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Sin of Lust #4 Ellie is the black sheep of the family, and she believed that you only lived once, so live your life to the fullest. What will happen if the man from her past came back to own her this time?

Chapter 1 1

Oh, this is a very memorable day for me!

"Here's to the prospect of never having to grow up!"

I shouted as I danced on stage with the DJ, and everyone in the audience gazed at me in amazement.

It's the height of summer. In the sense that it is summer, yet it is summer for me all year round, and it is always summer wherever it is meant to be summer. Since summer is my favorite season, I'll start with that.

"Oh! Make that colossal, obnoxious a$$ shake, dear!" While the person who worked next to me screamed back at me, I whirled around and drank down the full contents of my plastic cup, twerking as they yelled back at the person who worked next to me.

When Tito finds out you're here on the eraser, he won't know you're dead since they won't know you're alive, according to my DJ friend. And yeah, he can be a bomber when mum and dad need him to be, but he says nothing when he is not questioned about my antics.

"Silence, Kell, and change the tempo." It's taxing, you know," I whispered, and he grinned as he shoved me into the throng and waved his arms at me.

What a jerk you are! I screamed, and then there were hands gripping my shoulders behind me, and the severity of the tremor rose as the music played, and almost everyone was waiting for the top of the rhythm, and everyone here was very much alive at that moment.

"Ahhh! Allow me to join in on the fun!" exclaimed the woman next to me, who had henna tattoos on her arm and breast and shouted at me as her hair was being braided and her earrings were out of place. Just like me, she looked to be under the influence of intoxicants. But she's far worse than that.

It's time for you to step up, young guy." "That's the hype tune," says the DJ. She gave me the tablet with a grin on her face.

"You're welcome, honey," she said, a wink in her direction. The rum served as a prod to get me to swallow the tablet, and I did so without hesitation.

I've already gotten into the rhythm of the chorus, and I'm closing my eyes since my vision looks to be becoming blurred.

If the drug is still having an effect on you, "Your energy level looks to be enormous, and you do not appear to weary quickly," he said, and I gasped once more as I carefully dragged my sports bra and somewhat lower shorts down the back of my leg. Beach volleyball would have been a better choice for me given my increased energy level in this location.

If I have another game scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, I'm hoping I'll be able to just cancel it so that I may enjoy myself more.

"Can you see what that has an influence on?" When she asks, I feel like I'm floating through the air. It's impossible for me to think clearly, and my body has its own movement that occurs even when I'm not thinking, and I'm unable to articulate the energy that is present. It's pretty well-liked.

Please, no more dancing! What a sad motherfucker you're portraying yourself to be!

I shout while laughing aloud and teaching inept-looking people on how to dance and stand while sipping alcoholic beverages in a crowded club. Fuck. Why would someone consume alcohol if they do not wish to become intoxicated? Isn't it true that they're deluding themselves?

If you decide to drink, be aware that you will become inebriated, and that you should only be intoxicated once. You will set a limit for yourself. That limitation is a complete farce.

I asked for one bottle of vodka, which I was given. As I climbed on the high stool, the bartender stared at me as though he wasn't sure whether or not he should hand it over to me.

"I'll pay for everything!" My explanation was as follows: "Then I went down and retrieved the 4K in cold cash from the pocket of my shorts."

"If there's too much," I said, "I'll just go out and get some more liquor." As he continued to gaze at me, I expanded his pupils a little.

He waved his hand and then took it back before walking over to my spot and adjusting my bra so that I could see my underboob even though it congested the sports bra and my shorts with the section lifted, and I could see my underpants, even though it congested the sports bra and my shorts with the section lifted. Why should anyone worry about me if I don't have a pack on me?

In his words, "There are a lot of beaten foreigners here," he said, "so please, if you don't want to be injured or impolite, make sure your clothes is repaired." When he returned to his room, he put the bottle on his bedside table, which made me jump. I gave him a kind wink and a friendly grin.

'Thank you,' I said before opening my lips and gulping down the food. I completely forgot to taste the rusty fuck! I was that distracted!

I just brushed it off and sent the crowd out again, as if they didn't have any sense, all the while maintaining a cheerful demeanor.

