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Put your Trust in me

Put your Trust in me



“Name?” He spoke with confidence Haya confusingly looked at him. Why should she say her name? It’s 2 am, a strange man who has been following them for the past 6 hours.   “Why?” Haya quickly replied. He wasn’t police, no undercover... she looked at his car and then back at him. “I am Huo” he replied.     Haya looked at the Handsom man. He was indeed really good looking. Any girl would want to look at him over and over again. He had this aura in his eye, Haya couldn’t guess what, but even in his tired face, he had a different attraction. Although the whole situation just looked absurd, Haya just stared at him with confusion.

Chapter 1 Encounter

“Good evening" a gentle eye looked directly at the beautiful lady, she sat silently in the coffee shop. Her look was average with long dark brown hair and tan skin, neither beautiful nor ugly. Wearing nothing fancy, just a pencil skirt and a white silk shirt. Her eyes were busy staring at the computer that laid on her lap, rapidly typing and scrolling up and down on the bright screen. It was clear she was busy with something, ignoring her surroundings. However, soon as she heard the gentle greeting, her head slowly turned to look up at the man.

“Hello” she replied. “You must be Mr Andrew”. She stood forwarding her hand.

The coffee shop was moderately busy, with some people walking in and out yet the noise was still at its peak.

“Yes, that’s correct” Mr Andrew warmly smiled and shook the lady’s hand. “You are miss Haya I guess.” He spoke while shaking her hand. “I have heard so much of you, thank you for accepting to meet me here.” He spoke with awe in his voice. “Let’s not waste your time and talk about our important matter.”

“Sure, I have studied the project you have given me. Although I am very much interested in this new pharma deal, funding possibly could be an issue.” Haya did not delay and came right to the point with a little concerned voice.

“I can understand Miss Haya. But please recognise that this project could be a game-changer in near future. I am very conscious that the success rate in the medical industry is very low but your funding can help me with the research in private. As you are aware university is a business. They often don’t see the bigger picture. I have read your article, and I can see we think at the same pace.”

Haya looked at Mr Andrew, a middle-aged man. Perhaps in his 60s, anticipating for her to answer. She was indeed very interested in his research. He has been working on it for the past 35 years and all he need is funding to cover the cost for the next couple of years and with her help, she can see that he will have some results.

“Very well Mr Andrew, I know it’s a short 10 minutes meeting, I am very happy to fund your research. You may join my office and get in touch with my brother. He will show you everything and give you the access and fund as you require.” Haya spoke while standing up. She warmly smiled at the gentleman. “I have a flight to catch, I will talk to you once I am at my London office.”

Haya quickly collected her laptop and her bag, handing over to her secretary who was sitting at the next table. She took the initiation to shake Mr Andrews hand again, to verify that she is happy with the meeting before heading towards the exit.

Mr Andrew smiled happily and sat there while observing Haya trying to rush out of the coffee shop.

Meanwhile, outside of the coffee shop, a lady in a red dress banged the Ferrari door, glared at the man who was busy looking at his phone. The noise of the lady’s anger and frustration had zero effect on the driver of the car. “Just you wait” she spat out before turning to walk towards the coffee shop.

Her high heel wasn’t for the pavement. It was clear. With great difficulty, she took each step forward on the cobblestone.

In the coffee shop, Haya quickly made her way to the door accompanied by her secretary. Suddenly a strong palm slapped her face. Haya was perplexed and little taken back. The slap was unexpected as it came out of nowhere. She took a few steps back bumping into her secretary. Who looked confused by the sudden disturbance. he held her in an almost protective manner, gazing confusingly at her red face.

Mr Andrew in the background stood up with shock and made his way towards the couple.

Everyone around the coffee shop abruptly stopped and stared at the unexpected noise that came from the exit. There was dead silence. Haya looked confusingly at her secretary and then slowly she looked in front of her. It was a tall lady, wearing a red silk dress. It looked like she was at the wrong place with the wrong clothes. Wearing an evening gown in the middle of a busy street looked unusual. What looked more abnormal was the slap on Hayas face.

Did this crazy alien just slapped her! The whole café halted for a minute before The lady in red dress pushed Haya again. This time she picked both her hand and touched Hays on both shoulders with aggressive push, forcing her to burrow into her secretary’s arm further.

Haya still looked dismayed and confused as to what she was doing. She held her secretary’s arm for assistance to collect her sense together but before she could recollect herself, the lady in red dress spoke out with rage. She pushed her shoulder again with force and this time even the secretary had to take few steps back with Haya still in his arm. “What do you think of yourself?” The red dress lady’s eyes were blood-red like she has been crying. There was a dry tear mark and smudged eyeliner, yet she still looked beautiful.

Haya looked back at her with confusion. It was somewhat embarrassing as everyone stared at the three prominent figures near the exit.

“You dare take my man away from me” she spat out in anger. Everyone in the cafe started to crowd around the exit, understanding this is somewhat a love triangle. “You dare make me Miss Tara; the supermodel angry. How dare you. Who do you think you are? bitch” Tara screamed with rage.

