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My Vegatative Husband

My Vegatative Husband



Sophie stepmother had set her up in an unusual and challenging situation, forcing her into a marriage with a man who had been in a coma for over three years. The man, Ashton, was rich, handsome, and had become the subject of gossip as he remained unconscious. But fate took a surprising turn when Ashton suddenly woke up, discovering he now had a wife – the petite, fair, and beautiful Sophie. However, their relationship got off to a rocky start. Ashton, seemingly uninterested in forcing affection, coldly threw divorce papers at Sophie, stating, "If you don't love me, I don't need you!" The drama between them continued as the media and netizens closely followed their interactions. A photo of Sophie in Ashton's luxurious car fuelled speculation, but Ashton maintained they were only acquaintances. The netizens demanded answers, eagerly waiting for a confirmation of their relationship, while Sophie fame soared in the entertainment circle. Another photo surfaced, capturing Sophie and Ashton entering a hotel together and leaving three days later. Once again, Ashton clarified that they were not in a romantic relationship, leading fans to speculate on the complexities of their connection. With thirty million followers following the saga, Sophie popularity continued to rise, cementing her status as a goddess in the eyes of many. A surprising twist followed when Sophie experienced morning sickness at the Best Actress Award Ceremony. Ashton publicly revealed that she was pregnant with their second child, leaving their two hundred million fans bewildered. They couldn't help but wonder how they had missed the developments in their favourite stars' lives. The enthralling drama between Sophie and Ashton continued to captivate their fans, who eagerly awaited the next chapter of their unfolding love story. With each new revelation, the intrigue only deepened, leaving everyone wanting to know more about the beautiful and enigmatic couple.

Chapter 1 Dying Mother

"Shut up! How dare you talk to your father like that!" Norman voice boomed, his face contorted with anger.

"Father? are you fit to be me Father?!" Sophie retorted with a mixture of defiance and pain in her eyes.

She raised her gaze to meet her father's, and a vague object hurtled towards her. Instinctively, she brought her hand up to shield herself, but it was too late. The ashtray struck her head with a sickening thud, causing her vision to momentarily blur.

The intense pain was unbearable, and a warm trickle of blood cascaded down her forehead, partially obstructing her left eye. Yet, despite the agony, there was no compassion in Norman eyes as he looked down at his own daughter.

"When your mother left with you, I made it clear that I wouldn't give her a single cent! Back then, she had the audacity to walk away with nothing. And now, after barely a decade, where has that pride gone? She thinks she can come to me for money?" Norman sneered mockingly.

Though Sophie desperately wanted to argue, she bit her lip and held back, unwilling to pour fuel on the fire. "No, Mom didn't come to you for money. I did," she asserted firmly. "I came to beg you."

Her heart sank as she confronted her father, devoid of any of her usual pride and strong-willed demeanour. In this moment, all that mattered was saving her mother's life.

"You think I

Her throat felt parched, and her lips cracked as she spoke, a taste of salty blood lingering on her tongue. She had waited all day for this moment, forsaking even a sip of water.

But the heartless response she received was beyond her expectations. Norman words cut deep, leaving her trembling in pain.

Unbeknownst to her, an onlooker observed the scene from the second floor, the figure of Sally Hall standing there, unable to contain her excitement.

Her mind drifted back to a time when she was the outcast, the illegitimate daughter of a mistress, despised by all. Now, the tables had turned, and she reveled in the revenge she thought she deserved.

Sally Hall descended the spiral staircase, her gait filled with glee. "Sophie, look at what you've caused. Dad left because of you! Have you no shame?" she taunted, her voice dripping with malicious satisfaction.

In the face of such cruelty and vindictiveness, Sophie's heart ached even more. But she couldn't let her emotions get the best of her. All that mattered was her mother's life, and she would endure any humiliation to secure her survival.

Sally Hall sauntered over to Sophie, her eyes filled with disdain, and she couldn't help but sneer, "Aren't you and your mother just a pair of stubborn beggars? How dare you have the cheek to come begging for 500,000 Dollars?! Is your mother's pitiful life even worth that much?"

