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Blood Lust; Vampire's Bite

Blood Lust; Vampire's Bite



All I ever wanted was his unforgettable kisses under the beautiful falling snow. Falling snow, falling tears and my tearing heart.. People believed that snow beautifies everything it covers. But I wonder how I look like every time I saw a snow falling soundlessly in the middle of the night. I hate it that I am still hoping. I hate it that I am still hurting. I hate it that I am still crying endlessly. I just want to walk in the middle of the snowstorm hoping that you'll be there waiting for me. I love you so much Zen and it's killing me..

Chapter 1 Prologue

All I ever wanted were his unforgettable kisses under the beautiful falling snow.

Falling snow, falling tears, and my tearing heart

People believed that snow beautified everything it covered. but I wonder how I look every time I see snow falling soundlessly in the middle of the night.

I hate that I am still hoping. I hate that I am still hurting. I hate that I am still crying endlessly. I just want to walk in the middle of the snowstorm, hoping that you'll be there waiting for me.

I love you so much, Zen, and it's killing me.

I wiped the fugitive tears from my eyes, which I always do. I can always wipe my tears, but I can never wipe the pain in my heart.

It's been five years since I returned to the human world. I tried to live like before, but every time I was alone, he was the only thing running through my heart and mind. The prince I loved most disappeared right in front of me.

It's true that vampires don't forget, because everything is still fresh to me. The pain and suffering of the past I still continued to dream that he was with me, smiling for a moment every time I thought I heard his voice, enduring the cold, hoping for arms to hug me again, and continuing to wait for the hands to run through the skins again.

A lot has happened in the past five years since I finished school. I worked and was forced to live despite the pain that never left me.

I did everything; we moved away from the place that reminded me of the world I ran from. I left the mirror alone in the mountains, where it all began. Grandma and I chose to live in another country just to reduce the pain I feel. but it was a very wrong mistake because every time the snow fell from the sky, it was as if I was losing my own sanity.

I am currently standing in front of the glass window, waiting for the rain to stop. I've spent the night in this place; grandma must be worried about me.

While I was waiting for the rain to stop, I took out the thing whose origin is still a mystery. A beautiful snow globe. Inside it, there is a small tree that is the same as the tree that symbolizes my prince, and every time I touch it, it automatically lights up as if it recognizes my hands. I know it is not of this world.

"Claret!" I lost my daze when someone hugged me from behind. She was my classmate in college, and she owns this fitness gym.

"Escarnel, I told you. I don't want you to surprise me." she snorted at me before glancing at the snow globe resting on the window.

"That snow globe again? Who did that really come from?" Even if I don't, I don't know either.

"It's been raining for a while." when I changed the subject. Her eyes narrowed at what I said.

"You didn't answer my question." she took out a key and presented it to me.

"You're the one to close the gym, Claret. My boyfriend is going to pick me up; do you want to go with us? We'll also go to your house." I shook my head at what she said before I took the key.

"I am fine. Besides, I will take a shower," I said sparingly. she kissed me, and we said goodbye to each other.

"Take care.."

"You too, Claret." I nodded here.

When she left, I put the snow globe back in my bag. I noticed that she had left her big jacket behind. I was about to chase after her when I saw that their car was going away. I just shrugged and put it on a chair.

I started walking towards the shower room. A place where I can only see glass and water.

I started taking off my clothes until I finally saw my full nakedness in my own reflection. I can't help but touch my long hair because no matter what I do to cut it, it still goes back to before.

I turned on the shower while closing my eyes. Little by little, the hot water soaked every part of my body, and I let myself feel it for a long time. Despite the silence, the only thing I could hear was the lapping of water. I couldn't understand why my heart was beating so fast, as if something bad was going to happen.

and the moment I opened my eyes, the light suddenly went out; even the dripping of hot water stopped.

"Claret." I immediately panicked when I heard a woman's voice.

"Who's there?" I asked nervously.

"Claret." My knees were shaking when I heard her voice again. I can't see anything; where is the voice coming from? Even if I use my vampire eyes, I still can't see.

I have completely lost my balance, which is why I sit down. and as soon as my body touched the floor, I felt that some liquid continued to flow.

"What's this?" I stammered. I tried to stand up, but immediately the huge bathroom lit up, not because of the light from the light but because of the blue flame lighting up every mirror I could see.

And here I confirmed my suspicion: I was currently lying in a river of blood that continued to flow from the glasses. My body almost stiffened from what I saw. How did the blue fire cross into the world of people?

