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In love with my arrogant boss

In love with my arrogant boss

Amurany Freitas


Dorotéia Arrais is the typical independent woman. Owner of herself and a strong personality, does not take challengers home and always has a good response full of sarcasm. In the position of superwoman, Dorothy took the family assets to the top, and even being the black sheep of the family, Doti, as she likes to be called, captivates everyone, even the cheeky and arrogant João Paulo Dantas. A well-regarded lawyer in the social environment, João collects women, but deep down, he knows he needs a safe haven. A disastrous encounter is enough for John to be raptured by the beauty, spontaneity and sharp tongue of Dorothy. Moved by the challenge of having her, he will do everything to make his wish come true. But traps of fate can make you lose the woman you want not only in your bed, but forever next to you. A strong and at the same time sensitive woman. A love that is born unpretentiously. A couple who will have everything against them, but still remain fighting.  

Chapter 1 One - Doty

I stretch on the bed and her softness is a plea for me to remain a little longer.

Unfortunately, sleeping late is not in my plans. Not today.

I run my hand through my shaggy hair trying to remember when was the last time I went to the hairdresser. And this is due to the fact that the professional Hair - as Tadeu likes to be called -, have a fixation for my hair that does not pass from the middle of the back. The only pretext that still makes me frequent your establishment, is that in addition to being a great professional in the area of beauty, I am a "nothing humble" investor who bet on the natural products and manipulated that effeminate cat of extravagant clothes.

Too bad he likes the same fruit I do. Too bad.

One of the things I thought about at that party that he was at, too, was that the two of us would end the night by eating through some wall of the club, at a motel or at his house.

In mine? Not ever.

That's the absolute rule. No men in my house.

The result of my illusion came five minutes later when he left the table looking for the "Divine Dorothy Arrais", because he needed an investor for his idea of natural cosmetics.

I thought he was brave and the proposal was a bit off course, since that branch was not my thing. But the pidão face he made, and the smile of the cat Cheshire of Alice in Wonderland that Fabi, my other friend, showed, contributed to give the guy a chance. After all, I have money to spare and one more investment would only come in handy.

I don't regret helping you today. Even finding out days after he came to me by indication of Fabi, who was already attending his small salon, the return came just over a year after we made the agreement, and thank God, everything is going from "wind to stern". But I was devastated with that waste of male that came to visit me from time to time, and every time I was impacted with his colorful clothes and glasses, equally festive.

Unrolling the sheets of my legs that, insistently, night after night I wrap myself, being an unbearable heat or not, I get up and pull the short shorts down telling my brain not to look at the mirror above the dresser and notice the mess that are my dark circles after another sleepless night.

I'm going straight to the bath. The hot water that descends through my curvy body, relaxes little by little the muscles still sore, the result of much Job, still as Tadeu says, who insists on using English in almost every sentence he pronounces.

Deep down, I've been working too hard and it's not just a figure of speech. Lately, I stay late in one of the main branches of Arrais, although Fabi, Henrique and Carmem constantly insist to stop running, it is not yet the time.

I can feel it.

I have a certain conviction that without efforts there are no victories. So, I continue my journey until the company remains at the top for much longer.

I know that sexist society still insists on the speech that we women are a fragile sex, but that's not how things work. Every day, more women are occupying positions that were once exclusive to men. We are seeking visibility, although it is tiring, we women, continue to exercise our roles as mothers, sisters and wives.

So even the weight of my responsibilities as an entrepreneur - who practically came from the cradle with my family roots well rooted in the business environment -, are the same ones that make me accelerate in the bath so I can get faster in the company.

Arrais Motors has been in the market for a long time. True, it had its moments of imbalance, however, with a lot of work and dedication, not only mine, but of all those who have been there since the beginning we put it back on track.

