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Mimi Godson


Blurb Abigail is a well matured girl from a well to do family.she graduated from university of Harvard with good grades.she just came home after her graduation only to find out that her father has already arranged her marriage with a multi millionaire’s son called Derick . Meanwhile she was already in a relationship with someone before she came home.Situation surrounding the family business left her with no choice than to accept the proposal despite the fact that Derick has health issues .After her marriage , her fiancé who has been living under a fake identity decided to take revenge on her with the help of her best friend who later became jealous of her for having all the fortune she wanted .Did her fiancé and best friend succeed with their plan?Will the arranged wedding affected her life positively or negatively.

Chapter 1 No other choice

Jones pov

Good morning mr harrison said the secretary of Babel limited who are in charge of interior design.

“Good morning” I responded,

please inform your chairman that am around.

“who should I tell him? asked the secretary.

oh please inform him that mr jones chairman of go_food restaurant world wide is here to see him his aware I’m coming.

(Office land line ringing...mr Harrison picks the call)please let him in he said

I walk in to his office with my mouth widely open the interior designs were so amazing that I was so convinced about giving them the contract of my newly purchased house to create some amazing designs for me.

“Hello mr jones”! said mr Harrison.

“hello mr Harrison” i replied.

“I got your contact from a friend who assured me that you were going to do a wonderful work with designing my house.

“I smiled.well you are at the right place and we promise to give you the best said mr Harrison.

After I gave him the contract in less than one month,he did a wonderful job,I was so impressed so I also introduced him to some of my friends

The relationship between me and mr Harrison grew stronger than just business partners in fact we became best of friends.

I was so happy when you came in I thought you won’t make again tonight I said.

“I couldn’t help but create space tonight I also need some time off work said” mr Harrison.

I was glad when he said that.we can atleast have some good time together tonight.....I said to myself .

some hours of drinking and partying mr Harrison invite me and my wife over for dinner at his place the next day.

I could not help but accept his offer so I assured him that we will be at his place by 6pm.we later had some few drinks and went home to rest.

(Next day at mr Harrison’s place)

I and my wife were already at mr Harrison’s house before 6pm so we had enough time to talk about business,family and so many other things .

while we were discussing I told him my daughter will be coming home from the state after her graduation by weekend.

while we were still discussing mr Harrison’s only son Derick walked in and greeted us.

“where have you been? mr Harrison asked his son.

“oh I went to see a friend down the street! he replied.

while the father and son were still chatting mr Harrison’s wife mrs Jane called from behind.

“food is ready everyone please come let’s eat”After dinner my wife joined mrs Jane to clear the table while Derick went to his room to have his bath.

I thought this was the perfect time to tell my friend what has been going on in company and how much I need his help since I don’t want my wife to find out .

So I excused him for some minute and we step outside.I told him how I have been draining in debt, how I have so many competitors in market and how my business has been suffering a lot and how much I really needed his help to bounce back.

After some many discussion he finally agreed to help me financially but at a condition that my daughter must get married to his impotent son and live as husband and wife.

I was shocked when I heard his only son was an impotent and to crown it all he wants my only daughter to get married to him before he can help me (dumbfounded).

For some minutes I could not think straight,how do I tell my daughter this,how is she going to take it,what If she’s not interested what will then happen to the family business.These thoughts kept running through my head.

I told him to give me some time to think about it and convince my daughter about it.

After some time we bid each other good bye and I drove straight home.

A week after my conversation with mr Harrison my daughter came home from the state after her graduation.

My daughter I’m happy you are back home safe and sound,we have something very important to talk about.

“What is it father?she asked.

“I think I have found a person who will make a good husband for you!!

“father what did you just say,I don’t undunderstand.her said with a surprise look on her face.

My daughter i am your father and I know what best for you.his father is my very good friend.Come to think of it my daughter mr Derick is the only son of mr Harrison my very good friend which means he will be the one to inherit all his father’s property when he decided’s to resign .it only means that you wouldn’t have to think twice before getting what you want to live a comfortable life.

“But father........!

No but my daughter just think about it

Good night sleep well

I shut the door behind me as i leave my daughter’s room.

Abigail pov

Deep in thought ...........I could not sleep i kept thinking about what my father told me.

How can my father decide who I get married to or not.Besides I’m an adult I should be able to decide for my self.

What do I tell Fred my fiancé?

What do I tell my friends .tears rolled down my cheeks. I kept thinking through out the night and I could not sleep.

“It’s morning already.

My mum kept banging on my door. but I did not response to her so she let herself into my room.

“Why are you still in bed at this hour, do you know what the time is?.... my mum queried.

I reached out for my phone to check the time.oh my goodness its 11am already!I jump off from my bed to the bathroom to wash my self up before joining my mum to do the house chores.I looked around to see if I can sight my father but he was nowhere around the house so I asked my mother.

“oh your father stepped out not to long.

“Oh ok I replied”

Jones pov

I kept banging on the gate at mr Harrison house but it’s seems the security was in deep thought and could not hear me.

I brought out my phone and called mr Harrison to let him know am outside his house .After some minutes the gate was opened and I entered.

we greeted each other warmly and went to the sitting room.I told him that my daughter is around as she was done with studies in the state .He asked if I have discussed with my daughter over what he told me few weeks back,

I said yes and that is why I was in his house that morning. I told him my daughter isn’t ready to comply with our discussion and asked him if there is nothing else I could do aside that.

He said no there is no other way out ,that I should try and convince my daughter more.

what more can I say,I need to convince my daughter so I get his financial support.I went to his house thinking there be another way out but I was heartbroken ............So I took my leave and went home

When I got home with the look on my face my wife and daughter could tell that something was wrong

“Honey,honey what is the matter why is your face like that my wife asked “

With no response I look straight into my daughter‘s eye ,are you happy?are happy that family business is going down?are u happy that we draining in debt ? don’t you want the family business to come back?

(With a shocken look on my wife’s face)

Honey what are you talking about?which business is going down ?who is draining in debt?my wife asked.I had no option than to tell her the truth.

Darling I’m sorry for keeping this away from you for so long but is that the family business is going down,I even went as far as borrowing money from the bank hoping I will be able to back before the due date but it’s obvious I can’t.

I asked my friend for some financial support and he said the only way he can help me is if our daughter agree to marry his son who is an impotent .I broken down in tear after seeing the look on my daughter’s face ,I felt sorry for her.

Darling please talk to our daughter let her see reasons with me .This is not the type of life I wanted my daughter to live but I’m left with no other choice,I said to my wife

My daughter just went back to her room and weep her eyes out.

After much pressure from me and my wife my daughter finally agreed to the arranged marriage.

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