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Astaroth's Proposal

Astaroth's Proposal



Power, wealth, title and fame-all of that is link on Astaroth's name. He's born with a golden spoon in mouth and so as a royal blood that's why they wanted him to die so bad. Astaroth stays in the Philippines to be at peace, and to be at ease, but he got it bad when he met this beautiful lass named Carol Ruscitti. He decided to make a proposal-to the lass that he lust so bad. The proposal that he thought he will win without a sweat but he got it wrong, because he can't take his eyes away from her anymore.

Chapter 1 Prologue

Carol rolled her eyes when she saw her pússy whipped cousin Maxon Ruscitti. It's been a year since she last saw him and that was on the day of his wedding with his lovely wife Adira, and he almost went bald that day because he didn't send her an invitation.

"What are you doing here?" Carol asked with raised eyebrows to her cousin Maxon who was now sitting on her visitors chair.

"Nothing, I just want to see my beautiful cousin," Maxon said with a wide grin on his lips causing Carol's eyes to narrow.

She knows her cousin very well. It will not just appear to her for no reason.

"Don't use that shit on me, Maxon. I know you very well, so spill the beans," Carol said while looking at the chart of her patient that she would operate on later.

Carol heard Maxon heave sigh causing her to look at him, and her brows automatically arched when she saw how pitiful her cousin is.

"What's with that heavy sigh?" Carol asked.

"Well, my sugar hates me now and I don't know what's the reason. I follow what she wants. When she says I smell bad even though I just took a bath, I will take a bath again. If she doesn't want to see me I covered my face with paper bag and I even buy an iron man mask because she wanted to see Tony Stark," Maxon said at length while wiping his eyes, even though his just pretending.

Carol just shook her head at the drama of her cousin Maxon. Why did he even bought the iron man mask when he can afford Tony Stark himself.

Carol rolled her eyes and said, "I warned you about it. But what did you do? You screamed like a dying buffalo."

"Hey! I'm not a dying buffalo!" Maxon exclaimed.

"Really? but you acted like one," Carol teased.

"I think it's a wrong move to be here," Maxon said dramatically, causing Carol to laugh loudly.

"Is that really what it's like to be married? You're so different from the Maxon I grew up with," Carol said with a small smile on her lips.

"Of course! I am still your handsome cousin. But I'm more handsome today because I married the most beautiful woman in the world," Maxon said, boastful.

Carol couldn't help but smile when she saw happiness in her cousin's eyes. Her cousin's blue eyes are twinkling because of glee and happiness. She's wondering if she'll be like this too in the near future.

"Geez, leave me alone. I am not your therapist so back off," Carol said and waved her right hand as a sign that she is dismissing her annoying cousin--Maxon.

"Don't be so harsh on me, Carol. I'm here because I need your suggestion," Maxon said while playing with Carol's stethoscope.

As Carol sees it, she quickly patted her cousin's hand and grabbed the stethoscope that she kept the most. Her father gave it to her that's why she treasured it very much. No one is allowed to touch it except her.

"Don't touch my things Maxon," Carol said in a serious voice.

Carol heard Maxon chuckles that's why her forehead furrowed.

"You're not calling me older brother anymore huh? You're really a big girl now Carol," Maxon teased while laughing.

Carol frowned because of what her cousin said, and once again turned her gaze to the chart she was holding. Her older cousin is really annoying and he keeps getting into her nerves.

"Just leave, will you? You're ruining my day," Carol said, and she looked up again when she heard her cousin's deafening laughter.

"What are you laughing at?" Carol asks.

Her cousin Maxon stops on laughing and stares at her seriously and said, "Nothing. I just remembered something funny from our childhood,"

"Excuse me my dearest cousin, for your information-I'm still young. I'm just twenty-five. While you? You're old enough to be in jail for bullying me," Carol said while pointing at her cousin's face.

"What are you a child?" Maxon spoke in disbelief.

"Yes I am!" Carol exclaimed.

"Oh, I almost forgot. You're someone's baby..." Maxon said with a sly smile, causing Carol to throw a crumpled paper at him.

"Oh I see...you still haven't moved on," Maxon said while shaking his head.

"I've moved on! I'm not that crazy, not like you," Carol said and grinned.

Maxon stood up in disbelief and pointed at his doctor cousin. The tongue of the Ruscitti's is really sharp, it runs in the blood. But Carol's tongue is more sharper because she is the one and only woman in their clan. She's a spoiled brat.

"I'm going to report you to Auntie, you're bullying me!" Maxon said and started sobbing.

Carol just rolled her eyes in annoyance and left her office. She couldn't stay there anymore especially since Maxon was there. She can't tell what's going on inside her cousin's head. Maxon is very dangerous since they are children's and so as her older brother that is nowhere to be found.

Speaking of her older brother. It sent a huge gift even though there's no occasion. Her older brother named Wyath Charles is an engineer and a business tycoon who is in abroad right now.

Her brother is so busy to the point that she only sees him five times in a year. It's good that her older brother is still showing himself because if not, everything he's worked hard for might be lost because of their mother's wrath. And she also thinks that her older brother already has a wife-that's what her girl instinct said.

