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Sacrifice to The Werewolf

Sacrifice to The Werewolf



Sacrifice to The Werewolf

Chapter 1 Rebirth and The Innocent Lamb

Zona was lost in the deep darkness. The surroundings are obscure, shadows drifted in and out constantly.  

Then, in the distance, a wolf howls, and the sound was coming closer and closer to her, seemed to be a call and a guide.  

Faintly, a huge white wolf with a cluster of red flames on its forehead carries the light, against the dark current, strided up to her. It looked at her for a moment, then opened its mouth and bellowed.  

Zona awoke with a startling roar!  

Having not breathed for too long, she straightened up and drew a sharp breath into her lungs!The cold air rushed into her chest, irritated her to the point of tearing and coughing."Eh, awake awake!"  

"Just now her body has been cold still able to wake up, really is the inauspicious person, is due to go to sacrifice wolves."  

"This, what if her father's former countrymen come looking for her ......"  

"What do you know! It's her uncle who sold her, and if they want to find her, they should go to her black-hearted uncle, Big Head Mark! We have nothing to do with it!"  

"A girl whose parents have dead and no one wants her, if she doesn't go to sacrifice wolves, let your daughter go?"  

"I didn't say that either! Don't get your ideas on my daughter, you granny!  

"......"As soon as Zona opened her eyes, she saw that she was lying in a broken hut.Surrounded by men and women in cotton clothes and trousers, with animal skins on top, stared at her strangely, whispering to each other.  

"Where am I? And who are these people?" Feeling the cold and hunger in his body, Zona was in a state of shock that she had thought she was supposed to have died in that car accident.  

She had been born paralysed and ended up with an amputated leg. With the unfailing care of her family, she survived in a wheelchair until she was 20 years old.To keep her parents from worrying, he always had a smile on her face. Life was too hard, why not make her family happy?  

But just as her mother was pushing her wheelchair to take her to the hospital for her regular check-up. A large van barreled down the road, heading straight for her skinny mother.Zona's mind went blank for a moment, with both arms pushing hard and she lifted herself out of the wheelchair. Then Zona leapt forward and pushed her mother out of the way.She had never felt so strong, nor had she ever felt such relief in her heart.  

The world went dark with a "bang", and she was caught in a torrent of life and death. Until she was "awakened" by a tall white wolf ......  

"Where am I? Mum should be okay, I have to go check," She reached around for her wheelchair out of habit. But the wheelchair was nowhere to be found. Instead, she found a pair of legs!  She froze for a moment. Beneath her were a pair of healthy, long, slenderlong, slender, healthy legs!  

Zona was shocked as he rubbed her hands over and over the legs covered by the rags.Could this be a dream!?But she couldn't care less, heart was beating so fast.Lifting the rags covering his body she was about to go down to her parents andLet's show them, God!At that moment, however, her head suddenly sankt, then there was a buzz andA flood of unfamiliar memories came to mind.  

It was the memory of another person whose name was Sylvia. She had lived in Jehol Village at the foot of Eastern Hill since she was a child, grown up with a rich and prosperous life. But when her father and mother, who hunted for a living, were killed by a wild bear that came down from the hills, she was adopted by a distant cousin in Jehol Village.  

It wasn't long before the village chief's son started a fur business. Legend has it that there are more animals on Eastern Hill than down there, so he led a band of trappers to Eastern Hill and hunted them, setting traps everywhere.Fortunatelly, they killed a grey wolf and sold lots of money, while this action offended the wolves on the hill.One nignt, the village chief's son was cut up by the wolves on the spot, the rest of the people were scared away.The next night, the wolves came down from the mountains, and all the village's livestock were bitten to death overnight.  

Now, not only the village chief's family but also the whole village panicked! They had no choice but to go to a town some forty miles away to find a shaman who said that only a live sacrifice ,and it would quench the wrath of the wolf god!  