Before Sophie could respond, her frustration and desperation boiled over, and she unleashed a forceful slap across Sally Hall's face. Caught off guard, Sally Hall stumbled backward, landing heavily on the coffee table, blood trickling from the corner of her mouth.

The room erupted in chaos as Sonny Hall, who had been sitting on the sofa, rushed to help her daughter up. "How dare you hit my daughter!" she screeched, shooting a venomous glare at Sophie.

In the midst of the commotion, Sophie stood her ground, her fists tightly clenched, determined not to stoop to their level and engage in a shouting match. She shot them a cold, unyielding gaze, refusing to let their greed and arrogance rattle her.

Sonny Hall was dressed in an extravagant branded nightgown, while her luxurious slippers alone cost nearly 20,000 Dollars. Sally Hall donned a limited edition dress worth over 70,000 Dollars, complemented by a hair clip worth around 100,000 Dollars. It was evident that they were driven by materialism, seeking only wealth and social status.

Sophie's thoughts turned to her father, Norman, the man they deceived with their false charms. In her eyes, they were nothing more than manipulative schemers, taking advantage of her father's weakness.

"Why did my mother get a divorce? Was it wrong for her to seek happiness and freedom after your affair tore our family apart?" Sophie fired back with an icy tone.

Sonny Hall smirked with a triumphant air. "Your father and I met first. However, your grandfather insisted on your father marrying your mother. So, who was snatching whose man?" she taunted, her words laced with arrogance.

But Sophie wasn't about to be swayed by their twisted logic. "I never wanted my father to get a divorce, nor did my mother desire any status. Sally Hall just wanted to see her father. Was that too much to ask? She didn't want to compete with you at all. It was your mother who forced her to leave the Hall Family and tried to take me away from my father."

Sonny Hall's facade of victory faltered as Sophie's words hit a nerve. "Have you really never considered the pain you caused her?" Sophie's voice remained firm and unyielding.

"Norman is gone, so stop with your disgusting hypocrisy!" Sonny Hall retorted with a haughty grin, refusing to acknowledge any wrongdoing.

Sophie suppressed her rising anger, her mind focused on saving her mother's life, which was all that mattered. She couldn't afford to lose her temper now, even though these two deceitful women were trying her patience.

Sonny Hall continued, attempting to manipulate the situation. "Sophie, your mother's stubbornness embarrassed your father in front of the entire city. He still despises her, and that's why he won't give you a single cent."

Sophie gritted her teeth, knowing she had to endure their lies for the sake of the money she desperately needed. She couldn't let her emotions get the better of her, not when her mother's life hung in the balance.

"However," Sonny Hall interjected with a sinister smile, "I have a solution to get you the 500,000 Dollars you need."

Suspicion crept into Sophie's eyes, wary of any ulterior motives behind their sudden benevolence. "What do you mean?" she asked cautiously.

"There was an old engagement your grandfather made with his close friend when they were young. We lost contact with this friend for many years, but recently, he showed up at our doorstep, demanding that we fulfil the engagement," Sonny Hall explained, a cunning glint in her eyes.

Her words sent a shiver down Sophie's spine. She could sense that this so-called "solution" might lead her into an even bigger trap.

"Now, the Hall Family is the wealthiest in Cloud City. If we don't fulfil the engagement and that family makes a fuss, it will undoubtedly tarnish your father's reputation. Marry that person and appease their family. It's a way to show filial piety to your father," Sonny Hall persisted, trying to sway Sophie to her side.

Anticipating Sophie's stubbornness, Sonny Hall was ready to continue her persuasion, but Sophie's response caught her off guard.

"I'll marry him! But I must receive the half a million before the marriage takes place," Sophie declared, her determination unwavering.

Seeing no room for compromise, Sonny Hall changed her tactics. "If you get a marriage certificate with that person, you won't need to approach your father for the money. Auntie will compensate you from her own funds. But until then, don't expect a single cent," she said, testing the waters cautiously.

Sophie didn't budge, her resolve firm. "Alright, if I can't get the money, we'll have a showdown!" she responded coldly.

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