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Fantasy: Lucid City

Fantasy: Lucid City



What do you do when you are suddenly told that the fate of the world rests on your shoulders What happens when you are tasked to achieve something that is basically impossible Made into a disciple by what is probably the strongest being in existence, tasked to watch over all and ensure the survival of your kind Join Lucid and his Family as they try to change and at the same time, save the world, all from the sidelines.

Chapter 1 I

12:00 AM

25th July, 2019

Lagos, Nigeria

Inside a room in a small storey building, two boys could be seen talking and laughing loudly in the darkness of the night while laying on their bed. These two boys were my brother and I, and yes, we were basically your everyday set of siblings.

Today we are at each other's throats and tomorrow, we are the best of friends. Anyway it is to be expected when one has such a complicated background as I do. My name is Lucid King and yes, my parents were weird but awesome.

Anyway back to the main topic, I am 16 years old and in my second to final year of Secondary school or High school as it is called in other parts of the world and as for my brother, his name was Austin Bishop and yeah, he's not really my blood brother.

He is more of my cousin on my mother's side. His family consisted of him, his parents, elder brother and younger sister. His family took me in after my parents were involved in some really life-changing shit that they didn't return from and for nearly 8 years or so now, I have been living with them and have really gotten used to things.

The Bishop family is a nice family of six(6) and that's including me. The family was pretty boring and normal if you asked me but then again which family isn't boring when compared to the families you see on T.V but this nice little family had one little problem.......... Dad was a Clergyman and a high-ranking one at that, an actual Bishop and this time it wasn't just his name.

This is not exactly a problem in any way in fact it is a pro rather than a con in the sense that you are always trusted no matter the situation but that was the problem. I mean due to Dad's occupation and rank in it, we the children or family in general are expected to behave a certain way...... ways that represent our father which is wack if you think of it.

I mean because your father is a lawyer doesn't mean i should expect you to either to be one in future or to behave like one nor do i expect said person to always uphold justice but no, it's the other way around for a clergy's children.

They are expected to be this set of holy robots that never go against anything and are well behaved to the core, always meeting the expectations of others.........*Sighs*...... It's just frustrating and basically means that you can't play or have fun like your friends because apparently a Bishop's children don't play instead they are always reading and all that, we don't need friends because we have God. I mean we all do have God.

OK.... I think I may have gone too deep, anyway, on to our main story. As we lay in darkness, ready to sleep. There was a sudden growling noise

"Wait Austin did you hear that" i asked in shock as the noise suddenly ended our three minutes pact of silence in order for use to go to sleep

"Why are you even asking, of course, it's your sister Carol" Austin said in a fed up tone and instantly the growling stopped as a muffled laughter was heard

Hearing the laughter, we immediately turned on the lights and true to our suspicion, there she was on the floor trying her best not to burst out in loud laughter.

"God, which kind of girl are you, you want to give somebody's son heart attack this night" Austin said with a smile that indicated that he was just joking but even then it didn't stop her from laughing instead it increased as she started hitting the floor while laughing so hard that tears came out

"Argh! Shey your sister is ok ni" i asked in pidgin while looking at Austin who just joined her in her laughter

(A/N: Pidgin is an informal Nigerian language created from mixing various other languages with either English or the speaker's native dialect. Mostly used in Informal setting to show familiarity or sometimes by thugs to declare dominance, Pidgin is just a weird mix of english so most would understand it immediately)

"Mmff..mmff.....hahahaha" Carol burst out laughing when she was no longer able to hold herself while she pointed at me.

"Hahaha... you should have seen your face" She said in between laughter

"You will not go and sleep, be here looking for trouble" Austin said slightly frustrated

"Mtcheww, ordinary growling that even dog used to do, you are already fearing for your life" She said jokingly, honestly i too am beginning to wonder where this girl is from

"Wait what are you doing.... Oh come on now, close the door" I shouted when I noticed her leaving the door open on her return to her room thereby letting in the light from the corridors.

"Omo this your sister deserves better beating oh" Austin said as he struggled to stand up, he was faking it to make me do it.

"No be small beating" I replied then just stood up to close the door since I knew Austin wouldn't do it, he's even lazier than I am and my principle is 'anything i cant reach is not needed'.

Some minutes later, we both were lying on the bed, silent as we tried to sleep but unfortunately for me, I wasn't catching that sleep anytime soon.

"Austin what would you do if you had 3 million friends" i asked trying to start up a conversation but all that i met was complete silence

"The idiot has slept" I thought while looking at my brother who was already lost in dreamland.

Minutes passed as I waited for sleep to come and swipe me off my feet and thankfully it did or at least I think it did. That was all I thought until I found myself inside this weird gray space. I did not know the exact situation I was in but I felt alive and at the same time dead.

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