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This is a story about a princes , who earned his power through dark magic and it was up to his twin brother to stop him a brother he had no idea existed, the dark prince’s name was Henzo and his brother was zac , these two were separated at birth one grew up with the father and the other grew up with the mother, the father was a king so Henzo grew up with the father

Chapter 1 A night to remember.

A gust of wind roar through the dark has the king chased after the queen ( the mother of Henzo the dark prince and Zac his twin brother) for he heard rumors from the queen’s maiden , that the queen given birth to twins , for he only allowed one Child, and if two where to-be born would kill one.

“ Anna ! Anna ! “ the king called queen has they searched for her through the words “ my king , the queen as probably crossed the sea by now” said one of the king’s guards as her was looking and searching through the trees, in which darK an no moon in the sky, “ what did you say ?” The king asked with a swift voice, but the guard was afraid, to afraid to repeat his words, “ the next time you feel like saying something at least have the guts to face me direct” said the king , and so they continued the search . The queen was not as fast , as she could see torches from a distance was slowly approaching the dark sea, her mind was confused to she will cross to the other side with her child while the king and his guards were slowly gaining on her, she heard foot steps just behind her, she decided to run faster because she was afraid that maybe one of the guards have gained on her, “ my queen…. “ she heard the voice softly call to her , she increased in speed but the foot steps were fast king was gaining crosser and crosser, she felt a hand grab her shoulder.

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