairs.

"Miss Rose, it's all done"the server whispered closely under the guise of serving drinks before leaving.

"Oh oh oh , my dearest stepsister, enjoy yourself", Rose smirked,her lips tilting into a mischievous smirk.


Joyce wandered up the stairs with a lot of effort.

"Left or right, left or right", she mumbled tipsily."oh it's the left". she mumbled inaudibly staggering into the first room by the left and she collapsed on the bed.

Joyce woke up the next day surprised to find herself in an unfamiliar room, her body littered with several marks and bruises, her body sore and numb as if it had just been torn apart.

She covered her mouth to stop herself from screaming and lifted the blanket, upon seeing the blood on the bed, she was shocked, she clearly knows what it means.

She decisively got up from the bed, gathered her messy clothes from the floor and wore it.she staggered to the door and was about to open it when she heard a voice.

"Thank goodness, the sleeping beauty has finally awoken", Joyce was shocked by the voice and she turned around to find an extremely handsome guy standing just behind her,he was draped in a navy blue bathrobe, holding a towel and wiping his hair."are you going to leave after taking advantage of me, leaving me to pay the bills alone",he smiled, moving closer to her like a predator that was eyeing his prey.

"Don't you dare come closer", Joyce threatened, swinging her shoulder bag rapidly to scare him."if you come closer,I might really hit you,hehehe, don't blame me then,am a very violent person".

As she was swinging the bag, the lock opened and everything in the bag poured onto the floor, she hurriedly bend down and packed all the scattered items on the floor, and immediately she packed all the items she opened the door and fled.

"What an interesting lady", the man exclaimed and was about to head back to the bathroom but he saw a card sticking out from under the bed.

Curiously he walked over and picked it up, and it turns out to be her ID card.

"This is getting more and more interesting, Joyce Hilton am coming for you, just wait and see, you're going nowhere",he exclaimed excitedly and carefully placed the card on the bedside table smilingly before he headed back to the bathroom.

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