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Make me whole

Make me whole

Bliss Khay


After being framed for raping and stabbing his sister thirteen times, Raymon life took a big turn. He lost the people he called his parents, hope and everything. Spending two years in Jail, he became rebellious, deadly and hot tempered... You don't wanna mess with him. He got adopted by a famous politician, who promised to try to help him but no one knows the mysterious reason behind it.. Raymond doesn't care. After avenging his sister's death by having blood on his hand, it didn't change anything. He was still paranoid, he got nightmare about his fucked up life. He tried distracting himself with college, alcohol and girls, he even got a therapist for himself but even with all of these.. His past still haunts him. Not until he met her. She is the true definition of beauty. She was smart, cute but sometimes crazy. A girl whose dream is to become a singer, her voice alone can capture your soul. But she also has a cruel past which was somehow connected to Raymond's past. Who is she? Will she be able to heal him? What really happened to them? What was their fate?


A guy laid lazily on his couch covering his face with the back of his palm. He woke up due to the several noises coming from his phone. He stretched his hand to reach it but it fell instead. "Fuck" He muttered. He lazily dragged himself up and his gaze went to his phone. "Ah.. damn" he cursed again, feeling the intense pain on his head. He looked around wondering how he got home last night. He sure drank a lot. Maybe his friend Thomas brought him home. A heavy sigh escaped his lip. He picked his phone up only to see so many missed calls.

