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The silver eyed prince

The silver eyed prince



Henzo,had just heard from his father the king , that he was not the only prince of Binzo kingdom, that he was a twin and he’s other brother ran away with the queen yes ago in fear that the kill might kill her other son Zac , and now Henzo faced a threat because he wasn’t the elderst even though they were twins , he vowed to find his brother at all cost .

Chapter 1 Henzo ( the prince)

My plans to rule over the kingdom have been ruined, by my own father the king, he just had to tell me about my twin brother in his last days ,” Lord , father …. , I need at least 15 with me in such for my brother “ I approach the king, because I knew that if I don’t find him on time it might affect the day of succession . “ why !?” Asked my father the king, with a surprised tone.

“ Henzo your brother is beyond the black see on the other side of the kingdom, and thats only if he survived the black sea with your mother the queen “ … he said sounded so confident., I strongly believed my father hoped that my brother had died in the Black Sea, and so it was up to me to learn the truth and find out if my brother is dead or alive and so I went out to see my adventurous friend, Bot .

“Henzo you must be crazy!!! ….. , do you honestly think we can survive the Black Sea? No one so far as lived to tell the story, you must be out of your mind” … said Bot with full hand and verbal expression and his eyes pilled, I could see that he is very serious but I had to convince him, because I knew how strong he was and very experienced, since he’s father was a boats man, but has never experienced the black sea, the sea was dangerous , some say it is cursed, because it was mostly stormy and contains dangerous snakes in it, it is impossible to cross on the other side.

“Bot I have to find my brother, don’t you get it ! ?…. It’s not only him but my mother the queen as well, I have heard about this recently, I have always thought my died after giving birth to me , but that’s not the truth, she ran in fear of my father the king” I said to Bot , he was listening but I knew hes Eyes could tell that he was still not convinced but I had to wait for he’s response, knowing full well he might not agree with me .

“Henzo you are the princes of this kingdom , the next king in line to the throne, …. Why do you think your father the king, didn’t agree with this , think Henzo …. Think!! “ said Bot … but my mind was set on my decision, and it was set on my goal to find my brother and my mother the Queen , with strong believe that they might be alive.

So my journey was set , without my friend Bot , I was ready to set on a journey to find my brother ( Zac ), I was eager to learn about him and if he knew he was a princess , and if he did , what ideas does he have about the kingdom if Anything I wasn’t not ready to handle of my right as king to him easily, as a prince I have been in this kingdom for 25 years and my people were Personally my people to rule over . It was a confusing moment for but the only to settle it was to look for him, if he was still alive that is.

And there was , out in search for a boat on the east coast, a mile away from our king, on my horse, I had to disguise as a commoner, I approached a village “ who’s this man …?.. looks like a traveller “ the villagers whispered to themselves, while looking so surprised at me , “ where can find a boats man… ? I’m in need of a boat” I asked this boy who looked so poor and so , I promised to give him a piece of silver…” come with me … I will take you to him , are you looking for one to buy or … what sir ? “ asked the boy… “ boy just show me where I can find one “ I said sounding upset and looking in he’s eyes ,… “ alright.. alright I will take you to him follow me “ and so I followed the boy to will he was taking me, a tall and huge appeared behind me and another one in front of me before I could realize , I was surrounded by 8 men place where no one could see what was happening, I looked around and couldn’t see the boy with , the boy had set me up “but why ? “ I thought to myself… “ Prince .. prince Henzo,who would have thought the prince could visit a shallow village like ours, unless he has brought us silver and gold, ain’t that right prince? “ said one of the men , holding and axe in he’s hand , had deep red eyes and very arms , as they slowly approach towards me , with only gold enough to get me a boat I wasn’t going to give it to them without a fight, but they were too many “ what I’m I going to do now “ I thought to myself, while standing my ground, I had to look at each one of them with confidence but they were all harmed with knives and axes , the looked read for a fight and would do anything to get their hands on my little gold. But I was Henzo son of The Great king Karu ,” do you know what my father would do if anyone of you tried to harm me ?” I said to them trying to threaten them but it proved to be of no use… “ We are no you were suppose to be here … haha !.. the king has no idea you are here , this ain’t your kingdom boy” they said. So the only thing that remained in my mind was to fi

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