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Soul snatcher

Soul snatcher



Daisy find herself in a hard position, her father pushes her toward her dreams while her temporary substitute teacher invades them. Willing herself to be strong willed against a man that demands her submission, all the while having her father unknowingly partake in her diminishing. This book contains Profanity Strong sexual language Graphic sexual scenes You must be 21+ to enjoy this book my loves

Chapter 1 First day

I've always felt like an outcast, others feel I'm a freak, some have belief I feel I'm better then most. I've never felt better then others but, I feel like a freak all the time.

Looking out the window of my university I see the rains started pouring down, making it seem like a soft peaceful day. It's any thing other than that, my professor left suddenly for a dire family emergency so we're here with a temporary sub.

As usual I'm the first to arrive before tue teacher, I come ten minutes early everyday to ensure I never miss anything. Which leads up to having a perfect attendee record. The sound of the classroom steel door swinging open catches my attention. Looking for who's coming, I see it's the new substitute. He's handsome, looks Nigerian to me, tall broad shoulders, hard yet striking face. His eyes are jade green,nose straight, lips like the plum itself. He's a sight for my eyes I tell you that.

He looks in my direction noticing me, an amused smirked quickly touched his lips before vanishing.

Is he amused I'm the only one here, must be but, I find nothing amusing by me wanting to be here for everything. He looks like a mean brute if you ask me, he's extremely handsome, wouldn't be surprised if he was arrogant as fuck.

I hear him chuckling deeply at the teachers desk bringing me back in real time. Realizing I said that last part out loud, I feel my face flash with heat. He's sat down sun kissed jaded eyes piercing through me, he doesn't say a way just inspects me. Making me feel squeamish in my seat. Looking to the clock I see it's still five minutes before my class mates usually arrive, meaning more time with Mr. jaded eyes.

"Are you always the first in class Ms........" He trails off not knowing my name. Sitting straighter in my seat, sticking my chin mid air, "It's Daisy S. Lusting sir." His face seems pleased by my name like it's a sign from somewhere in the universe. "If you don't mind sir, what your name ?" My nerves jolt from the excitement of knowing this foreign mama name, more then it should. "Names Hermie sweet heart, would you answer my question please?" He asked leaning back in the desk chair like he owns the damn thing. Swallowing my thoughts I tell him, " yes, I'm always first in class Mr. Hermie."

"Why is that, do you get something out of it?" He asked me looking list as to why I sit hear ten minutes more then everybody else. It should really be obvious though I'm a go getter, your never going to make it no where being second my father says to me every-day.

"I don't want to miss a thing that could help me thrive for my achievements." I tell him flat out.

"So your a bookworm for sure then, what Arthur's do you like?" He questions me on the likes of my reading, and while one might think it's an easy question to answer, it's not. I read nothing but erotic books, sexually intense, even BDSM. I don't think that's his business to know at all. Cheeks flamed rose red, I look down at my desk feeling steamy as my mind wondered. Jesus Christ Daisy, you a grown women for goodness sakes, it should not be embarrassing to read the novels I read.

"Is it embarrassing Ms. Daisy?" Mr. Hermie asked me feeling more intrigued by my response to his questioning. Making me regret being the first one here for the first time in my life. For one this is the most attention any males given me since middle school.

Bringing me back to his questions he tells me he wouldn't judge my interest in books. He's knows he has he flushed, the suns kissing my cinnamon skins just right. Putting me on spot, literally.

"If you promise to not judge and keep it to just yourself, I love erotica,BDSM books. I feel like I just shared my whole life from a few words with you." I blurt out in one jumbled mess.

The look in his eyes said nothing, his lips say's amused. The loud ringing of the bell signals the students would be filing in soon, our little intense conversation ends with it.

Now that the class is filled it's seems I'll be able to hide behind whose sitting infront of me. He begins his lesson going over what was left by our teacher for the week. He's serious about his lessons, leaving no time for the fellow horny female, or the intimidating manly aura Dr. luscious gave off.

He's also very attentive with his students, making sure everyone is together on one subject. We all have great details from our lessons written like professionals. Making sure it's no way one can fail him.

When he comes to my table I can sense he's demeanor has changed, he's dead ass serious with me, no friendly smile his, eyes are hard and set on me. Straightening my spine, making my heavy breast stand to his attention. Lord I couldn't help myself, it felt necessary to do so, like, a masters silent order. Ugh-I feel like a hot and flustered slut, sticking my breast out for his liking? Why would I act such a way, still I can't change my posture, something tells me he'd be more disappointed if I did.

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