"What the hell?" A clicking sound was heard as soon as he stood up but he ignored it. His head was spinning as went straight to the kitchen leaving his phone on his couch without checking who had called. Raymond lives alone. His family is average, not so rich, not poor either. He so much loved fucking around with girl spending some rich girls money all the way he want it. His attractive face alone can snatch a rich guy girlfriend not to talk of the sex on bed. He had a lot of women who gave him a lot of money, some even sent him to have vacations to any place he wanted. He was only seventeen. His dog barked as he was about to open his fridge. He took out his dog food. "There you go.. Bruno" Ray named his dog after his favorite character in encanto. He still can't believe he so much loves that cartoon. He was about to pull out a hangover drink for himself when he noticed the red dry stain on his hand. He drew his hand close and stared at it. He tried so hard to remember what happened last night but the pain in his head didn't allow him to. He shrugged, grabbed the drink and gulped in one goal. "Argh.." He groaned holding his neck which hurt badly. Feeling a liquid content behind his neck, he frowned. His eyes grew wide seeing it a red stain again. He checked his clothes and he frowned deeper. His gray shirt has some red stain on it too. Did someone pour a red drink on him last night? 'Well fuck them' He thought to himself. A loud knock interrupted his thought and his head snapped toward the door direction. Who the fuck knock on his door like that? Do they need some lessons? One thing about Raymond is he is a bad tempered person. He clenched his jaw and dragged his lazy self towards the door while the knock kept getting louder. He is seriously going to teach the person behind it some manners. "Get on the floor!!!" His eye widened when a large gun pointed at him as soon as he opened the door. He raised his hand in fear immediately. The police? There are five of them all armed. "What.." He couldn't finish his words as a heavy punch landed on his face bursting his lower lips. One of them hit him again, pinned his head to the ground and began to handcuff him immediately. The other police rushed in and began to search his house. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He finally got the chance to speak. "Shut up, murderer!" The police pinning him yelled. Murderer? What the heck did he just call him! "I've got him" He informed me through his radio. He forcefully dragged Raymond on his feet. Bruno barks out loud at the police officers. One of them got annoyed and kicked him. "Don't you fucking touch my dog!!" Raymond yelled but the police officer with him pinned his head. "Look what I found" One of his police mates informed picking up a knife on the floor. Red stain? 'Don't tell me that's blood' He thought as his eyes widened the more. Those stains on his shirt too? "You bastard!" The police, holding him, yelled and dragged him out of his apartment harshly. "Let go of me.. what the hell do you think you're doing?" He asked the one holding him. "Taking you to jail.. now shut the fuck up!" The police replied, still dragging him. "You've got the wrong person! I didn't do anything!" Raymond yelled again. His wrists began to hurt a lot. "Do you want me to beat you up before taking you to our custody?" The police asked, dragging his hair harshly. Raymond kept quiet whimpering. "No! Now keep your mouth shut or it could be used against you at the court of law". He put a bag on his head and dragged him out of his house like a criminal. There are a lot of reporters outside his home snapping like crazy. "Let's ask him some questions!" One of the reporters yelled. "How disgusting!" "He should be ashamed.. how could he do such a thing!" "Let him say something!" "We want an explanation!" "Murderer!!" "We want Justice!" These were the words Raymond heard before getting to the car. They are charging him for murder? There must be some misunderstanding! But why the hell is he not remembering anything! ... Everywhere was dark, Raymond was sitting in a strange room not able to see a thing as he still had his head covered with the tick bag. Seconds passed by and his anxiety Kept getting worse. In what seems like forever, the bag was removed from his head. The light ray coming from the small bulb hitted his eyes and he looked the other side. After his eyes had adjusted to the light he looked up just to see a strange man in front of him. "What's going on?" He had asked this question so many times but none of them answered. "Raymond Hampton" The strange man smiled at him. "I'm Finn Cornwell nice to meet you" the man stretched his hand to him. Raymond hesitated a bit before shaking him briefly. "Please tell me what's going on.. I'm freaking out" Raymond pleaded in his shaky voice, his eyes were red. "Do you know her?" Finn placed a picture before him and he drew it close. "Yeah.. that's Victoria my sister" He replied. Why is Victoria in the picture? "Hmm.." Finn nodded and brought out another picture. "And this?" Raymond drew the picture close and his pretty face turned terrified. It's a picture of a naked body which was brutally stabbed. "What is this?" He raised his head to look at him wondering why they were showing him the picture. "That's Victoria.. She was raped and stabbed thirteen times on different part by you" Raymond's mouth dropped dramatically. "What?" Maybe he didn't hear him well. Finn took back the picture and kept it back. "So tell me Mister Raymond Hampton.. why did you do it?" Finn asked. His cheerful eyes turned cold. "Victoria is not dead.. Victoria can't be dead. What does it mean she's dead? I saw her last night so what the fuck are you saying? Where's my phone? I need to call her..." Finn watched the guy in front of him panicking. "Where's my damn phone!!" °°° ~FEW HOURS LATER~ Raymond was dragged out of the prison. He had a visitor. "Mom.. Dad!" Raymond called with a small smile on his face. At least someone is going to believe him. "You don't believe them right. I didn't kill Victoria. You know I love her so much don't you? Besides I can't kill anyone, mom, dad.. I think I've been framed here" Raymond said with tears on his face. "Bastard!" His mom said and the blood on his face drained immediately. They don't believe him? "Dad?" He called looking