Before, the company consisted only in exporting parts and products for the assembly of cars and motorcycles with repair and restoration services, made by a company of my property, which currently also belongs to the Arrais group. Nowadays, after the merger of the two companies, Arrais has a conglomerate of workshops, in addition to its flagship, the export of parts and even imported cars and motorcycles.

As the heiress and holder of seventy percent of the company's shares, I could not help but get my hands dirty. At thirty-two, I am at the height of my responsibilities as a successful mechanical engineer and entrepreneur. Besides being CEO of Arrais Motors, I manage one of the workshops and work directly in the assembly and repairs.

Honestly, I don't have the patience to be inside an office. This role was for Henrique, my younger brother. In the meantime, I think it's time to get back on the horse, starting with a surprise visit for that womanizing bastard of my brother. This visit will be for me to see personally how the company is going. Although I think that Henry is not hurt by my disappearance, sometimes I delude myself thinking that these sporadic visits will ease the pain I feel in conscience for leaving my brother, alone, taking care of an empire like Arrais.

Something that is definitely not his role, since he has less firm grip than me.

- Dorothy! - I roll my eyes at Fabi's desperate cry. - Dorothy! - Once again she screams and I pretend not to listen.

Fabi, as she likes to be called, lives with me since I moved. Mora not, since I understand people she does not leave me.

- Dotiiii! If you don't answer or open that damn door I don't even know what to do with you!

Through a small gap, I see his tall and slender figure already dressed for work, arms crossed in front of his body and frantically hitting his foot on the floor.

- What do you want, Fabiana Janny de Medeiros? - I wrap the pronunciation of her real name in the language slowly, just to annoy her.

She hates that name, so it's tastier to piss her off.

I think it's beautiful, picturesque and original. A beautiful tribute to Tarzan's wife, made by his late mother who was a fan of the couple. Which conveniently earned me and Henry some pretty good jokes.

We always asked where his Tarzan was, for the simple fact that Fabi was always a dreamer. She lived idealizing a prince charming. But, in response, she showed her middle finger every time we told her to stop dreaming about a man on a white horse and look up at what, maybe Tarzan was coming to get her screaming at the top of his lungs and swinging on the vines.

Right now, she throws a glare at me and widens her mocking smile.

- May I ask why all this scandal? Nor can I masturbate in peace?

- Wow, can you be less specific? I didn't need to know that - protest with disgust face.

- Come on! Say what you want, because I still have to come. - I reach down behind the door making faces and mouths, then release a false moan not a bit worried about her discomfort.

- Are you sure you're jerking off? With this bad mood of the dog and the way you can not even fake a joke, I find it difficult to be pleasurable. - I slam the door in your face and she laughs.

- Come on, Doti! I need to use your bathroom.

- The apartment is large, has more bathrooms available.

We live in a well located apartment in one of the most expensive neighborhoods of São Paulo. Even reluctant, I was practically forced to receive from my father this exaggerated gift when I turned eighteen. It was that, or a tragedy would happen in the Arrais family. At the time, Alfredo Arrais still had dominion over his finances and life itself. Now, after almost losing the company, sporting what he owns is one of the things he loves most.

It's really a shame that he doesn't care anymore about the empire that Grandpa left. Even if it is mine and that in the past dad did me so badly, it would be good for him to return to Arrais. But now after all this time I'm sure you won't make the slightest effort to get the means to keep your misfortunes.

His and his wife, because in the case of the two, the saying that "God writes right by crooked lines," suits both.

He and Maribel deserve each other. They both like to spend like there's no tomorrow.

This was another reason why Arrais was on the verge of bankruptcy, and I was forced to live away from him, my brother and the snake he calls his wife.

I think I was born into the wrong family. I have no ambitions to own more than I already have, for me it's good to keep what we have.

- I know you do, but your bathroom is bigger, more beautiful and I also have to see what you're going to wear. - My friend argues, knocking on the door again.

That's it! That's the real reason I made myself miserable in the shower.