Sylvia's distant relatives were only paid five gold pieces, push her out to sacrifice to the wolves!After she was adopted by her uncle's family, she has been treated so badly by her uncle's family. Because of lacking nurtion, her face turned to very thin, and her beautiful chestnut brown hair has become dry and frizzy.  

And now, in the middle of winter, wearing only a single coat, she was thrown into a hut to "abstain from food for the rituals". This cowardly little girl died, unable to cope with the torture. This is how the soul was changed, which made Zona reborn in this hut.  

Zona's mind keeps on flashing with fragmentary images of the girl's life, except for the joy of her childhood when her parents were alive. The rest of her life was spent in this village, being bullied, working day and night, starving and cold.  

She sighed for the poor girl, and she herself lay frozen on the cold earth bed.  

In any case, she had been reborn.  

She had become an able-bodied girl.  

And yet, soon to be carried off to the wolves of Eastern Hill, to be sacrificed alive......  

The corners of Zona's mouth twitched with joy and sadness for a moment!  

Wanting to escape, one look around at these guards and there was no way to run away.  

If she wanted to live, no one could help her when she thought of the little girl's memories.  

When the original owner was in Jehol Village, the village had an ancestral motto - there were wolves on Eastern Hill and no one was allowed to enter.  

For many years, the wolves and humans were in harmony and did not offend each other, but who knew that Jehol Village, which is closer to the town, would Surprisingly, got greedy.Her head was dizzy, while she was pondering it carefully, the outside the hut there was a hubbub. A shrill voice called out, "Are the men ready?"  

Immediately, the villagers who were talking in the house replied: "Yes, ready! We'll bring her to the shaman."

With that, several men took the rope and swooped down on the earthen bed and tied Sylvia's hands, who was dazed.While tying Sylvia up, one of the dark, rough-eyed men took the opportunity to feel her waist up and down.

Although Sylvia was now skinny and bony, this does not hide her beauty.On a delicate goose egg face, there are two large aquamarine eyes. Above them, two long, arched eyebrows, and the eyes are covered with thick lashes. Sylvia's eyes are lowered and her eyelashes tremble like the wings of a butterfly;The nose is delicate and straight, beneath it, a small, well-defined mouth, but her teeth are clenched and her lips closed. Her skin is the colour of an untouched peach, but it was covered with old marks, which was all the more pitiable.

Sylvia's deliriously half-closed eyes at the moment, this action made that man's heart itched.But then someone behind him suddenly urges, so the man had to stop.

He thought to himself, "Damn, I envy that damn wolf god!"

Then he picked her up and flung her out the door.

Zona was thrown straight into the snow, feeling dizzy, and couldn't focus her eyesThis body was already weak, and she hadn't used to walk by her legs, so suddenly thrown into the snow, she was unable to manoeuvre her legs, crashing her head into the snow, and gnawed her mouth full of snow.  

But in her daze, she tasted the melted snow in her mouth, which was slightly sweet.She wondered in her heart"The mountains are so good, the water is so good, but why do such a paradise-like place only raise evil people?  

She was struggling to stand up, while suddenly she felt someone holding her down, and they wrapped several golden and white ribbons around him.The wizard with the goat's beard was like a big rat in a frenzy, surrounded her and jumped about in a frenzy.And finally he raised his hand to take some water from a beautifully carved cupand took some water and sprinkled it on her.Because it was outside, the water fell on Zona and froze straight away, which made her shivered uncontrollably.  

At the end of the ceremony, Zona was blindfolded and was thrown on an wagon.  

Thus, Zona, newly reborn, was escorted by several strong men to the wolves of Eastern Hill.  

The men faltered as they made their way up the hill, the sun is about to set, and that is when the wolves are at their most active. 

The escort's legs are trembling, they looked at each other, after that, threw down their carts and scattered and ran down the hill like flies.  

