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My heart and yours; The heart's Desire

My heart and yours; The heart's Desire

Janny Royal


Chester Thompson and Janelle Anderson, two bright and ambitious teenagers, find their lives entwined at Baybrook University, a bustling campus full of possibilities. Chester, the charismatic soccer team captain, and Janelle, the independent and talented writer, cross paths in an English literature class. Drawn to each other's intellect and magnetic personalities, they embark on a journey of love, self- discovery, and the pursuit of their dreams. As their relationship blossoms, Chester and Janelle navigate the challenges of balancing their studies, and the pressures of teenage life. They learn to communicate openly, supporting each other through academic pressures and personal setbacks. Their connection grows stronger as they share stolen moments on campus, study dates in the library, and adventures exploring the city's hidden gems. But their path to happiness is not without obstacles. External influences, attempt to hinder their relationship, questioning the compatibility of their differing backgrounds and aspirations. Chester and Janelle face pivotal choices, forced to confront their fears and decide whether their love is worth fighting for. Together, they discover the power of following their hearts and pursuing their passions. Chester's love for music clashes with his desire to explore other academic interests, while Janelle grapples with her dreams of becoming a writer in a society that often undervalues artistic pursuits. "What the Heart Wants" is an emotionally charged tale of teenage romance, resilience, and personal growth. It explores the complexities of young love, the transformative nature of university life, and the power of following one's heart in the face of adversity. As Chester and Janelle navigate the challenges of their relationship, they inspire each other to be true to themselves and pursue their dreams fearlessly. Their story serves as a reminder that the pursuit of love and personal fulfillment often requires courage, sacrifice, and unwavering determination.

Chapter 1 A glimpse of our world


It was a rainy Saturday evening. It had been raining all through the day and somehow, I was already tired of the weather and nonstop downpour.

It started raining at about 8:30am, few minutes after I came back from the gym. It was so heavy that I couldn't even go out or do anything outdoors so I had to retire to my bed and just stay indoors.

All through the day, I didn't do much, I did a little reading, then eating, sleeping, eating and finally back to sleeping again which I was already tired of doing. I literally had no idea what to do with my phone as I had gone through all the apps in it, listened to songs, and even watched a few Netflix movies.

I loved been indoors, spending my time alone, reading, writing or even meditating. I was an ambivert, but my introvert life was less on the edge. I stretched out of my bed and leaned over my reading table to the mantel clock - it was already 6:32 pm , and from the way I saw things, this rain had no plans of stopping soon.

I yawned and recoiled into my duvet. It was really cold and my phone battery was dead, leaving me with no idea on what to do to escape this boredom. I tossed my dead phone on the bed, wondering how I could get it charged before midnight. I had the thought of eating but I wasn't really hungry, and if I could recollect correctly, I had already eaten more that five times today. And leftovers of junk food were littered all over the place, so food was out of the equation.

What on earth should I do now? I thought, but I ran out of clues and ideas. I was the only one home, my roommates - Bernice and Skyler went out the day before, and I knew for sure they won't be back anytime soon due to the heavy rain.

While I was drifting away in my thoughts, I heard a hard knock on the door. I drew the duvet over my body then noticed that it was already a drizzle outside. Dragging myself up, I walked slowly to open the door, yawning lazily and stretching my hands up. I came in face contact with the other angry face, it was Bernice, she looked really mad with anger.

Storming into the room, she threw her bag over her bed. Her blonde hair was wet, her clothes were half soaked, her blue eyes were dim, and her face was red with anger. She angrily pulled off her shoes from her feet,throwing each pair separately from the other. Murmuring inaudibly, she struggled to get her zipper down in a bid to get off her dress

" Let me help you with that" I offered. Unsure of what to do or say so I wouldn't provoke her more. Walking up to her, I flipped her wet hair to the right side of her shoulder and unzipped her dress.

I heard a murmured " Thank you" and nodded, proceeding to throw myself on her bed.

" Isn't Skyler back yet? " Her shivering voice asked me, pulling her dress down, and tying her towel over her body. I couldn't tell she was cold.

"Nope. I thought you both would be together"

"I left her at the party, she was with Scott "

My mouth dropped in awe

Scott was Skyler's boyfriend, and the duo always had a series of argument that never seemed to end , I thought they broke up like two days ago, well, guess I was wrong.

" Really? I thought they broke up ! " My left hand was over my mouth.

"Sky is just confused."

" It's up to her. Why are you angry?"

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are"

"I'm not. Honestly, I'm not mad she's back together with him"

" Bernice I'm not talking about Skyler and her boyfriend, I'm talking about you"

"Me? why? what happened?"

I sighed. Bernice was a very good pretender, she hardly expressed her emotions or talked about her feelings. She was very good at keeping to herself most of the time.

" I noticed you came in angry, what happened?"

" I'm fine, it's nothing" She turned to face her dressing table, applying her moisturizer

"You can pretend all you want, but I know you too well, is this about Ken? "

I got no reply. Instead she was humming, acting like she heard nothing or I was talking with myself

" I asked you a question Bernice, but....."

"Just stop it okay! " She half yelled, turning to face me with tears forming in her eyes. I felt bad for her, I wasn't sure though, but I felt this attitude had something to do about her relationship with Ken

" Listen " I stood up, walking close to fill the gap between us, and placing my hands on her shoulders " I'm here for you, I just want to make sure you're fine "

" Well I'm good, and I don't need any help from you or anyone " That was rude to my ears.

" Okay fine." I withdrew, throwing my hands in the air , and walking to my bed " I'll leave you alone"






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