I imagine her saying it carefree, looking at her beautiful white painted nails. A person who loves white more than Fabi is about to be born. As if it was not enough to be a doctor and live dressed in white practically all day, still have to decorate the apartment with white details, except my room. This is my sanctuary and nobody moves here.

I leave the bathroom to find my bed full of clothes, shoes and a Fabi still unhappy not to find what she wants.

Okay! I go back on saying that nobody moves in my room. She moves!

- What the hell is going on here? It was a hurricane that passed and did not see? - I ask even knowing the answer.

- It was, my love. Hurricane Fabi has just passed in his closet and is not at all satisfied with what he saw - he responds by lifting one of my camouflaged overalls and my favorite boots.

- Wow, Dorothy, you don't even seem to be one of the most highly regarded women in São Paulo - I'm sure I don't turn my eyes to so much bullshit.

- When will you understand that I work with grease, tool and tire? I have to be consistent with my profession - retracts and she curves the eyebrow well-made, making me jealous of it. - Incidentally, only not that! - I sit on the couch next to the closet, and she crazy to know the gossip, comes along and I continue to talk: - Fabi you need to see as much of a hot man that goes there.

Shaking me with one hand while the other holds the knot of the towel that threatens to fall apart. I need a man, this life of Mary grease is killing me. I have to at least get Fabio, that hot mechanic.


Not even the "cri-cri-cri" of the nonexistent crickets here, I hear.

I look to the side and the friend of the jaguar left me talking alone, even more of a subject as delicate as men and their so powerful muscles and tripods.

- My God! She doesn't really take me seriously.

Minutes later Fabi comes back with what seems to be my look of the day and throws it to me.

- Ready, this clothing should fit. We need to go shopping urgently.

- Hi? You see me here dear? I think I still have the right to choose. - I lift any clothes as a form of protest.

- Of course, yes. Who do you think I'm talking to? - she says, putting one hand on her thin waist. - And you'll never go out with that around with. - Take the clothes off my hands.

- Ohh, Fabiana! Did you hear what I said minutes ago?

- About the men who go to the workshop? I heard yes! - Throw my tattered overalls in the basket that will probably end up in the trash. - In fact, they only go there to see your ass, which by the way, is a delight.

The bigger dick, she talks and still gives me a wink.

What audacity! I throw a pillow against his body expelling him from the room.

Before closing the door behind her, the brunette still leaves the pearl of the day.

- You really need a Dorothy man, but you need a male man, hot man, you know?

- I do not know, no! - I answer, standing to pass the moisturizer that Tadeu kindly sent me. The last release, according to him.

- Obviously you do. It's no longer fresh. - I show the middle finger and as if I had not seen my obscene gesture, she persists in the pro-macho speech for me. __ The man for you has to be a "brucutu". That makes you wet just looking at him. To arrest you, dominate and conquer your heart of stone - Make a ridiculous gesture in the shape of a heart in the air. - And most of all, to come face to face with your opinions, because my friend you are a brute force of nature

- That "brucutu" that nothing, Fabi. Stop daydreaming.

- It's not a dream. If I could make a wish to the genie of the lamp, it would be this: a male to Dorothy.

I approach and hit her head slowly.

- Are you sure you're not dreaming?

A genius? Really? That's every single thing I have to listen to.

- Of course not! - Hit my hand that continues to poke it.

- Anyway, man, I don't care. I'm fine, thanks! - I walk to the front of the mirror with the clothes that my personal fashion consultant assigned me to wear and I leave her mumbling anything.

I just hope that man shows up to be a frog, that's the only way I'm gonna beat him up.

I am a woman who since very young fight for my independence, be it personal or financial. For this reason I have always valued my freedom, especially if this freedom allows me to be miles away from men, to protect my heart from being broken simply by knowing myself deeply.

I know how intense I am with these questions of feelings, and usually these things of love are never reciprocated in equal proportion.


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In love with my arrogant boss

Chapter 1 One - Doty