Zona was left alone with a pair of unskilled "new legs", freezing in the snowy mountains. After making sure that the men who had been escorting her had left, Zona struggled to loosen the straps and remove the blindfold.  

Looking at the red sunset at the end of the forest, she wondered, "Am I going to die again?"But on second thought, she could just consider this as God's mercy, giving her a chance to experience it. Let her have a taste of what it's like to run and jump in the snowy forest, to run under the setting sun, wasn't it a bonus!  

With no more sorrow in her heart, she struggled with all her might, dressed only in a flimsy white dress loosely tied with satin ribbons, and try to roll off the carriage into the snow.She kept trying to use her legs. Luckily, this body has its own inter-muscular memory, so within a few moments Zona was on her feet, rolling and crawling.  

She took a deep breath, as if she could smell the fresh buds under the snow-covered cedars of the forest.  

"Ahhhhhhh !!!!"  

Zona yelled out, and released the knot that had been in her heart for over twenty years in her last life! On her long legs, she stumbles along the ridge which coloured red by the setting sun.  

" It doesn't matter if I trip and fall.It doesn't matter if I'm cold and my teeth are chattering.As long as I'm alive!"She struggles to get up and raced against the setting sun, against the rushing snow and wind, against life and time.  

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I've got legs!" Her laughter is heard far and wide in the open field.  Before long, her limbs were frozen, and she couldn't control to fell on the ground. Zona was already thinly dressed and now there was little heat left in her body.  

The sound of her voice echoing through the woods brings a wolf howl from the mountains, a long howl.  

Zona had very little energy left and her lips were purple from the cold. Her mind was buzzing, but she try to look back at the wolves' howl in the mountains.She is not so much afraid as she is flirtatious. She thought she that was going to die anyway, and it could only blame the wolves for being late, too late for a hot and soft bite ......  

At last, in her misty eyes, could only seeing the blurred shadows traversing the forest. She fell to her knees, unable to support herself, then suddenly collapsed in the snow, falling into a coma  

No sooner had Zona fallen to the ground than, from the bushes beside her, two Indigo Wolf. emerge, and they come up cautiously and furtively, sniffing Zona in the snow, finally look at each other with tilted heads.  

The wolves don't understand what happened, but just thought that the two-legged beast on the ground may have gone mad!  

Zona doesn't know that when the strong men carried her into the mountain, she has already been spotted by the wolves on guard in the mountain.One of them had already gone back to report, while the remaining two had followed quietly behind them the whole way.  

They had seen a few healthy humans escape from the mountain, while this skinny little fellow runs madly in the direction of their den, just like a gazelle with the plague!  

This has to be reported to the chief in time, before the flock on the other side of the valley are infected.They are the descendants of the noble wolf gods, both predators of the forest, while they are also the guardians of the area's creatures ......  

But to be honest, above all, the wolves are afraid. The wolf afraid that it may pass on the disease to itself! While he has an old wolf to feed and a litter of pups waiting to be fed, so can't die here!So the two wolves flap their paws and plough the snow from side to side to bury Zona.And they're digging so fast, and the paws are just like flying. The wolves are desperate for survival ......  

Halfway through the burial, but suddenly the two wolves' ears twitched, then rushed back, with their ears back and head down, humming twice in his throat in a submissive manner, making a submissive gesture.  

A tall, imposing, wolf-backed figure is seen who strode from the forest to the two submissive wolves and stretched out his honey-black, muscular arms, patted them on the head.  

The man tilts his head, observing for a moment the half buried Zona who was fainting in the snow.  

His handsome but rugged brow furrowed slightly, With his right hand, he tugged at the silk belt wrapped around Zona's body, in one swift movement, he lifted the man out of the snowy pit.He shakes the man from side to side, shaking the snow off Zona's body. After a cursory glance, the woman, tthen pinned her under his arm.With two wolves behind him, he strides off into the mountains.  

With the wolves howling, the sun set and the sunset lengthens their shadows and they fade into the dense woods.

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