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Angela Green


Warning: Mature content! "That's it, baby," she said. "Give it to me." Mary grabbed his cock and jerked it quickly. She pumped her fist rapidly. She continued pumping away. She enjoyed watching his face contort with pain and pleasure. She loved hearing him moan and groan. She loved that his eyes were closed tightly. She loved knowing that he was close to orgasm. Mary slowed down her strokes. She stopped jerking him. She grabbed his hips firmly. Then she slid his cock deep inside her pussy.

Chapter 1 C1

Life is strange. It can be annoying and it can be soothing. The first time I felt so much pain was realizing how much people opposed my thoughts. One man said I was being stupid. He said I think I'm wise. Another said he'll love to live just to laugh at all my dreams that won't come to pass. I wrote a thousand poems and a hundred books. I saw this dream coming to pass. Everything was coming to place. In bliss, I was doing just all I had to do to be successful and have a good love experience. It was an achievement for me. Guess I got it all wrong. My poems were stolen by thousands of people.

My books got lost and I had no access to any. Life can be difficult and it can seem easy in the most amazing way you may not think of. It could just be that mentor inspiring us to keep going. This would be a story of a single parent who did a lot of all we do just to get to our destination. Her name is Mary.

Mary used to be in love. It's funny; she wasn't really in love with anyone because she knew he will never say yes if she took the step. She loved the idea of having someone to love her back. Someone who would be there for her no matter what. So in her mind, she created this ideal man that would be perfect. He would be the one to make her feel like the most important woman on earth. A man who would be ready to accept her flaws and mistakes and still love her. She lived in her imagination. For many years, Mary waited for him. She read books about relationships hoping that she would meet him soon. All her friends kept telling her that he was probably around somewhere, just waiting for the right time to introduce himself. But Mary believed otherwise. Time passed and she grew tired of waiting. She started living her life as normal. Then one day, after school, Mary met this boy. His name was Joe. He was very handsome and kind.

It was on one of those sweet afternoons when she went shopping. She walked briskly past the stores until she came across a store where clothes hung up on a rack. The place looked too small. She could see only one thing: a dress. It was black. It had a neckline that made her look sexy without exposing much.

"Oh God, I'm sorry." The voice of a young man spoke. "I almost ran into you."

"No, that's okay. You didn't," She replied.

"Where are you going?"

"Here and there. Shopping."

She smiled. He had a beautiful smile. His hair was brown and his eyes were blue. He was tall and thin.

"I'm Mary." She introduced herself.

He laughed.

"Joe. Nice to meet you. Are you going to buy that? It looks nice on you."

"Yeah, it does. But I don't have enough money for it." She answered.

"You should. It's worth every penny. You know what? I'm going to pay for it." He paid for it and requested dinner with her.

"Sure, sounds great! What time?"

"Seven o'clock. I'll pick you up at your house."

They exchanged phone numbers and parted ways. Their conversation lasted less than five minutes, but they both felt something different from each other. They couldn't explain what it was exactly. That night, Mary waited for seven to come. At six-thirty, her doorbell rang.

"Come in." She opened the door.

Joe entered. He was dressed in a white shirt and jeans. He brought a bouquet with him. "Wow!" She exclaimed as she saw them. "These are lovely. Thank you."

Joe nodded. "You're welcome. Shall we?"

"Yes." Mary nodded.

The restaurant was close to their houses. It was a fancy place. The food was delicious. They talked and laughed the whole evening.

After dinner, they left and headed home. Mary invited Joe inside. "Can I call you tomorrow?" She asked.

"Of course. I'd like that."

"Good. See you then."

Joe smiled. He knew that he wanted more of Mary.


Mary and Joe dated for four months before they decided to take a break. They spent the next week together. They were happy. And then, one night, Joe came into her bedroom while she was dressing.

"Hey." He said. "Are you ready?"

"No," She replied.

He sat down beside her bed. "Don't move."

"What do you want me to do?" She asked.

"Just sit tight." He replied.

Mary did as instructed.

She heard the sound of something dropping on her floor and then the sound of a key turning in the lock. "Did you lock the door?" She asked.

"Yes, I did."

"Why did you get in here in the first place?"

"I let myself in."

"Why didn't you knock?"

"I was afraid you wouldn't open for me. I'm sorry."

"Okay, get out of here." She ordered.

He stood up. "So you'll be angry with me forever?"

"I can't stay mad at you forever."

"Then why are you?"

"Because you cheated on me! Do you think it's that easy to forgive and forget? Look, Joe, I want to understand why you did what you did to me and I want to let go of it but I just can't. It's hard!"

"I didn't cheat on you. I just met someone and was nice to her. Believe me, I love you with every atom of my being."

"You lied to me!"

"I didn't lie."

"How else can I trust you?" She snapped.

"Let me talk to you." He pleaded.

"No! You've done enough damage already. Get away from me!" She yelled.

She got up and walked towards the door. "Get out now and leave me alone."

"Mary, please!"

She turned around. "Go to hell! I am so sorry for trusting you. I shouldn't have ever done that." She said sadly.

"Please! Don't do this to yourself. I'm begging you. I love you. Let's try again."

"Try again? What do you mean? What is there to try? We're finished, Joe. Just go."

She closed the door behind him.

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