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Mysterious pen


During high school, Iris was always bullied due to her body type ..she changed school and met another bully who was her first kiss and first love An unfortunate accident made the two go apart Iris refused to move on... she was hung on her first love who was her bitter obsession They meet years later only for her to find him married but not everything looks at it seemed... The more Iris dug the more complicated things became The more dangers and secrets she unfolded.... A lot lies ahead waiting patiently for Iris to find out

Chapter 1 I

High school.... ( September 2015)


I didn’t want to get out of the car... I was spacing out at usual.. biting at my short fingernails..,

The tension and the anxiety was spreading fast through my neck straight to my legs that I didn’t want to move a bit

My mom’s voice jolted me back to reality


Do you know that you’re keeping me waiting?

Your younger sister is already on her way to her classroom”

I stared outside the car window and saw my 11 year old sister bouncing happily into the school compound while my ass remained glued to the car seat

Well... she wasn’t overweight

Why won’t she be so excited to be in school

I was in my senior second year when I had to get transferred to another school due to the repeated bullying and physical abuse which I suffered from my ex classmates

My mom took it personal when I came home last year with a swollen face and a note which read “UGLY FAT PIG” in my backpack

Remembering the incidence brought smiles to my face as I recalled my mom driving with fury to my former school the following day to give a whole speech of anger to everyone involved in the case

She almost threw a water bottle at my classroom teacher

Everything led to my ultimate transfer for my peace but I was still nervous to start school again after receiving therapy for a year at Home

I took in a deep breath and finally opened the door...as I was about to get down, my mom held my hand firmly and said

“Be good Iris

Don’t let anyone look you down...

Remember that you’re my princess and I’d always love you “

My eyes watered and I turned to give her a tight hug

“Thanks mom...

I love you”

She pecked my cheeks and waved me bye before driving off

With a deep breathe... I moved into the school compound where another whole experience began for me





The morning assembly went by in a blur

Everyone was staring at me with weird eyes...

well.. why won’t they?

I was obviously the biggest person in their midst

I tried my best to maintain a calm composure till we ended morning assembly and moved to classes

As I was trying to find an empty space in the lousy classroom... I heard a soft voice say


I’m peace...you can sit next to me

My seat is empty “

I was so happy and glad that finally someone spoke to me

She was beautiful and light skinned with short hair.. she had a small ziz zag scar on her forehead which made her look distinctive

I knew she was going to be a long time friend

I placed my backpack next to her and sat down

“Thank you

Uhm..I’m iris... nice to meet you’

“Huh... Iris

You have a pretty name

Well you’re pretty as well though “

I almost gasped... someone called me pretty

Apart from my mom and my patronizing uncles... no one ever called me pretty

Perhaps transferring wasn’t a bad idea anyways

“What department are you majoring

Arts... science or commercial?” She asked

“Arts... I want to be a script writer” i timidly said


I’m a science student... I want to study medicine

Let’s get along well iris’

I smiled and nodded

I was happy.., the tension was fading

The next three periods went uneventful as no one paid attention to me

Everything was moving smoothly until the break for short break rang

Most of the students started making noise and I decided to bring out my diary to start writing how beautiful and amazing my day has been going

I took out the heavy brown book...placed it on my table and was looking for my pen when I saw a long slender hand on my diary..,

The hands snatched up my diary

I rose in alarm to look at the intruder’s face to see the most handsome guy I had ever seen in my entire lifetime

He was fair skinned with brown hair and there was a birth mark on his throat

A ridiculous thought crossed my mind... I wanted to kiss the birth mark that was at the nape of his neck and slide my tongue round it

I felt my cheeks go red from my dirty thoughts

He moved closer to me... his face just a bit away from mine and I swore I couldn’t breathe until he muttered

“You look like an Elephant up close!”

I opened my mouth like a surprised gold fish and couldn’t close it

He moved closer with his wickedly handsome face and smirked

“Why won’t you talk?

Are you dumb..”

I was still wounded from his harsh words that I couldn’t say a way

He raised his eyes brows this time looking offended

“Don’t you want to talk?”

“What’s your name or I will call you Elephant?”

I wanted to argue when peace entered the classroom carrying a bottle of coke

She glanced at mr direction and obviously saw me looking terrified

I didn’t know when she reached our table and pushed the guy away from my face

“Stay away from her Ronald...

Stop being an asshole

Stop bullying everyone who’s quiet”

He shrugged and smiled again

“Peace is now a baby sitter

Or should I call her an elephant sitter..,?”

A group of boys behind him laughed loudly

It was then that I noticed that he was with a group of boys and they were all five in number including him

The all looked like him... tall .. handsome and wicked


I will come back for you elephant

If you need your book ... come meet me downstairs by the food shed during lunch break “ Ronald said as the bell rang for the beginning of our fourth period

It was then I noticed that he took my diary with him as I saw it in his left hand

I felt alarmed and scared at the same time but there was a feeling of excitement which refused to leave my chest

“Sorry iris “ peace said as he left

“I will get you your book back...

Ronald can be a bully sometimes but he only troubles those he likes

Maybe he likes you...”

My heart started racing this time

“Why would he like me

I’m just a big fat ugly girl “ I said

Peace gasped...

“What the fuck did you just say Iris!

I haven’t seen a girl my age with boobs your size

And you show deep dimples when you smile

You’re bold and sexy

I wish I had your types of boobs”

I looked astonished

“Are you for real peace?

Am I that pretty “

Peace rolled her eyes

“Look at the mirror girlie

You don’t even have a single pimple “

She was about to say more when the English teacher walked in...

As the class went on

I couldn’t help but look forward to lunch time

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