Everyone stared at the three with amusement and somewhat confused. The lady she was screaming at was nowhere near what the tall lady looked like. Tara was an attractive figure in the old cafe. Tall, perfect body, beautiful face while Haya was barely 165 cm tall. She wore some working clothes and looked extremely tired. Almost like she was worn out from overwork. Yet she had her beauty that could be praised differently but Tara was out of ordinary and perfect eye candy.

Haya still stared at Tara with confusion and could barely say a word. Still held by her secretary’s embrace. They both looked confused at one another.

Finally, Haya managed to gather herself after watching the fuming lady who was nowhere to exit without her explanation. Haya’s secretary helped her to stand still and stood next to her. He was handsome and far taller than Tara.

Haya looked at her secretary, and asked confusingly “Ryan, do we know her?”

Ryan looked confusingly at Haya and then at Tara. “No, we don’t” he spoke in his deep voice.

It was clear who was misbehaving. Haya and Rayan did not lose their cool even after the huge drama that just happens in the last couple of minutes. This unknown lady must have confused herself, or have amnesia or she was drunk.

“You slapped me and then pushed me” Haya spat out while looking angrily at Tara. Ignoring the fact, she was accusing her of stealing her man.

“That’s correct” Tara spat the words. “You no good filthy little bitch”

“I don’t know you let, alone your man. I am expecting an apology from you” Haya retorts back. She crossed her arm and looked up at this tall mad lady.

“How dare you ask Tara to apologies to you an insignificant creature like you?” She mocked the last few words.

Haya closed her eyes in anger. Trying to hold her temper. She had a flight to catch in one hour and this Pathetic fight is only delaying her. Haya tried her best to control her anger and open her eyes with a forced smile. “You better apologize because it will not take me long to call the police and file a case on you for slandering me in public”.

“And?” Tara replied. “Do you think the great Tara, the top model, Huo's would-be wife care about your useless threat?”

Haya looked at Rayan and then at Tara with even more confusion. “Who the hell is Huo?” She pulled a face.

Rayan looked at the mad lady in In front of them and then at his watch it’s been 10 minutes and they have a flight to catch in the next 50 minutes. Airport was 20 minutes away and that leaves them now 20 minutes. This was getting ridiculous.

Rayan pushed Haya back a little in a protective manner. Stood in between Haya and Tara. “Look miss model XYZ, we don’t know you. We don’t know your boyfriend or as matter of fact, we don’t care what modelling agency you work for. We have an urgent meeting to attend in two hours, and now you have wasted 10 minutes of those two hours. You better move before I create a drama in front of everyone and trust me, you don’t want me to create any drama.” With that Rayan held Hays's hand, pulled her in his embrace, almost hiding her and carrying her along the side of Tara to exit the door.

Tara watched as they were walking out, with her bad temper she took a cup filled with hot coffee from the passing waiter and threw it at Haya.”

Haya instantly screamed in shock while Rayan only got few drops. Hot coffee was spilt all over her white top. Haya froze in somewhat pain while Rayan looked down now what is see-through top. The lady in a red dress smirked. “That’s what you deserve” she spoke while crossing her arm and taking a few steps back to get a better look at Haya.

Haya in embarrassment covered her chest and stared dangerously at the crazy lady. “You must be joking” she managed to gather her thought.

Rayan on the other hand immediately pushed Tara with anger. Her high heal was flimsy, the push made her lose balance and instantly she fell backwards and on the floor. The embarrassment took over as everyone started to take a picture with little laughter in the background.

The waiter of the coffee shop took the chance and called the police, with the thought this might get ugly.

As Haya was about to charge at Tara, two tall men walked in. Both were equally handsome but the man at the back, Haya couldn’t explain his beauty.

Haya angrily looked at the first tall man and then at the man at the back. His eyes were deep. Like others, his eye was still on Haya, but weirdly he didn’t move his gage and kept staring at her. He looked at her top which kissed her skin, making everything visible.

Haya felt embarrassed! She crosses her arm and took one step back while the tall man at the front looked at her, handing her a waistcoat to cover herself and hurriedly bent down to pick Tara up.

Haya without thinking took the coat and covered her front.

“We are so sorry about the problem caused by miss Tara. Let’s stop here” the first man bent down and hurriedly explained as he and Tara managed to get their balance.

“Brother Lee” Tara with teary eyes looked at him and then she looked at the tall man at the back. “Huo, you came!”

Huo who stood behind Lee still glaring at Haya, did not reply to a single word other than annoyingly walked out

Haya little confused looked at the two-body, who Tara called as lee.

“Miss I am so sorry” Lee apologised again. “Let’s not take this further, as it may get ugly. Please think this is an accident. Let’s not get the police involved” with that word Lee dragged Tara out in his arm and walked out.

Haya and Rayan just stood there like a silly baboon, wondering what just happen.

Rayan closed his eyes with anger, looked at his watch, they may miss their flight. He took no further action, pulled Haya in his embrace and walked out and straight to their private car that was parked in front of the café.

As Haya and Ryan walked out, they looked in both directions but there was no one to see.

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