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Shining furies

Shining furies



Kate Armstrong, a talented student, finds herself caught in a twisted game of manipulation and murder at Blazier Academy. As the death toll rises, Kate becomes an unlikely ally with a talented scholarship student , Aiden. Together, they navigate a treacherous world of privilege, where sinister schemes and power plays threaten their lives at every turn. Guided by a mysterious journal that unravels the academy's dark past, Kate and Aiden must race against time to expose the mastermind behind the killings before they become the next victims.

Chapter 1 Kate POV

I open my eyes to discover myself in a white room ,the strong stench of disenfectant attacks my nose. I try to sit up to understand what is going on I feel a sharp pain around my neck.while I try to reflexively reach out to touch my neck as I discover my hand being restricted by cuffs connected to the bed handle .

what is going on?? I try to recall how I got here and can't seem to remember ughhh... I groan out in pain as the pain increase . I try to wriggle my way out of the cuffs which proved futile but instead increased the red patches on my pale skin. what is going on? well I am definitely sure I am not getting an award of excellence I chuckle .

The creaking sound of the door distracts me from my thoughts .I look up to see two men dressed in a flannel shirt and denim jean walk in and stop Infront of me

"Hello Miss Kate how are you doing today, we are from the police .we would love to know what you can remember as you were found unconscious at the murder scene of Lucas James and your fingerprints were found on the murder weapon"

"What!!!! Lucas is dead"? I yelled subconsciously

"How? ,I didn't do it" I replied hastily

"We would love to talk to you about what happened hope you don't mind? " One of the men said

"Of course anything you need " I said.

" I was scared and couldn't remember much of what happened that particular day but can remember Joseph calling me to meet for a project work he wanted to review and that was all I could remember . "I explained as I looked at them hopefully

The police turned to face me and said" why were you at the library after closing time?"

I gulped and replied " well , Joseph called to review an assignment together"

" And why wasn't Joseph on the scene?" He looked at me sternly trying to make me falter.

I looked up and said "look, the truth is, after Joseph called me for the assignment review I remember the lights going off and hearing a sharp scream that's all I can remember, really."

"Then why were your fingerprints on the murder weapon " he asked again

"I really don't know,look why would I kill him huh? , We don't even know each other, talk more of a grudge" I yelled back.

I was getting irritated by the way they were throwing questions at me,more like they were trying to make me confess out of fear.Just as they were about to continue their interrogation the sound of the door creaking open stops them .

Then Miss Gemma the principal came in and walked towards me and backed me giving the impression she was protecting me from them "gentlemen I think that's enough , besides it wasn't her fingerprint alone that was found ,I believe her, so please you may leave we will contact you if there is any further information"

She stood Infront of me and said" I won't tolerate outsiders harassing my students "

The men looked at each other and uncuffed her and said" we will be back if there is anything , sorry for the inconveniences " .

As they left, Mrs Gemma turned to me with a stern face and said" no one knows he is dead and you will keep it that way, we can't have the whole school in panic. Any misbehavior will cause you disciplinary action Mrs Kate, and also you fainted due to the academic stress is that clear? "

"Yes ma'am " I replied in a low voice , barely a whisper.

She walked away confidently , as I stared at her straight back . I realized alot when I first came into this school.

This school is one the poor can't afford to attend unless through scholarship or exchange program. Blazier academy is a prestigious wealthy institution that is widely known worldwide. It's alumini are all top and important persons in the society ranging from the president to company owners. They have a strict way of handling students. All students wear the same uniform no matter who you are. Our hostels are divided into gold, diamond, crystal and Jade and everyone wants to be in gold as it's where the wealthiest of them all reside because, their connections can be very useful in the future. The school also has a strict rule of lights out by ten, attendance to all classes are compulsory and each student must join a club . The student council are the only privileged ones allowed to do as they please as they oversee other students .The only way To join the student council is by election . Each class also has a class representative and no student is allowed to leave school grounds without proper permission . Each student is entitled to one car in school.