But nevertheless, her older brother is the best brother in the whole wide world because he's spoiling her so much and she loves it!

"Good morning Doctor," Her patient greeted her.

"Good morning too," Carol greeted back with a smile.

Smiling, Carol observed her patient who was about to undergo surgery later. And her patient's disease was similar to the disease of her cousin Maxon's wife and it's an ovarian cyst that is usually a common disease for women.

She has operated on many women with this kind of disease, and by the grace of God all of the operations were successful. She didn't doubt her talent of course but, she doubted herself. She's really weak. She hates blood but in irony, she became a well-known doctor.

Carol only wants a peaceful life in the lot near her cousin's villa, but the new owner of the land she wants is so stubborn. She still hasn't seen the new owner, but based on her cousin's description, they won't get along.

At the age of twenty-five, the name Wiatt Carol Ruscitti is already popular in the field of medicine, Not only in the Philippines, but also in other countries. Her operating room is always full, as well as her office. She doesn't have time for leisure and when she had it, she only got heartache because of her three days relationship with someone she just met inside of a coffee shop, through online dating apps.

Three days, just like a prepaid load their love story expires.

Maxon and her often mistaken as a lover and it's getting on her nerve. Her mother and father also wants grandchildren, and she's not ready for that. She's too young to be called mommy or mom, but if she meets a sensible man who can give all she wants...maybe something will change.

Carol entered the operating room seriously. Her patient is already there and she is the only one they're waiting. She hasn't had any back-breaking surgery yet, which is why she receives so many honors.

Carol is an excellent doctor and so as an excellent daughter. She has almost everything. A luxurious lifestyle, money, and a happy family, but even so, she feels that something is missing from her and besides, it's not her money that she's wasting-it's her parents. That's why she's working hard so that she can spend her own money in her own things.

Should she find a sugar daddy? She's beautiful, so for sure she won't be in trouble.

Carol is not that innocent but she doesn't have an experience. She only watch and read about those things, but she's not that curious to try it for herself.

Carol stares at the screen as she puts the laparoscope on her patients abdomen. By the use of laparoscope she can freely see ovaries and any cyst inside of her patient. She nodded her head when she finally saw her patients condition.

Carol didn't hesitate anymore and immediately performed the operation which took only two hours, and after that she left the operating room with a smile while sweating. Well, she can't help it. Even though she has been in this field for a long time, she still can't help but be nervous and feel pressured, especially since her patients life is at stake.

Even her parents didn't expect that she's going to be a doctor. They thought that she'll become a model because of the way she walks and dressed back then, She was also interested in dress making and make-up but even though it changed, she's now happy in her chosen profession.

"Boo!" A voice shouted making Caro frozen in shock. And eventually, her shock was replaced by disgust when she saw the reflection of her cousin Maxon in the mirror.

Looks liker her jerk cousin didn't go home.

"When I die because of you startling me, I will really kill you too." She said while clenching her jaw.

"How can you kill me if you're already dead?" Maxon asked, clueless.

"Ah just!" Carol shouted in frustration, and faced her cousin with a forced smile. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm not yet done talking to you so I waited. I freaking need your advice because I think I'm going to be insane," Maaxon said abruptly.

Carol just shook her head and said, "You've been really crazy for a long time now so you can leave. And if you want advice, get a counselor or a therapist. I'm a doctor Maxon, not a mental hospital institute personnel."

"Oh come on!" Maxon roared and stomped like a kid being deprive.

"Don't 'oh come on' me! Leave me alone! You're already married yet you're still disturbing me! For sure you have friends right? Why don't you visit them instead of me? I have a lot of things to do, I am a very busy person, unlike you. I need to work hard for my needs geez," Carol said sighing, as she pushed her cousin Maxon out of her office.

"Well, my friends are busy that's why I came to you," Maxon said as he left Carol's office.

Carol raised her eyebrows at her cousin and said, "So? You're going to bother me because they're busy? I'm busy too, you know? What if I ban you from my hospital?"

"It's not yet yours, Wiatt Carol. It's still under my name. You're not married yet remember? It's our deal," Maxon said while grinning mischievously.

Carol's face got crumpled because of what her cousin said. Their grandparents leave the hospital on her hands but since she was not old enough when they died, it was named after her cousin Maxon and her cunning cousin used that opportunity to make a deal with her and she was stupid enough to agree.

And the deal is that, she needs to be married first before she can fully claim the hospital.

"Can we just forget about the deal? I am old enough to handle the hospital all by myself. I already prove my worth so I guess I can handle it now without a problem," Carol replied seriously.

"Nah," Maxon said and shook his head. "The deal will remain as a deal Carol. Get married first and the hospital will be yours. I know that you're a cunning woman but, I am Maxon your cousin, that is cunning as you are."

Carol didn't even pay attention to what her cousin said and slammed the door of her office. She even heard Maxon complaining on the other side but she didn't care anymore because she was pissed by him.

Why did she even agree on that deal?

"Argh! It's frustrating!"

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