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How I encounter a mermaid

How I encounter a mermaid



On a faithful Sunday I went to the river side hop on a boat and started pulling to the middle of the river just getting a nice view,then I was 9 years old Not too long on the boat I saw a mermaid bring her head out from the water Her hair was so long and she was beautiful But I was so terrified that I started crying and shouting for help because she was so close to the boat I was in i had no idea on what to do At that time I couldn’t pull the boat anymore because there was a sudden current in the water that I could not explain meanwhile there was no current in when I went on the boat I kept on screaming and crying till people from the village came to my rescue when I got home I was still shaking and crying I fell sick and recovered later

Chapter 1 The village

I’m 22 years old now but some years ago I lived in the village with my grandma village life was always fun because i and my friends will always go to the river for swimming or we hope on boats and starts racing first to get to the middle of the river.some of the villagers will go fishing while some go farming but we the young ones always stay home playing all day long

lt was always fun because life in the village was very easy we get to eat different farm produce

Different kinds of meals and was just amazing though sometimes i follow my grandma to the farm or go fishing with her and I enjoyed that too every thing was amazing though sometimes i was sad because i was not going to school and i never had the chance to go to the city unlike some other kids that only visits the village when it holiday’s because some kids laugh at me for not being in the city and not schooling which really made me sad like so sad but my grandma always assure me i will leave for school the city soon to stay with my cousins in the city .

I always ask my grandma when exactly she always tell soon but I had no idea soon because that soon was like taking forever because at that point nothing interests me anymore

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How I encounter a mermaid

Chapter 1 The village