All these rules seem normal for the common class but the wealthy have never been controlled in all their lives and things always go the way they want. it is rumored that the school will teach you how to be disciplined and make connected friends and whatnot but who knows.

~ ~ ~( first day of school)

New students start walking into a certain directon for introduction. They walk into a large hall with portraits on different sides and the ceiling about 2000feet high with a baroque design giving this nostalgia of a palace. Everyone was socializing as we haven't been given uniforms some put on airs as they believed to be above everyone here due to the expensive things on their body while some engaged in conversations. soon a girl with a pink ribbon and a pink shoe smiled walked towards my direction just as she was about to reach where I stood a sharp clap was heard .a woman with red heels and a white suit Walked out of the crowd . everyone gave a path for her she walked confidently like she owned the place and climbed unto the podium and said

"Hello students welcome to Blazier academy, you will be given a day tour of the academy , I hope you have all read your booklets and please be on your best behavior until graduation, thank you" .Her posture errudes power and confidence of another level.I couldn't help but admire her

"Who are you please?"the girl on pink earlier raised her hands to ask.

"Oh! sorry for not introducing myself earlier.my name is Gemma Arterton and I am your principal, if there are no further questions, the student council president will show you around " she replied .

A guy from the back with blonde hair and a eyebrow piercing snorted and yelled"who do you think you are, telling us what to do? Do you know who we are? You work for us so you better show some respect bitch" his friends laughed and others agreed silently but not wanting to voice out their opinions and just observe the situation

"It's a pity,I thought we would all get along"she said calmly with a smile that only the students at the front were able to hear .

she snapped her fingers and two men dressed in black appeared faster than we could see and grabbed him

"Let me go !!!!!! You are all dead if my dad finds out about this!!! All dead" he screamed.as his voice fades out as they dragged him away.

"Please enjoy your tour" she smiled and walked away. Everyone was silent and scared as they couldn't understand just happened,was she going to kill him? my admiration for her started to turn into fear as I tried to understand what just happened I looked around and some students where horrified while some stood calmly like they already knew that it would happen, I sigh and compose myself it's not like they are going to kill him right? ...

The tour continued for the rest of the day and when we got to the cafeteria, I was already feeling tired and hungry while trying to survey my surroundings .I catch a glimpse of the guy who was carried away earlier .However,he was unusually quiet and scared. He jumped at the slight sound and wouldn't say what happened or what they did to him . Everyone's eyes became scared or cautious .He jumped from when his friend called him to the slightest noise of cutlery .What exactly is going on? , Who is she? , What did she do to him? what exactly could make a third rich generation kid experience trauma in a span of two hours. there is more to this school than the eye meets . I quickly go to join the line and continued to ponder about it .

"what is your order ma'am?"the lunch lady asked

"sorry, one medium sized burger to go please" I replied and quickly noticing the large mole at the her collarbone which she tried covering with a scarf.I smiled at her as I took my order stepped out of the line .And one last look at cafeteria and walked away.

Everyone headed back to thier hostels.everyone is allocated a roommate and mine was a quiet girl who was from a normal family but nothing about her seemed normal,she had a bright purple hair with a purple air pods and a tanned skin her hands looks callous . like she does a lot of hand work well that makes one of us I guess.

"Hey I am Kate Armstrong" I said trying to be friendly.

She ignored me. as she unpack

well could have been a worse start I thought while bringing out my uniform which is a short pleated skirt and white shirt accompanied by ard tie and an ash jacket with red lining.

I lay down as I remembered my parents words before I came here.

"Listen Kate, you know we really love you but your dad's buisness is having a little difficulty these days, we need you to go to that school and make friends and connections to put everything on track ".

"Dad needs support to be able to get the project in the surbs ,"

I sigh as I reach to grab my phone and play music I wonder if I can make it till graduation I wonder as I slowly start to fall asleep.

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