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Sacrifice to The Werewolf

Chapter 2 Surviving Death and Adventure Encounters

Word Count: 2259    |    Released on: 30/06/2023

ened by two w

ght. The fluffy fur huddled in front of Zona's face, with their mouths wide open, revealing a mouthfu

, and her heart was pounding out of her che

ere startled too. They jumped cautiously and quickly to the outside of the house,

ention of attacking.Instead, they were a little wary of her. The two wolves are not aggressive, but rather wary of her, back

t dusty wooden hut, suddenly thought of something and she checked her body, nervously, Then she found her dress intac

and wooden bowls, fur and linen, but apart from the bones and stones, which were still intact, the rest was wor

s being carried. There must have been someone in the mountains, and it was that person

up, and she had puffed up a huge cloud o

that the frostbitten part on her hands and feet, cheeks and ears, had been coated with a green s

of grass and wood. The person who had saved her must have also helpe

r face!The thought of it made her shiver with both fear and cold. The house was also cold, but it was better than the bone-chilling cold in the freezing

the mountain when it should be at the mountainside. As she knew about nature, the temperature decreased fr

ts had hired tutors to make her literate and read books, and the day before the accident she had been given a permi

just wanted to reassure her parents and give them some hope

ion, and determined that since she was lucky enough to have them, sh

though didn't know who had brought her here, but it was imp

lly nothing to see in the house. The house smelt of mould and ash, but

d wild fruits to feed my hunger.  But as soon as she reache

ere still dense and about 15 or 16 metres above the ground. The dense branches hang thickly from the roof of

which is made up of steps trimmed from vines that snake down the trunk of the old tree, from where the two wolves must have run away. The vine la

ence was so great, the hills so cold, and the plants so late in flowering, fruiting and decaying, that he should have seen dead tree

tion when nature suddenly blew a biting cold wind on

sake of her life, it was better to have a fire.

val and had only read books and films, so she was afraid that

own on the last step!Gathering some dead sticks and grass froth, Zona crouched under the tree in a daze, worried about how she would light it. In

down from the tree house, dug a small hole in the bad wood, filled it with fine, fluf

stered did Zona feel the warmth

est, Zona struggled to build a few more stones to hold the fire

e commotion of kicking wildlife, and Zona glanced around cautiously,

he fire was her only support i

the wolves howling closer but closer gradually stopped, as if they had alread

was already dark, and two pairs of wolf pupils were hidden behind the grass and trees, glowing

hold her torch up to defend herself. When di

ch other by making a "whimpering" sound in their throats. Then their ears t

little misty-eyed. The sight of an eerie figure looming deep in the da

s and was illuminated by the light of the fire and

man looked like, but whateve

hen she saw the strong man fling the bloodied stag over his shoulder to

e strong man, swift as a leopard, swooped down in a flash, his muscular arm

e looked up stiffly, only to be met by a pair of deep golden wolf eyes, the narrow p

ant surge of feral blood. "You, you, you are." Before Zona could finish stumbling over her question, the man suddenly stood up and pulle

nd stood up to look with dark gold eyes at the awakened Zona

turned and walked over to the dead deer, kicked it to the side of the fir

llowed up in the darkness, both in fear and admiration. In her short life of over 20 y

fidence and pride, as if he was worthy of the

ck to her senses. The hunger wracking her belly gave her no time to ruminate, looking around to see that th

embered herself and broug

d in tough, thick fur. How could she do with it? The most she'd ever

e was to survive here. She had to think a l

dn't eat all the meat for a while, she had to find a way to preserve it and cover the smell of blood

d saw the two Indigo wolves still lying in the grass not far from h

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