up to him. His father's eyes stared down at him in disgust. "I can't believe I brought a monster to my house.. I picked you up from the street when you were little. Is this how you're to pay me back? To hell with you!!" His mom yelled again. Right now the pain in his chest was worse than how he could imagine. He kept quiet, losing all hope. The only person he thought he could rely on doesn't trust him. While his parents were on their way home, they had an accident and died on the spot. This broke Raymond totally, he cried for days with a heavy heart. °°° "You're here by sentence to life imprisonment with hard labor" The judge concluded by hitting his hammer three times. All the evidence pointed to him. "I didn't do it!!" Raymond yelled. Of course there was no one to defend him. His friends and family were nowhere to be found. "I didn't do it!!" He yelled again as two police dragged him out of the place. °°° Two years later, the look on Raymond's gaze was deadly, he had so many scars on his body resulting from the beating he got from the police. He sat beside a guy with his lunch and began to eat gently without looking at anyone. A tattooed guy sitting beside him, took a quick look at Raymond before giving a signal to some of the guys in the room. Eleven of them stood up surrounding him. Noticing this, Raymond stopped eating. He sighed and took in some water. After that, he hit his cup on the table. "Can you guys just leave me alone?" Raymond said, obviously upset with the way they always try to pick on him. "You always behave like you're better than us and we hate that" the guy beside him said. Raymond smiled dangerously. "I'm better than you.. beat it" The guy flared up in anger, he grabbed the knife and tried to stab him but Raymond held his hand and punched him severally until he bled from his mouth. He took the knife from him and stabbed him on his back. "Argh!!" the guy yelled. Raymond smirked, he turned to look at the other ten goons standing alert. He folded his arm sleeve up and held his head high. "C'mon" The goons looked at each other and began to attack him. Well none of them even had the chance to touch even the strand of his hair. His moves were fast and his punch deadly. He stabbed the last one on his stomach with a fork and sent him down with a hard kick. By the time he was done, Raymond was breathing hard while he watched them rolling on the floor. Most of them have their bones broken, some stabbed and some were at the peak of death. A fat police woman officer walked in and saw the scene. This is not the first time so she sighed. "Raymond.. You have a visitor" she said to him. ... "Who the hell are you?" Raymond asked, raising his brow. "Mr Adams, your new sponsor. I'm planning to get you out of prison" An old man who seems to be around the age of 60 said to him. "I never asked for your help" he replied standing on his feet to leave. There's no one out there for him anyway. "I found the person who killed your sister" The old man said and Raymond stopped to look at him. "Who?" °°° In the dark room, some men could be seen taking drugs, chatting and laughing. A young girl with a highschool uniform stood there with her head lowered. "What are you still doing here.. ehh!!" Raider, who seems to be their leader, yelled at the girl. "Dad please, your daughter is dying. Can't you just give me some money so I can pay the hospital bills for my younger sister?" The girl pleaded with a heavy heart. She has a scar on one side of her left leg. She knows this man has the money since he is a freaky rich politician but ever since her mom died, he became a monster. Raider flared up in anger and threw a bottle at her. The bottle smashed on the floor, wounding her leg in the process. "We wouldn't be like this if your mom was alive!!" Raider yelled. "She died because of you!!.. you were the reason why those goons have to trap us in a fire. Mom warned you several times to stop these dirty jobs but you didn't listen!" She yelled. Raider threw another bottle, it hit her this time and she fell flat and sand covered most of her face. Other men in the room watched with a smirk on their faces. "I just wished she had saved your little brother instead of a rat like you" He said coldly. Even with all of these, the young girl couldn't let a tear out. She tried her best to cry at least but not avail. "I'm going to teach you a lesson" The man nodded and grabbed a metal pole before moving towards the girl. But just then, the door opened, A guy with a black mask and cap came in. His eyes were filled with fury as he stared at the men in the room. One of them stood up "Who the f*ck are.." His word was cut short with a bullet penetrating through his head. Seeing this, Others eyes widened and grabbed their deadly weapon. The girl ran to hide in a place and watch. "Arghhh!!!!" They all screamed and charged towards him with their weapons. The sound of gunshots, loud screams, metal clash, bones breaking and heavy breaths rented the whole room. The young girl watched how fast the guy moves, he was like a pro in the deadly game. His moves were sharp and he was fast. Raymond shot one to three times on the leg and then shot him on the mouth. Another one charged towards him, he sent several punches on his face before breaking most of his bone. Her father quickly pulled out his gun to shoot but the masked guy kicked it out of his hand and swiftly pointed his gun to his head. "Okay.. okay.. you win.. you win" The man shivers. "Victoria Hampton.. Do you know her?" Raymond asked coldly while Raider shivers. Raider thought for a while and remembered something. "Oh no!.. see you need to listen" He made a click sound on his gun ready to shoot. "Answer the goddamn question" He said coldly. "I know her but..." BANG!! The young girl saw how the bullet penetrated through her father's head and gasped. She quickly held her mouth and hid. She was praying hard not to be killed but he stood before her. She swallowed and looked up to him, his emerald eyes was piercing as ever. The masked guy raised his gun and pointed it towards her head. Surprisingly, she didn't budge from her spot; instead, she admired the way he looked at her. Crazy right? The masked guy made a click sound on his gun and the next thing that was heard was a gunshot. BANG!!!

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