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Secret Affairs with a Ruthless Tycoon

Secret Affairs with a Ruthless Tycoon

Okhiria Gift


"Do you like toys?" He whispered as he breathed down her neck. "I...I....I........don't know." Aila stuttered as she tried to control herself from moaning. He bit on her neck and sucked lightly while he continued rubbing against her with his fingers in circular motion through the thin layer of her panties "Let's do this again." He said, still meting out torture to Aila. "Do you like toys?" He asked again as he raised her legs to straddle him. Aila moaned loudly and quickly covered her mouth shamefully to block out the sound. "Yes" she whispered breathlessly. "Yes what?" He asked deviously. "Yes daddy." She replied and moaned louder.

Chapter 1 Stormy morning

Music recommendation - To be Young by Anne Marie.

It was indeed an odd morning with thunder rumbling outside and the heavy rain pattering the ceiling.

Aila Curtson lay on her bed with her pillow shielding her face from the daylight. she looked out the window and sighed, another day she hated the most, rainy days.

She turned in bed as she was reminded of her dream again. A dream where she was a nasty rich woman with a hotshot at the tip of her fingers. This time, she dreamt about her most favorite hotshot. Darren Steel.

Remembering their hands entwined together as they made beautiful love, Aila moaned loudly and smiled as she hugged her pillow tight. When she finally got back to reality, she sighed and picked up her phone to check the time.

"Shit, I'm freaking gonna be late!!!!!!!!!" She screamed as she threw her phone aside.

"You damn right will be fired today lad." Her grandmother shouted from her room door.

She rubbed her head lightly as she remembered yesterday night's exercise, she and Estie had gone out after working afternoon shifts together and got off work by 7pm. The alcohol was good and the fun too, but she was sure she'd be the only one getting fired today as Estie had high tolerance for alcohol compared to her.

She got out of bed and walked towards the window to take a look at the streets outside. Aila lived with her grandmother in an average looking bungalow downtown New York, with large beautiful windows facing the streets. She looked quietly at the street as people ran in every corner with their raincoats trying to avoid the harsh rain.

She sighed and walked towards her bathroom. She picked up her toothbrush and started to brush her teeth as she repeatedly reminisced about her dream. After she was done brushing, she had a quick hot bath and came out of the bathroom to dress up.

With the rain still pouring outside, she shook her head slightly in disapproval of the weather before going to stand in front of her wall wardrobe. Aila bent to pick a denim jean she so much loved because it always loyally put her curves out there. She smiled as she held it in her hands and started to step into it. She picked up her staff shirt and threw it on.

Aila continued to look in the mirror as she tried to tie her hair in a bun and buttoned her shirt halfway up.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled at her Ocean blue eyes, thick dark lashes and blonde curly waves of hair that went all the way down to her waistline except now that it was in a bun. She smiled, revealing her cute dimples and stood up to assess her body.

She was dressed normally in Denim pants and her work shirt with hotel services written on it. She twirled for a while as she checked her reflection perfectly. The jean was tight enough to sell her curves and round bum, coupled with her slightly thick thighs and perfect legs. The work shirt only buttoned halfway looked too loud so she clipped more buttons, leaving just the upper two buttons which showed off her round and full breasts with a decent cleavage. She looked at her reflection again and smiled.

"Chic as always." she whispered to herself still smiling at her reflection.

"All that time you take to dress, and you still have no decent boyfriend." her grandmother suddenly said from the doorway.

She jumped and turned around on hearing the voice.

"Good morning grandma." Aila greeted the old woman all smiles.

"And I have a decent boyfriend grandma, you don't want to break Max's heart when he hears you say that." she added, winking at the old woman.

"The pizza delivery guy you get all smoochy with?. He's jobless and doesn't even make enough to buy me a scarf, bury me in a desert if he's not bald with that cap he always has on." her grandmother said, cringing at the thought of Max.

"What's that saying again?. A patient dog eats the fattest bone?" She said, chuckling lightly as her grandmother rolled her eyes dramatically.

"There's two things you're not, a patient person, nor a dog." her grandmother said rolling her eyes again as she left.

"And Mr Robertson will skin you alive this time." she added, shouting from the living room.

"Or worse, give me a week worth lecture on how punctuality has something to do with prosperity." Aila muttered with a scowl on her face

Mr Tom Robertson was her boss at work and the Manager at Hotel de Torino, one of the largest and most expensive hotel in New York, owned by God knows who, as long as everyone got paid. Mr Robertson was not just a pain in the ass, but it seems he didn't have a life outside the hotel as he continuously and painfully made workers do extra hours, telling them they must love the hotel like their own child.

"eeeeww." Aila muttered as the image of Mr Robertson making that horrid statement drifted into her mind.

She finished quickly and ran out to the living room and left the house with an umbrella after

a quick breakfast and kissing her grandma goodbye. Aila continued to walk along the wet streets with people struggling and shuffling about to get to their destinations in the cold rainy morning. She heard her phone ring continuously in her pocket but couldn't pick because she already knew who was calling.

It had to be Mr Robertson, he had this problem of calling repeatedly till your ears start to bleed and you can't take it anymore.

Aila sighed and continued down the street till she got to the main streets where she took a taxi straight to work.

After driving round the city for a while, the rain had stopped and left no trace of the impending storm it had suggested this morning. Aila was glad with the turn of events as she hated rainy days because they were always a hassle, the struggle and the cold.

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