I used to be referred to as their princess. However, I have made the decision to split from them and live my own life.

I'm not interested in bothering them or attempting to control them. I'm quite aware that my parents are control freaks, and if they perceive that you need to be managed, they will exert control over you, which I loathe. I keep questioning them as to why they don't act like Aubrey's parents and let her do everything she wants whenever she wants.

I close my eyes and think about the man who spoke to me earlier today. Moreno is his given name, and he's a wonderful cutie to be around! And, for God's sake, his eyes were a bright blue.

"I'm sorry," we both said at the same time, and he grinned, his teeth glistening.

He offered his hand, and I pretended to be unhappy while nodding, and we began dancing as I sipped the wine that I was carrying. He was taken aback by my hold and battled to keep his laughter in check. He didn't say anything when I raised an eyebrow at him; he just shrugged.

"Do you think you'll be able to eat that?" he queried. The fact that I had said something so unexpectedly caught him off guard. Instead, I only smirked as I tied him up and licked the skin off his chest.

he roared. I could feel his cock hardening. I went fucking crazy and shoved my hand into his shorts, only to discover that I had clutched a long, hard, and throbbing throb! I screamed and fucked my way out of there.

Stop, crap, stop, stop, stop. In his words, "I have a lot of admiration for women." He grabbed both of my arms, but his hand was still inside, so I held his length and gave him a hand job, at which point he grinned, and his hand trembled, before embracing me while I was enjoying what I was doing. "I've always had admiration for women," he said.

While still staring at me, he bent down and kissed her on the lips.

Our lips are about to come into contact with someone who licks my hair, and my body is moving quicker than my mind can keep up.

Despite the fact that I whirled around and smashed his head, I hit the bottle with lightning speed.

"Fuck! "It's my brain!" As a result of the woman's yelling, the man in front of me awoke and approached the woman who had hit me with the bottle since she had pulled me out.

The sounds came to a standstill, and everyone's eyes were drawn to me, er, to the two of us. Kellen and the bartender approached me and shook my hand.

"Can you tell me what you've done, Brattellie?" Kell let out a surprised sigh, and I just shrugged and took the plastic cup that was close to my chair.

"Can you tell me how it came to be, Kell, that someone called the cops?" Previously, the bartender reported that a police officer approached me and attempted to handcuff me, but was unable to do so since I was unable to flee; nonetheless, they believed Kell and accompanied me to the police station.

"She's throwing a drug party, and you know that's against the rules. "She's 20 years old, and you're aware that she might be imprisoned," the officers stated. They then brought me a glass of water and something to drink.

I was wearing the bartender's shirt, and he was on the phone with someone as Kell looked at me with a disapproving expression. He appeared to be a threat to me.

"My father is on his way," the bartender said, to which the officer responded with a grin.

You are not in need of parental supervision. Sadly, the mother and father of this net woman are heroin addicts. "Can you tell me who provided it to you and sold it to you?" I was preoccupied at the time and didn't pay attention to his question.

That's all there is to it. What the heck is going on?

"You should be aware that Mayor Go is on his way here." Then a man stepped into the precinct and asked for help.

"Dad, could you please aid Ellie?" She has to get out of this place as quickly as she possibly can. Her parents are unable to attend." Afterwards, her father grinned and devoured the police officer in front of me.

I nodded as I gingerly shook my godfather's hand and received a whack on the back of the head from my brother Gage.

"We are at a point where we cannot resolve this and enable my child to be adopted. "Isn't it possible for us to talk about this?" The officer nodded once more, this time with a smile on his face.

In response to my amusement, he said, "We're merely talking to your child's dissatisfied youngster."

"As I already indicated, she was the one who pulled my hair, and I simply defended myself," I explained.

"After shaking hands with the godfather, we said our goodbyes.

I know you know how to party, get drunk, and have a wonderful time, and I like that about you. Next time, use caution and resist the temptation to accept anything that is offered to you. "I'm aware that you are not a drug user," the godfather remarked.

"I can't recall who it was that I helped out with a hand job earlier." Kuya came to an abrupt halt, and Kell and the bartender both looked at me with a serious expression on their faces.

"Be careful with your words, young lady!" they both cried at the same time, and I instantly fell asleep.

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