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Just Woke Up

Just Woke Up

Ziara Keize


Jared Han was a detective who have lost his memories when he was 18 years old. he was the one who's handling the serial murder case. One day, he keeps dreaming about that case. On his dream, he has two friends and one of them knows who the killer is. His friend Dominick (a writer) wrote a story inspired by the case that Jared was handling. time came, the part one of the story got published. That day, Jared read the story and realized that the story is the same as his dream.

Chapter 1 When the fate begins

It all started when I woke up.

In our lives, we’re free to do all things. We are free to walk, speak and do whatever we want. We are given a chance to feel what we are feeling now. Only once in a lifetime, we will be given a chance to meet a person who will stay by our side forever. If that time comes, do not dare to let it go.

“Jared! Jared!”

I heard a loud shout coming from the outside of our house. It’s really hard to have a neighbor childhood friend that goes back and forth. However, it is nice to have a friend like them because every time I woke up, they are the ones whom I always see first.

“Fred! Ezra! What’s with that noise?! Stop it now. It’s too early to shout” – Jared’s Mom.

My mom knew that it will happen. It happens everyday that’s why she’s used to hearing it.

“Auntie! The sun will be rising up soon. We’ll watch it.” – Fred.

This scenario happens everyday but still I’m not sick of it. My mom always allowed them to enter my room every morning. There are times when they will make fun of me just like drawing on my face using blank inks. I was asleep that’s why I cannot notice them, but it’s not new to me. They knew that every time I woke up, I don’t wash my face as always. A minute later after their childish act, they woke me up.

“Hey Jared! Wake up! *screaming* - Ezra.

I am well aware of what is happening because I’m used to it. Every morning they will fetch me at our house to watch the sunrise together. It is the sign of our friendship that made us survive another day of our life to begin a new day together.

"Wait!" - Jared's Mom

"Argh! Auntie! We will miss the sunrise if you keep acting like that. We need to hurry." - Ezra

"Jared, you must come back home. We shall prepare for our vacation trip outside the town." - Jared's Mom

I quickly agreed and went to the seashore not knowing they drew something on my face while I was asleep. People around me are laughing at me and then suddenly Fred and Ezra kept on saying sorry. That time i have no idea why they're sorry but the look serious that's why I replied emotionally.

"I don't know why you're sorry but you don't need to. Honestly, I'm really thankful to have a friend like the two of you. Everytime I woke up in the morning, you are the first people that I'll see. You are the sign for me that I'm still alive. But please don't do it everyday. If we do it everyday, we will miss it someday. Don't make me used to it." -Jared

We were friends since we were elementary until now that we are all 17. In out 11 years of friendship, we have made memories together. We know each other well, but one thing that we will never know is how to avoid the foolish things that we would do to each other. You will never guess, what will be their next move.

"You're so emotional today huh? Do you think we will be gone? We are here for you until we die. By the way, do you mean what you said earlier? That we don't need to be sorry?" - Fred

"Yes, of course. We're friends after all." - Jared.

*Ezra whisper to Fred"

"Its just a chalk, if we push him in the sea, that drawing on his face will disappear. " - Ezra

"Sorry Jared." - Fred.

"What the hell are you sorry about--" - Jared.

I can't even finish what I was saying when they suddenly pushed me into the water. I didn't see that coming, but I knew they would do something weird. To make it fair, I thought about pushing them in the water also. I run, run and run trying hard just to catch them, until they are finally caught by my own hands. I successfully push Ezra and Fred in the sea. You will hear nothing but a laughter. We're laughing out loud and it seems like there will be no another day that will come. We were swimming for almost one and a half hour. Since we were so busy laughing together, I forgot that I need to be back home early.

"Jared! You forgot what your mom said." - Fred

"Oh wtf, I'm done" - Jared.

We went home quickly but before that, I secretly hid on Fred's house door and accidentally overhear her mom's conversation with him.

"Why are you so wet?! Did your friends make fun of you again?! Your friends are such a bad ass, don't be friends with them. They are poor and you must not get along with them." Fred's Mom.

Hearing that kind of words from my dearest friend's mother hurts. Fred's mom is the only person who don't know how deep our friendship is. Even if she knew, she won't care. Fred is such a strong guy. Despite of his feelings getting hurt, he doesn't care because what's important to him the most, is our friendship.

Another day came and they woke me up again to watch the sunrise as usual but this time, no one is talking. We watch the sunrise silently until we go home. A minute later, Fred spoke.

"Don't mind what my mother said. I know you heard it, I saw your shadow while my mom was talking about you two. She can't bring us apart, always remember that." - Fred

Fred was trying hard not to cry but can't help it. Ezra have no idea why Fred is being like this so he is quite confused.

"Guys, just promise me one thing. Promise me that you will never leave me even though my mom hurt your feelings sometimes." - Fred

"I don't know why you're being so emotional today but I promise, I will never leave the two of you." - Ezra

Fred and Ezra began to cry so I cried too. One of my weakness is to see the two of them crying because we used to laugh every time we met. That day, we made a promise not to leave each other through good and bad times.

"By the way, why are you being like this?" - Ezra asked.

"Because we are friends. In our 9 years of friendship, we never promise something like that so by now we do. " - Fred.

That day is full of drama. While walking, we are talking about Fred's mom so that Ezra would know too. Three days passed by when we went to the music room to start making a new song. We like music. Everytime we are going there, the one who invited us is the one who have a problem, or happy, or mad and this time, I was the one who invited them.

"Why did you want to write a song Jared? Do you have a problem ? " - Ezra.

"Nope. I'm just happy. I'm happy to have you." - Jared.

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