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What are you gonna do if you find out that your father who has been sent to protect the world died saving it and is now being resurrected to fulfill his actual purpose; to eradicate humanity and rebuild a new life on earth. What's gonna be your game plan?

Chapter 1 Discovery PRT. 1

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Running footsteps emerges from the depths of the forest. A bunch of armed men in black vest raced through with their heartbeats pacing.

Why they were running was very uncertain but some of them who didn't have an helm on looked terrified as he sprinted ahead of the others.

“The vans is just up ahead! move people!”, He announced as they approached an exit that would bring them out of the wild.

In a swift. One of the armed men disappeared from behind, one shockingly stopped to noticed the phenomenon, he wanted to keep running but a hand abruptly wraps his mouth and pulls him into the unknown.

The man who had announced about the van— Jacob Kailpop; barley noticed as his men kept disappearing, something or someone was. moving very fast , unseen and unheard!

With the perks of deadly silent movements and actions that were completely undetectable. Jacob was just about exiting the forest but fate seem to have other plans for him.

A hand gripped his shoulders tightly and pulled him into the dark heart of the woods. There were no scream or any form of noises that would detect some offensive and defensive mechanism.

There was nothing but. . .

. . . tranquility.

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“Yo! as anyone seen Monday?”, a voice shot from the interiors of the house. “I haven't seen him since last weekend.”

“Monday said he will be out for some days, he said he has something important to do.”, a brown haired girl in a yellow tank top and a black shorts responded while she was reading a novel.

A towering figure walked down the staircase, clothed in a black buttoned up shirt and grey jeans. “Have you heard the news?”

“What news?”, She asked while still reading her novel, hard to tell if she was even interested in the news the towering figure was talking about.

He sighed and seized her novel. “The faded shadow strikes as again.”

“Oh...”, she uttered with no little emotion attached. “That guy ...”


“So? what about him? just a vigilante doing his own thing, how does it connect to Monday?”

He heaved a sigh and sat beside her, slamming her novel on the thick dark brown table that was in the middle of the living room. “The Faded shadow ain't a vigilante. He's a menace!.”

“Good morning guys.”, A voice blasted through the door followed by a loud yawn. A latter in a red buttoned up shirt which it long sleeves were pulled up in style. Black jeans and fitting boots that made sounds as he paced forward.

“Monday!.”, The towering figure uttered in shock and got up on his feet to confront the green eyes fellow about his whereabouts. “ Young man! where have you been!.”

“I literally told Debbie I would be out for some days to attend to---”

“What work do you do? you haven't really told us what you do for a living. You earn bags of cash in months and we all act like it normal.”

Debbie nodded in disappointment at the hearing of the towering figures statement.

“Look... Jake, I am going to be honest with you but for now, I really need to get some rest.”, Monday patted Jake shoulder as he spoke and walked past him and headed upstairs to his room.

“Somethings up and I'm going to find out.”

“Why are you even bothering yourself? Let him be, I mean , what harm will it cost him if you gave him is own personal space? ”, Debbie questioned him. “He earns big money, well fine, at least he isn't doing something illegal.”

“Oh so you know what he does for a living?, tell me then.”

“No , I don't, I never said I knew a thing about his secret work. All I said is, give him some space, quit interfering in his matters, trust me. He will come around.”

Jake hummed for a bit before picking up the a car key from the table. “You know what, I'm just going to head to work. I'm almost late already.”

“Then go!.”, a smile sat on her face as she chuckled..

“Yeah! I'm going!.”, Jake pecked her on her forehead and ran out of the house immediately before he becomes extra late!.

With the sudden silence in the house. Debbie looked back to the stairs , her mind busy as she went up the stairs and steadily walked the way to Monday's room.

She placed to knocks on the door before saying. “Monday... can I come in.”

There was no response.

She tried again but no response came.

“Hey what's the matter?”, another black beauty walked her way from the end of the corridor. Tucked in a white top and a green baggy trousers with a golden necklace dangling on her full chest.

“It Monday, I was trying to see if he would let me talk to him. You know how he is.”

“Forget about him for now, what are we eating for breakfast?”, the other lady asked as she led Debbie back downstairs. “I am really hungry , maybe we should go with some noodles.”,

She entered the kitchen while Debbie turned the TV on.

“* We are reporting live from Hayward Tech industry where there's been a sudden attack on it. The police are trying their very best to put an end to this but it seems they are up against something different. *”

A shock applies to Debbie's heart as she heard the news. “Jake works there . . . I have to call him.”

“Debbie do you mind ---”

“Sis you have to come and see this, Hayward industry is under attack.”

The lady came running on hearing Debbie and fixed her brown eyeballs on the screen. “Oh my God.”

“I am calling Jake, I hope he hasn't gotten there yet.”

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Hayward Tech Industry.

A black BMW pulls into the heated scenario with cars blocking the way. Police car up ahead. The door opens with Jake coming out of it. He ran his hands across his taper fade haircut as he observed the horror his workplace was in.

He ran forward and rushed through the crowd till he was able to get in contact with one of the cops. “Sir! Please what's going on?”

“Some men have invaded Hayward Tech and they're holding everyone in it captive as we speak.”, he then turned away from Jake who gasped and took few steps backwards.

“I guess it better to be late but what gives, what could those guys possibly want with Hayward Tech???”

A Sonic boom occurs in the sky. Everyone looks up to see object that soared through the sky, it was unidentifiable to them but murmurs grew and it only took a matter of time for Jake to understand who that was.

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