I don't even have the energy to make a move. I'm afraid of what I see, and I'm afraid of the reason why she's here. But what shocked me the most was when I saw the figure of a woman in the blue fire. My tears started to flow when I saw the girl, who looked exactly like me, staring at me.

We have the same eyes. Eyes filled with sadness, sorrow, and pain. Is she the true form of the blue flame?

My body hair rose as the woman held the mirror while not taking her eyes off me. My whole body is shaking as I see the glass slowly cracking, as if at any moment a woman will emerge from it. I forced myself to stand despite the fear, shock, wonder, and deep confusion of what was happening.

Who is she? Why does she look like me?

I almost crawled to get out of the huge bathroom that was filled with blood. I forced myself to stand up just to run. I want to get out of here!

In my haste, I slipped again, and I groaned from the force of my fall. In the years that have passed, my whole body has once again been bathed in blood.

When I looked back at where I came from, I was completely filled with fear. Blue flames are currently engulfing the bathroom I came from, and they're starting to spread throughout the gym. My eyes immediately flew to the jacket I had left earlier, and I put it on.

I walked until I got to the front door, and my body almost went limp when I couldn't open it. I have goddamn vampire strength! I can destroy it, but nothing happens!

I ended up having a coughing attack because of the thickness of the smoke I was inhaling. I tried to break the door again, but it didn't even work. My chest is getting tighter, and I'm even starting to feel the weakness in my body. My knees are itching and will give out at any moment.


"Leave me alone!" I shouted loudly.

I leaned against the door as I watched the fire approaching me. My tears are starting to flow.

"No, no...no. Don't, don't. Don't charge me first." I begged. My eyes are starting to blur as I feel the heat of the fire that will engulf my entire body.

"Zen, Zen..zen." I chanted his name several times while my eyelids slowly lowered.


"I got her." I felt an arm wrap around me. Who is he?

Despite my weakness, I forced myself to keep awake, especially since I was in the hands of a strange man.

"Oh, holy cow, she's literally a goddess," I heard from another male voice.

"She's already mated. Back off, Tres," the first man's voice answered sternly.

"Woah, I was just praising her, Dos." He laughed a little.

"It's like this in the world of people," said another voice in surprise.

"What do you mean, Nueve?" asked the voice from earlier.

"Why do we need to dress up like this, anyway?" another voice asked. Who are these vampires? I feel the strange strength of his presence.

"This is the costume of people, Doce," one of them answered. I forced my eyes open until I could barely see the four men staring at me.

What are these vampires doing in the human world? Who are the four of them? I violently covered myself. I was very grateful, and I was able to zip up the jacket I was wearing properly. I am one of them.

"Put me down," I said softly as the man followed. And the moment he put me down, I was stunned by the gym, which was currently engulfed in blue flames. Firefighters are trying to put it out.

"They can't see, can they?" I asked weakly.

"Yes. We are the only ones who can see the blue fire engulfing this building," the man who picked me up answered.

"Who are you?" I asked the four of them. I frowned at their clothes. What are those? disguised as humans? Can't they wear casual attire? They are more suspicious of what they are wearing now.

"Dos Viardellon..." answered a man wearing a white coat and a stethoscope.

"Tres Viardellon..." answered the man in military uniform.

"Nueve Viardellon." He was wearing firemen's clothes.

"Doce Viardellon, Trese is going to pick you up." while he was wearing a black robe like a priest.

"Thirteen?" I will ask.

"Seth is picking you up," answered the man named Tres.

"The three appointed princes are already waiting outside the mirror to welcome you. We are the ones assigned to fetch you goddess from the mirror," explained the man named Dos.

"Viardellons," I said softly as I watched the four of them. Their eyes lit up at the same time, and both lowered their heads to respect me.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to go back," I answered gently. I was about to face the burning building again when I heard one of them say

"This is something we can't give the goddess." I suddenly became weak for reasons I don't understand. and this time again, when my eyelids fell down, even my whole feeling

I only came back to my senses when I felt four hands pushing on my back, and I knew that this time I was going back to the world I ran away from.

I didn't want to step back, but I had no choice; with my itchy knees, I ended up stepping my feet outside my mirror. Two palms of the princes met me to support me.

"Welcome back, Claret." Rosh smiled at me.

"How are you?" Seth was also smiling at me.

Instead of reaching for their hands, my eyes flew to the throne of the family I cherish the most, who I expected to meet me. My heart felt like it was squeezed when I watched some Gazellians trying to greet me with a smile.

"What happened to Sartoria's majesty?" I asked hesitantly.

I just noticed my hot tears falling when I glanced again and saw that my prince's throne wasn't the only one that was blank at this time.

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