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The union between Prince Matteo of Westeros and princess Amira of Elixir kingdom happened not because they were in love with each other, but because of the interest of the two kingdoms. Two years after their wedding ceremony, Amira couldn't bear a child for Prince Matteo and it was so sad, considering the fact that the king would want to see his first grandchild soon. Prince Matteo ignored the pressure he was getting from the king to get another wife, he just didn't want to break Princess Amira's heart because the two years they had spent together they created a bond and fell in love with each other. But then everything changed the moment she stepped her feet into the palace, the naive and innocent girl captured the heart of the prince with her beautiful eyes. Tho she hardly smile, she still looked so beautiful and Charming. Marissa's appearance in the palace changed something in the prince, prince Matteo found himself wanting to be near her no matter how hard he tried to stop. He then gave the king's advice a thought, but then he loved Princess Amira and wouldn't want to break her heart by getting a second wife. So he decided to make his new found love his mistress and his other love would remain his one and only wife. Unknowingly to him and the royal family, Marissa wasn't the naive and innocent girl she looked, she was there with an unknown intention, and being the crowned Prince's mistress will make her aim easier to achieve.

Chapter 1 The News

At Marissa's Home

Odette walked out of the kitchen holding a plate of food in her left hand and a big cup of water in her other hand.

She took it to her children's room and no one was present in the room.

She frowned and dropped the food on the bed.

"After cooking hurriedly for those fools" She was angry.

Earlier that day her children had complained of being hungry and despite it being too early, she decided to cook, not bothering her first daughter, and now that she was done cooking she couldn't find them.

She left the food and water uncovered and then walked to her husband room which they both shared.

Her husband was seen standing in front of a mirror, he was dressed nicely.

"You are going out" It wasn't a direct question cause from the look of things she could tell he was going out.

"Why are you still in your undergarment? Get ready we have to go to the palace" He said, using his hand to adjust the neck of his shirt.

"Why are we..." Odette paused when she recalled that a day ago the town crier had made an announcement that the king summoned the presence of everyone in the kingdom to the royal palace.

She needed no soothsayer to tell her that her children must had gone to the palace.

"I didn't remember at first, I will put on my clothes now".


Large crowds filled outside the royal palace, waiting for the presence of the royal family. Murmurings could be heard as the people talked about one thing or the other, awaiting the presence of the king.

Suddenly, the big gate of the palace went opened and everyone became silent immediately.

The king walked out with his two wives and his children with him.

Bennett looked at his immediate elder sister and said, "Prince Matteo and Princess Amira are absent".

His sister stared at the direction again, trying to confirm. "I guess they must be inside their room having sex right now, trying all they can to make a baby" She said and her brother laughed.

A glare from their eldest sister sent them quiet.

"Long live King Albert!" Someone screamed from the crowd.

"Long live King Albert" The crowds replied in same tone.

"Thank you" King Albert began. "The reason for this gathering is to announce the incoming festival of food... " He gestured his right hand man to step forward.

The guard stepped forward with a paper in his hand. "The food festival is to be held four days from now, immediately after moonrise. Everyone is to get prepared for that day, especially the entertainment crew. It will rain food and drinks that day. Put on your best outfit and be merry, that's all" After he finished reading, he bowed to the crowd and stepped back.

"The festival of food is one that keeps us together as a community as we all know. Nobody, nobody should be left out" The king added.

"The king said nobody should be left out, so you all should be present. You wouldn't want to miss my new dance steps" One of the Princesses chipped in.

She did some stylish quick move to show off.

"Go Princess" The crowds chanted happily.

"You will see a lot of her new dancing steps on that day, one of the reasons you should be present. That's all for today".

He turned swiftly and walked back inside, his wives and children did same and the big gate was immediately closed.

People started finding their way home, the murmurings resumed.

Everyone left, except two girls who stood there staring keenly at the gate.

The guards guarding outside found it suspicious and one of them confronted the girls.

"Why are you still here" Came his hoarse voice, as he tightened his grip around his sword.

The two girls exchanged stares before staring back at the guard. "I heard there's going to be a competition today" One of them said in her little voice, making the guard to wonder if it was actually her real voice or she feigned it.

"Yeah, for maids. Do you wanna apply to be a maid?" He asked, staring at her eyes.

"Marissa, you don't want to do this" The other girl said.

"So how can I get in?" She asked the guard, ignoring what her friend said.

"Come exactly after sunrise, I think it will begin by then" He informed.

"Thank you" She muttered and dragged her friend, then they left the premises.

"Why do you chose to work in the palace? There are a lot of place you could work in but you chose the palace, why? Didn't you hear of how the maids suffers from the princesses maltreatment?" The girl asked as they walked.

Marissa scoffed. She stopped walking and made her friend did same. "The maids in the palace gets paid well, they get to enjoy some certain things, they get to see the beautiful palace everyday. And besides not everyone in the palace is cruel".

She rolled her eyes. "Marissa, you and I know you aren't going to the palace because of that, you don't really need money... Tell me, why are you going to the palace?".

"Why else would I go the the palace?" Marissa frowned.

"I don't know" Her friend shrugged her shoulders.

"See? You are just overreacting. Come on, let's go" Marissa held her and dragged her along.

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