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The Arrogant Mrs CEO

The Arrogant Mrs CEO

Goodness Chiamaka


"I clothe you, I feed you. So I have every right over you!" These were Cindy's words to her 27-year-old handsome boyfriend, Peter Richards. Cindy was from a prestigious billionaire family. Being the only daughter of her billionaire parents, she was ruthless, authoritative, and most men ran away from her, having heard about her character from rumors. Peter was from a poor family home, and luckily a day came when he met Cindy at a shopping mall. He offered to help Cindy carry her bags. Without any accommodation of his own, as he squatted with some wanderers under a bridge where he slept every night, Cindy decided to help him. Cindy bought a house for Peter, but she was brutal with her choice of words to him and she disrespected his family. Peter was a graduate, as his poor family managed to sponsor him through university, but he didn't have any job. Not wanting to return back home to his parents in the village empty-handed, Peter squatted with friends who later threw him out when he refused to join their fraudulent business. Cindy frustrated Peter's life, even giving him her underwear to wash, until one day, Cindy's best friend saw Peter and she fell in love with him too. Lora Adams offered Peter a mouthwatering job, and also showed him care, despite knowing that Peter was still in love with Cindy and not minding Cindy's ruthlessness towards him. One day, Cindy came back home, and she caught Lora pants down with Peter, leaving her heartbroken. Cindy broke up with Peter, and she sent him away. But what will she do when she finds out that she's pregnant with his child? Will they meet again? Read to find out what happens next .

Chapter 1 Shopping Spree

A fine red car pulled to a stop in front of the shopping mall, And a 24 years old young lady named Cindy Williams, stepped down from the car as she shut the car door closed, before she walked up to the shopping boutique in front of her.

Cindy clicks her red high heeled shoes as she walked on the cemented ground, faster and towards the female shopping boutique, to purchase the cloth that she will need to attend her only best friend birthday party.

With the sun was burning brightly on her beautiful yellow skin.. Cindy frowned as she had forgotten her umbrella in her car, and she couldn't walk back to her car to take her umbrella.

Cindy sighed as she finally entered into shopping mall, and she exhaled, "Phew!"

She took out her handkerchief from her red purse and wiped off the sweat away from forehead, before she returned her handkerchief back into her red purse, and stated around at the shopping boutique that she had entered..

Cindy was wearing a long white gown, as iit hugs tightly to her body, and brought out her simple feminine shape.

She magnet a lot of people attention to stare at her, as she's a pure epitome of beauty.

Zipping closed her red purse, Cindy stared around inside the shop that she had entered. And a black saleswoman finally walked up to meet her..

"Welcome Ma'am. What do you want to buy today?" - The black saleswoman asked Cindy.

"Let me see the types of dresses that you people have to attend birthday party." - Cindy asked.

"Okay madam, This way please," - The black saleswoman ushered Cindy to have a look of the list of feminine wears that they sell.

Cindy followed the black saleswoman from behind slowly, As she only stared around at the sample of clothes, and the other females doing their own shoppings in the boutique.

Cindy didn't touched any of the gowns that she saw, as she only stared at the gown, and she walked passed it with an expressionless face.


The black saleswoman showed to Cindy the collection of gown that they sell, and she stopped and finally asked Cindy, - "Which length of gown do you want Madam, long or short?."

Cindy looked around again, and she replied - "I don't know. What do you think will fit me as I mostly love to wear white?."

The black saleswoman gulped and replied with a smiled - "I don't know Madam, but this white gown that you wear, really looks pretty on you. Will you prefer another cute white gown like this, probably longer or shorter?.."

Cindy exhaled -"Hmm. White is my favorite colour, but I am thinking of something different like blue, yellow or green gowns. What do you think?."

The black saleswoman replied - "Let me check.."

Cindy stood aside as she watched the black young lady that was attending to her, pulled out different types of gowns, Yellow, blue, red and green. But none of the gowns seems to interested Cindy.

Cindy frowned her pretty face, as she did not like any of the gowns that the saleswoman was showing to her.

Not wanting to walk out from the shopping boutique rudely, As Cindy realised that she had wasted the black saleswoman time. She finally asked - "Do you have any white suit? As I love white suit too, let me see the white suit that you have. Probably I can choose that one, As the party is tomorrow and I need to look anew, I guess."

"Okay" - The black saleswoman replied, As one thing her madam had trained her, was to satisfied their customers first, with whatever the customer requested to see. No matter how their customers may rejected most of the clothes that they have.

"Can you wait here for me Madam, let me go and bring the white suit?... Or will you like to follow me over there to see it and to test it there?" - The black saleswoman asked Cindy

"Okay, let me follow you to go and see it." - Cindy replied and she followed the saleswoman.

