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Shreya Bharti


Adam Bryson Williams, the king of Italian mafia and CEO of Williams company. Most terrifying name for the whole country. The man who doesn't think once before killing anyone who comes in his path intervening his life. The only thing that matter to him the most is his Kingdom. He has no weakness. But what happens when a member of his rival become his weakness? Valentina Aurora Judith. The daughter of Russian mafia, George Judith. What will happen when he will fall in love with the princess of his Rival group. Will he able to get her? Will he able to make her, his amore? Or will sacrifice her for his kingdom?

Chapter 1 First Meet

"Are you really not going to spill the beans? Looks like you don't love your life, do you?" Adam yelled at the tied man in front of him who was covered with blood after going through third- degree torture.

"I- I really don't know who killed him. I was only helping him to reach you. Nothing else." The man was breathing heavily and was at the verge of getting unconscious again.

"Kill him," Adam ordered his men and left the room. Russian mafia, the biggest rival of Italian mafia performed many attempt to knock down his kingdom but everytime, they got caught. This time they attempted to kill Adam but ended up killing his assistant.

He entered bathroom and washed his hands that was covered with blood. He never showed any mercy towards anybody. His principles matters him the most.

He slowly undressed himself and turned on the shower and let the warm water comfort his muscular body. He kept his hand on the scar that was near to his abdomen. He got that scar in an war with Russian mafia. It was the first war that he fought with them after getting on the thrones of Italian mafia.

For about one hour, he stayed in the bathroom. After that he wrapped a towel around his waist and got out of the bathroom.

He dressed himself in his formal black clothes to visit his office. Beside being a most powerful mafia, he also used to run a company called 'Williams Company' - the company of Adam Bryson Williams.

He sat in his car and ordered his driver to drive. During the whole driving journey, he was looking outside the window.

He finally reached his company and there he saw a girl arguing with the security guard. He came out of the car and observed the girl silently from afar.

Mam, you neither have appointment with Mr. William nor you are showing your ID. We can't let you in." The security guard told her.

"My god. I am telling you, I have my appointment. Check properly and let me in." She argued with him and he just kept telling her the same thing for next five minutes until Adam decided to interrupt himself.

He was observing that girl from past five minutes. She has brown eyes, tanned skin and height of about 5'6 inch.

"Let her in." Adam told guard and the guard just looked at him with widen eyes as it was first time when he was letting someone enter his company without having appointment.

"Thank you so much." She thanked him and immediately entered inside the company.

He also entered behind her and hold her wrist. He practically dragged her toward the lift.

"What the hell you are doing?" She yelled at him and he acted like that he is not even listening to her. She tried several attempt to get out of his grip but failed.

After few seconds, she gave up and looked at him with an observing eyes. His blue eyes, double eyelids, sharp jawline, thick nose, dark skin and height of 6'1 inch.

The tingling sound interrupted her thoughts and both of them entered a large office. He finally let her hand go and took a sit on his chair.

"Spill the beans, Miss." He asked her to introduce herself looked at her standing figure from the top to bottom.

"I am here for job." She spoke up and took a sit on the couch too. He was internally shocked at her 'no care' attitude. No one had ever dared to sit in front of him without his permission.

"Who has sent you here?" He asked in husky and heavy voice.

Now, she looked little worried and adjusted herself a little on his couch.

"My father." She spoke up and he took out his gun from his waist band and spinned that in his hand. For some reason, she found that attractive and smirked at him.

"My father is a government official. So, encountering with these things is an old thing for me." She spoke up and he leaned back to the couch.

He was sensing a smell of great suspicion. But for some reason, he wasn't ready to call security or force her to speak out the truth. He was just enjoying her game.

"Okay. I am appoiniting you as my assistant." He spoke up and she smiled at him. She stood up from her place and went near to him handshake with him. She forward his hand to shake with him and he pulled her on his lap from her wrist.

Now, they were so close to each other. This was the first time when Adam let someone get this close to him. He was feeling wave of emotion inside his body but still managed to keep straight face.

"Never ever try to play with me. I am very hazardous for health." She pushed him on his chest and stood up.

"Looks like you have no manners." She spoke up in an annoyed tone and stomped out of his office and slammed the door shut behind her.

For few minutes, Adam felt like he lost his dominance. He was no more as powerful as before, atleast not in the front of that girl who didn't even bother to tell her name to him.

His eyes fell on the files that she brought with her and had forgotten to took them with her before exiting his office. He stood up and opened the file.

Valentina Anderson.

Education qualification- Done masters in human psychology from University of Oxford.

Father's name- Celin Anderson, government official at Italy.

Mother's name- None.

He went through his whole profile. He looked at her profile picture in which she looked so innocent, ironically.

He chuckled to himself and kept her file in his drawer. He was feeling amazed to himself for appointing her as his assistant when she didn't tell anything about her apart from his father's work that probably didn't look authentic to him.

But now she was his assistant. A assistant without any interview and without any approval letter, just on the basis of an oral statement that was more than any written document.

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Chapter 1 First Meet
