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The Billionaire's Wife Is A Top Star Actress

The Billionaire's Wife Is A Top Star Actress

Last Child


When Angel's engagement was organized, she had to forget her decision to remain a single lady until she clocked thirty and got acquainted with Liam Colloway who was determined to make her life a living hell, for the sake of her family's business. But then, when the house suddenly becomes cold for both couple to bear because of their own cheesiness, they can't help falling in love. **** Being called back from the states for an arranged marriage by her father, Angel returned grudgingly to Los Angeles to fulfill her family's wish and keep the family business running. Although if left to her, she wouldn't have planned settling down until her thirtieth birthday as she saw marriage as a barrier to her ladder of success. Everything about her gets Liam pissed off, her attitude sucks, her cold demeanor even the very fact that she's such a freaky sassy girl. So he came up with two rules; One: Never fall in love with me and, Two: Do not pokenose. But what happens when a gust of wind throws them off course? Will their eyes open crystal clear to see the parachute they need?

Chapter 1 Arranged marriage

"I can't wait to play the role of Moon Ga Young," I said excitedly to my manager who is also my best friend. I twirled on the sliding chair in my office, and my smile deepened when her face twitched up into a smile. I knew she was as excited as I was, this is a very crucial part of our carriers. I was going to shoot the popular movie, True Beauty and I was given the female lead. It wouldn't hurt a little if I feel proud of myself.

Emma nodded. "The feeling is mutual, Angel. Maybe after that you will become New York's next diva in the entertainment industry."

I chuckled. "And then I will raise your salary and you can go boost your TikTok account with my fame." I finished for her, and I watched as the red color rose to her cheeks. Feeling shy about it, Emma covered it with a scowl and gave me a playful kick.

"There's no reason to be embarrassed about anything now, or is there Emma?" I asked, relaxing more on the chair. "After all, you have been with me all through this journey and you deserve even more than a raise."

She flicked her hair and narrowed her eyes. "At least I'm glad that my hard work had been noticed."

Just then I heard my phone ring, and I picked it up after checking it was someone I knew. It was Dad, and I face palmed and whispered who it was to Emma after she gave me a cocked eyebrow.

"Hello dad," I greeted.

"Angel I have something I want to discuss with you." Dad said hurriedly, and I tipped my head into a frown as uneasiness washed over me. I got a bad feeling about what he was about to say and I hope it wasn't something as bad as it seemed. "I arranged your marriage with the Colloways, so you will have to come back here for the wedding."

"What! You can't be serious right now Dad. Why will I marry a stranger?" I said completely pissed off. Emma rolled her eyes and she went back to typing something on her phone.

"You should know something like this was bound to happen. Just like how the other families of the firm arranged their children's marriages for the sake of the company, so will you now. It's same thing as the others. It definitely is not a big deal if you look at it from my own angle. You only have to be married by name and you can go ahead and go about your business like nothing happened."

"You really amaze me, Dad. It's so easy for you to say after all you and mother married for love. You have no idea what it means for you to walk down the aisle with someone you barely know." I said repulsively, and I closed my eyes as I thought it all. How mistaken I was to think I would escape the wrath of the company by not getting my marriage arranged by them. I thought being the daughter of the main chairman would secure me but now I know I have been long all along.

"It's not that bad if you view from my angle Angel. Just imagine what the Ruby Group will benefit from all of this, and I think you will also benefit from it as well considering you are still single and all that." Dad said, exhaling a long breath. I could hear his heavy breathing in his end as a little silence issued between us.

"Fine Dad." I said defeatedly, raising my hands up in the air and rolled my eyes as if he could see me. "I will go ahead with the arrangement but I hope my so called groom will have no ill feelings towards my career? Because I can never end my career for a man especially now that I am at the peek of my career."

" You have nothing to worry about in that respect because I doubt that the groom is glad about this marriage too. You two were forced into this, so he wouldn't care what you do for a living."

"Thank goodness you realized you are forcing me into this." I scowled loudly. "Alright Dad, I will be back after playing my current role. But how about the contracts I signed here, how do I terminate them just like that? I also need a replacement if I have to leave the company I am contracted."

"That won't be a problem at all, just ring either your mom and I when you arrive at the airport and we will come pick you."

"Sure, see you soon. Bye Dad, I have work to go back to." I said hurriedly, as I cut the call without waiting for him to speak.

"What was all that about?" Emma lamented, rolling her eyes and it went big, and I imagined doing more of that would make them fall off their balls.

I sat up on my seat and slammed the pen I didn't know I was holding all these while on the table, and replied with a very agitated voice I could muster. "The arranged my marriage."

"So I heard." Emma exclaimed, I knew she doesn't want me to go ahead with their decision but even as much as I was tempted to do so, I knew it would affect the company badly. I have to close my eyes and do what was needed, and I would do like Dad suggested and pretend I wasn't really married. "Who does that these days, Angel? This is the 21st century and I thought some ancient customs have been taken down, no one does that to our generation again. Not anymore."

"I know Emma, but I really have to go ahead with this. Now let's prepare to go back to Los Angeles, and thank goodness the show is in few days time because I do not want the Groups to think I am keeping them waiting." I sighed, getting up from the comfort of my seat as I began to make plans.

She flicked her hair and I let out a chuckle. "Alright, but do tell me when your groom is being an asshole so I can kick his butt."

"I sure will." I laughed, feeling glad she was with me because she somehow lightened my mood.

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