They walked to another collection of clothes, and Cindy eyes finally fell on a beautiful white suit that she sees on a mannequin.

Cindy loves the golden collar design of the white suit coat, that have only two frontal button, and a white trouser beneath with pencil shape.

"Wow!" - Gasped another lady that stood beside the white suit and also admiring the suit, As the lady negotiated the price with a yellow saleswoman that was attending to her.

Cindy love the white suit immediately, and she wasted no time and rather pointed to the same white suit and said to the black saleswoman - "I want that suit, Package it for me, let me have it and leave."

The yellow lady that wanted to initially buy the suit, and was still negotiating the price of the white suit, stared at Cindy irritably. As she want to buy the suit too.

But the suit price was overly expensive.

10,000 dollars for the suit.

And yet Cindy came out from nowhere and want to purchase the suit.

The yellow lady could see how arrogant and nonchalant Cindy looked, and she grimaced as she looked away from Cindy, and to the yellow saleswoman that was attending to her.

The yellow lady asked the yellow saleswoman -"Do you people still have another white suit, As I want to buy this particular suit, and is just the price ?."

"No madam, we don't have another suit, As this is the last peice left. Are you purchasing it now or not, As we have another customer to purchase it?" - The yellow saleswoman kindly asked, but that didn't go down well with the yellow lady.

The yellow lady eyes first narrowed at Cindy in anger. And she opened her purse and calculated all her money that she had available in her purse and her debit card too through her phone. But it wasn't enough to purchased the beautiful white suit.

Cindy stared at the black saleswoman that was attending to her, and she asked - "What's going on here? What's taking you so long to package this white suit for me, let me leave here. Or don't you want to sell it to me again, Do you want me to leave it and go?."

"No madam, Please wait, As this lady here actually want to buy this suit first, before you requested of it" - The black sales woman kindly explained to Cindy,.

Cindy eyes finally meet with the yellow lady, eyes, and Cindy looked away and said -"Then am out of here, as I cannot keep standing here, and waiting for you to round up with all of these. Do you know who I am?."

The yellow lady that couldn't purchased the suit due to her insufficient balance, looked at Cindy with a look of disdain, as she didn't like how Cindy was behaving arrogantly.

The yellow lady immediately snapped at Cindy - "Who are you? Because you're rich, you now think that you can oppress others. Do you also know who I am too?."

Cindy jaw dropped, as she looked back at the yellow lady, but she didn't responded. As she saw that the yellow lady seem a bit older than her.

Cindy shifted her gazed back to the black saleswoman that was attending to her earlier, And she said - "Because I've wasted so much of your time in here today.. I will give you only ten seconds to arrange this white suit for me, or else I will leave it and go elsewhere to purchase it... But before that, let me see the jewelry that you guys have."

The yellow lady hissed so loud, as Cindy ignored her. And she knew that her money wasn't enough to purchased the expensive white suit.

The yellow lady stared back pleadingly to the yellow saleswoman, and she asked - "Can I deposit this money for this white suit? Later I will return back to pick it up, and to complete the payment."

"I'm sorry Madam, but credit ain't allowed in here, Or pay in advance either."

"Why?? I hope is not because of that lady, that you don't want to sell this beautiful white suit for me?." - The yellow lady asked.

"No Madam. Why won't I sell it to you if my madam actually accepted credit or advance payment?. You can check outside at our banner at the top. And you will see it boldly written on it at the door entrance, NO CREDITS ALLOWED IN HERE" - The yellow saleswoman kindly explained.

"Hmm... Is alright, Then it means I will come back some other time to purchase it. Or you can still help me to talk to your madam about it, and to buy another similar suit like this exact design and size, I will be back."

"Okay Madam. I will inform my madam about it" - The yellow saleswoman spoke, while Cindy returned and asked - "Is my suit ready or not?."

The yellow lady hissed again, and she walked away angrily by subtly pushing Cindy aside, and she walked out of the shopping boutique.

Cindy got startled, but she sighed and finally asked the two salesladies - "How much are all the items that I have bought in here? The shoes, necklace, diamond earrings, bangles, and also this suit?."

The black saleswoman earlier punched her calculator and calculated all the things that Cindy had bought from their store, and she spoke - "50,000 dollars."

"Hmm, No discount?" - Cindy asked, as she used her debit card and paid.

"No madam. That's the fixed price." - The black saleswoman replied, as she smiled at Cindy.

"Is okay, package all, let me leave here" - Cindy harrumph, and the black lady immediately packaged all in a white polythene nylon, and she handed it over to Cindy.

Cindy finally collected the nylon and she walked out from the shopping boutique.

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