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Us(a love often retold)

Us(a love often retold)



Mariel, 18, a freshman, tries to navigate through life in college while dealing with childhood traumas, along the line she meets and falls in love with Jordan, everything seemed to be going and Mariel was actually starting to live, but do all good things last?

Chapter 1 A new beginning

The memories of my broken home had shaped me in ways I was only beginning to understand. Growing up with a mother who battled her demons in the bottom of a bottle was a constant struggle. The nights when she lay sprawled on the kitchen floor reeking of alcohol, shouting and slurring her words, were etched deep in my soul. Those moments had given me strength, a fierce determination to rise above my circumstances, and create a better life for myself.

The next morning, I awoke to the sun casting a warm glow through the curtains of my room. The D-day was here, the day I moved to college, a fresh start, a chance to leave behind the chaos that had consumed my childhood. As I walked downstairs, the smell of bacon and eggs wafted through, my eyes fell upon my mother and younger sister having breakfast, ” Morning” I greeted, grabbed a plate and joined them eating hurriedly as I was a little anxious to leave and I hated being late. I put my already packed bag into the boot of the car and leaned by the door, different thoughts flooding my mind “the uncertainty of the future, leaving my sister alone here at the house, wondering if I’ll fit in” my train of thought ran wild and to stop it I pulled out my AirPods and “Lewis capaldi’s wish you the best flooded my eardrums “ we all finally got in the car and drove, It was a 2hr drive and as we pulled over, I was shocked with how big the campus building was “ woah this place is frigging huge” my sister said as if reading my mind” I was thinking the same thing I laughed, I got my things from the trunk and we said our goodbyes.As I held unto bri my sister, tears welled up as I thought of spending the next months to come all alone with strangers, but I didn’t let the tears show, they were a sign of weakness, and I wanted her to be strong.

I can still vividly recall the haunting echoes of my mother's last drunken episode as I stepped foot onto the vast college campus. It was a chilly autumn morning, and the wind whispered through the trees, carrying with it a sense of anticipation and possibility. As I walked towards the dormitory, a mix of excitement and apprehension danced within me, marking the beginning of my journey into adulthood.

As I turned the key and pushed open the door, I was greeted by a burst of sunlight streaming through the window, casting warm tendrils of light across the room. It was a stark contrast to the dimly lit corners I was accustomed to, and I couldn't help but revel in the newfound brightness that filled the space.

The room was tastefully decorated with soft hues of lilac and cream, creating an atmosphere of serenity. A large desk sat against the wall, adorned with motivational quotes and a scattering of textbooks waiting to be explored. The twin beds were neatly made, their fresh sheets beckoning me to sink into their comfort. It was a haven of tranquility, a far cry from the chaos and disarray I had grown accustomed to back home.

Just as I was settling into the newfound peace of my new abode, the door swung open with a flourish, revealing my roommate, A tall girl of about 5’9, with big almond eyes that shone with excitement, her long black hair glistening as though she put an entire jar of oil of it, Her vivacious energy filled the room, her laughter infectious as she breezed in like a whirlwind. Hey there! I'm Maya," she exclaimed, her voice filled with warmth and enthusiasm. "You must be my new roomie. Welcome!"

Maya was undeniably beautiful, her natural grace and confidence drawing others towards her effortlessly.

Over the next few days, Maya and I embarked on a journey of laughter, late-night conversations, and shared secrets. I always admired her boldness and she seemed so experienced, she casually talked about boys and sex and sometimes it made me feel nervous, most times. She possessed an uncanny ability to make me forget the scars that adorned my past. Yet, amidst the camaraderie, I detected a flicker of jealousy in Maya's eyes whenever attention shifted my way. It seemed that the spotlight she had once claimed as her own was now wavering, threatening to dim in the presence of my arrival.

College life enveloped us in a rush, Maya and I embraced each day with open minds, eager to explore the intricacies of our individual journeys. Classes were much more different than what I was used to having back home, but one course I did enjoy was AP literature, I enjoyed writing and reading novels and most times I imagined myself as a character in the book, Monday evening I had gone to the library to return some books I had borrowed over the weekend, “So you’re a Jane Austen fan huh?” I heard a voice ask, I turned around and smiled, “Yeah I am, but many people find her writing dull”, well not me he said, while he spoke I took a casual glance at him, he was kind of cute, with long curly hair he held in a bun, and of those jaws you’ll think were hand crafted because of how aligned and structured it was, small puckered lips which smiled up at me and bushy eyebrows, all in all it was quite a face, “I’m Ethan“he said, extending his hand for a shake, “Mariel” I said taking it, “So-o since you love books, we have a book club meeting every Friday if your interested in attending, “yeah sure” I interrupted, “it’s not like I have anything to do on weekends”I muttered, what did you say? He asked with a smile, “nothing , nothing important” I laughed nervously, alright then I’ll see on Friday, “yeah, goodbye” I walked away smiling to myself.

The week flew by quickly and it was already Friday, I searched my wardrobe looking frantically for something to wear, “Are you going on a date?”Maya laughed, “No, I have a book club meeting “ I replied testing out a red sweater I had gotten as a gift for last year’s Christmas, “A book club meeting”she said with a sneer, “On a Friday night? girl you are too boring, don’t you want to have fun?” “We both know our definition of fun are two different things I said with a laugh”,

“Or….”she dragged, “Is it because you want to see that cute boy, uhm what’s his name? Yeah Ethan” she said with a knowing grin” “No-o I just want to connect with my fellow book lovers” I said throwing a pillow in her direction, “yeah right” she rolled her eyes, “What about you?” I asked, “Well” she replied I got invited to a party at omega hall, “you know it has the hottest frat boys”she laughed, How do I look I asked, I was clad in a beige woolen dress with a v neck which exposed my boobs in a way that stopped short of descent and clunged nicely at my hips and butt, with woolen boots, “You look nice,” she replied ,

“hot even”she added with a smirk, “but let your hair down, your hair is so gorgeous I don’t know why you put it up in a bun” she said removing the band I had used to hold my hair as it tumbled down on my forehead and back, I smiled and picked up my bag and jacket, “I’m going” I announced, ”okay but take your spare key just incase you return before me okay”? she yelled from the common area,” yeah okay“ I replied. I stepped outside as the chilly autumn wind blew my face, I tightened my jacket around me and walked faster as the building was only a few miles away, I pulled out my phone and texted my sister” Hey bri, how are you? How’s mum? Hope your doing okay? Call me incase of anything”, i clicked “send” and looked up as the building came in sight.

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